Sentences with phrase «observation error»

The scientists also called for continued support of current and future technologies for ocean monitoring to reduce observation errors in sea surface temperature and ocean heat content.
Moreover, the scientists called for continued support of current and future technologies for ocean monitoring to minimize observation errors in sea surface temperature and ocean heat content.
Singh writes, «The first one is the instrument observation error.
I talked only about the topic of this post, which is: the mismatch betweem model results and observations, and it's implication for model uncertainty (since the mismatch can not be attributed to observation errors).
You agree that observation error can be ruled out in our case.
vs. observation error, etc during the recent «hiatus» just don't relate.
My argument is pretty simple, when you put in reasonable values for GHG, TSI forcing (aerosols too if you want), your model forecasts a warming in the 1910 to 1945 period so low that the high end of the forecast is below the low end of the observation error, i.e. the model fails.
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