Sentences with phrase «obvious signals»

Running water on windows is the most obvious signal of condensation and can lead to stained curtains, decaying window frames or moulding on paint and wallpaper.
The fossil signature of the Permian remains the only obvious signal of what went down 250 million years ago, but it, too, resists deciphering.
Thus, by moving your focus to the more reliable daily chart, you will have a natural guard against over-trading, that is assuming you are disciplined enough to only trade obvious signals on the daily chart that you have mastered previously by mastering one Forex trading strategy at a time.
Which made me question whether we should have been going to La Paz: the Universe is sending us some pretty obvious signals, dude.
the true test of the scouting ability of the service, rather than a regurgitation of who the best programs in the country are looking at, is to find a kid who is pretty highly ranked but does not have other obvious signals such as major programs recruiting him or elite camp type invites.
There are also less obvious signals: he seems lethargic or very cranky, not interested in anything or anyone around him, has little or no appetite, is spitting up more than usual, or his stools are either very hard or runny.
Don't withhold breast milk or formula because it isn't mealtime, yet, if your baby sends obvious signals she is hungry.
Your Daily Market Commentary is very educational for practicing obvious signals withing live market conditions.
The most obvious signal Kate was producing was sitting.
It is easy to assume cats don't experience pain like humans or dogs, since they don't always exhibit pain with obvious signals like vocalizing.
Meaning, he knows trading is a game of anticipation, not reaction, so he plans trades well in advance, has a bias for each market he trades, has key levels marked and then waits patiently for obvious signals to form.
The most obvious signal of that change was the development of Johanneson's Inc.'s newest store brand, KJ's Fresh Market.
If you haven't had an obvious signal that anything's wrong but are still wondering if your teen is doing okay, I recommend reviewing four areas of your teen's life:
The most obvious signal my 3 month old gives me (we have been EC» ing since birth) is kicking.
He chose the emission frequency of hydrogen because it is the most abundant element in the universe, and hence an obvious signal for any intelligent civilisation trying to get itself noticed by another.
«That junk food is bad for you is not news — the combination of saturated fat, calories, sugar, chemicals and lack of fibre is an obvious signal.
But having a car alarm can be a great way to create an obvious signal to surrounding witnesses that a crime has occurred.
The suspension is another obvious signal that this SUV was made for use off - road.
«Over-trading», also known as trading when no obvious signal is present, or taking «stupid» trades, or «gambling», is something I have discussed quite a bit in other articles, so I won't get into it too much today.
Where traders get into trouble is when they don't see an obvious signal right away and then keep looking until they convince themselves there's something worth trading, even though there isn't.
Learn to think about this time in - between trades as a period of self - discipline and self - mastery, the very fact that you are not trading when there are no obvious signals means that you are not losing money, and not losing money is the same as making money when you consider the fact that you would be trying to make back what you lost, but since you didn't lose any money you have nothing to try and make back.
You are already thinking that IF an obvious signal forms, I'll trade it, but IF no obvious signals form, then I will come back to the charts tomorrow and check again.
Puppies have no control over their ability to hold the urge to urinate or defecate so look for the obvious signals they will exhibit before «doing their business».
That was exactly what Dr. Pielke insisted we should be doing: to ignore the obvious that the warming of the lower troposphere has halted, when averaged over the time period 1998 (or 2002) to the present, ignores the obvious signal in the data.
· Put up a clear Do Not Disturb sign, or an obvious signal that you are busy.
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