Sentences with phrase «of a cancer diagnosis»

With a rapidly growing rate of cancer diagnosis in the world, there are several reasons why you might want to invest in this type of a policy.
The types of manual labor available in rural areas rarely offer disability benefits and therefore increase the impact of cancer diagnosis for this population.
Because of this, all firefighters should be treated equally and receive equal benefits in the event of a cancer diagnosis.
This new understanding of the serious consequences of a cancer diagnosis has great implications for the relatives and healthcare personnel of cancer patients.
The new technology may facilitate the current method of cancer diagnosis.
In addition, the study seemed to indicate that having diabetes not only increased your chance of a cancer diagnosis, but also increased the likelihood you would eventually die of the disease.
This insurance plan has been introduced in response to the rapidly growing rate of cancer diagnosis worldwide and the booming cost of cancer care and treatments.
With the rapid growth of cancer diagnosis worldwide, the cost of cancer treatment is also growing significantly.
«She has a special talent for working with women and their families who are in the overwhelming, often painful early days of a cancer diagnosis,» she adds.
As the doctor examines the patient, the odds of a cancer diagnosis may go up or down.
Our approach to care includes helping parents and siblings cope with and adjust to the realities of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well.
In fact, it's the leading cause of cancer diagnoses and death.
The expense of cancer diagnosis, staging, and treatment is often a significant barrier to practicing effective small animal oncology in a general practice setting.
If this is your dog you probably need some time to absorb the import of the cancer diagnosis.
The good news is that we are making progress in many areas of cancer diagnosis and treatment, including exciting advances in new drugs and vaccine development.
Along with dealing with the absolute devastation of a cancer diagnosis I was scrambling trying to figure out how I could afford surgery.
This is the first book of its kind to address these legal topics through the lens of cancer diagnosis.
It generally involves three options like Silver, Gold and Platinum and an added advantage of premium waiver of cancer diagnosis at an early stage.
Meaning you can access your death benefit for cash in the even of a cancer diagnosis, heart attack, stroke and other triggers.
In today's world, the rising number of cancer diagnosis and its prolonged treatment afterwards result in the tremendous increase in the cost of cancer care.
These plans pay out money at minor as well as major critical stages of the covered types of cancer diagnosis, ongoing treatment, and surgery.
The distribution of cancer diagnoses was 40 % leukemia / lymphoma, 46 % solid, and 14 % brain tumors.
This includes protection against 26 critical illnesses, a return of premium option and no wait times in the event of a cancer diagnosis.
Most clinical research trials investigating new methods of cancer diagnosis or treatment are conducted at colleges of veterinary medicine.
Managing the probable risk of a cancer diagnosis becomes an imperative for any burgeoning family, especially in the context of the primary breadwinner, lest chance brings about financial difficulties in the form of lost income and exorbitant medical bills.
The psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis on families: the influence of family functioning and patients» illness characteristics on depression and anxiety
That reasoning fit a time when hysteria was recognized as an emotional disorder specific to women, and when physicians delivered news of a cancer diagnosis to the husbands or fathers of their female patients.
This may be because, at the referral center studied, there is a dedicated program that provides support and counselling, focusing mostly on breast cancer patients within the first year of cancer diagnosis.
The missing toes were amputated because of a cancer diagnosis in a toe on each of his front feet.
In case of cancer diagnosis after proper diagnostic investigation or treatment by a qualified medical practitioner or surgeon, the insured is paid 50 % of the sum insured or Rs. 2.5 lakh, whichever is less as a lump sum amount on acceptance of claim under the policy.
Platinum plan is an addition to the gold plan where a monthly amount equal to one percent of the sum insured will be paid for the next five years of policy, starting from the major stage of cancer diagnosis.
Tags: bankruptcy, D. Gary Gilliland, hutchinson institute for cancer outcomes research, Study of Cancer Diagnosis as a Risk Factor for Personal Bankruptcy, value cancer care summit
Nabeel stopped his speaking engagements with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries when he learned of his cancer diagnosis in 2016.
On Tuesday 5/3, New England Patriot Patrick Chung and Chef Ming Tsai teamed up with a handful of celebrity chefs for Cooking Live, a fundraiser by Family Reach Foundation to benefit families struggling financially in the face of a cancer diagnosis.
But finding a cancer that would never have caused men harm during their lifetime can have a serious impact on quality of life, including the worry of a cancer diagnosis, the possibility of infection following a biopsy and impotence and incontinence following treatment.
Patient navigation, or the linking of a newly diagnosed cancer patient with a professional trained in assisting patients though the complex journey of cancer diagnosis and treatment, may lead to better breast cancer care in high risk and minority women.
However, the researchers determined that since most health care demands of heart failure patients occur early after diagnosis and most cancers were diagnosed after 1.5 years, this detection bias was not a major reason for more instances of cancer diagnosis in heart failure patients.
«This technology may enable us to better detect circulating cancer cells and provides another tool to add to the toolkit of cancer diagnosis
Using information from national cancer registries, the study recorded 811 solid cancers in the women and showed that the ratio of abdominal fat to peripheral fat was a significant independent predictor of cancer diagnosis up to 12 years after baseline (hazard ratio [HR] 1.30; 95 %, CI: 1.11 to 1.52; p < 0.001).
«In some cases, a low volume of less aggressive prostate cancer may not necessitate treatment, but even in those cases where a «treatment» is not performed in favor of active surveillance, the emotional distress of a cancer diagnosis shouldn't be underestimated,» Turini said.
Privately insured children and those with Medicaid at the time of a cancer diagnosis experience largely similar survival trends, with slight evidence for an increased risk of cancer death in children who were uninsured at diagnosis, finds a new study from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.
The finding was that the type of fat consumed and breast cancer diagnosis mattered; EVOO plus eating a Mediterranean Diet was best for less likelihood of a cancer diagnosis, followed by nut supplementation (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds).
What's worse, the medical profession is largely ignorant of the fact that most cancers are rooted in metabolic and mitochondrial dysfunction, and hence the conventional prevention recommendations do little to nothing to quell the tide of cancer diagnoses.
On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Alschuler will talk about how to naturally heal the body of a cancer diagnosis.
There he plans to assist his weakening mother (Molly Shannon, defiantly unglamorous) cope with the crippling blow of a cancer diagnosis.
In seven elegant essays — one of which is in the form of Sacks» personal journal of his cancer diagnosis, subsequent treatment for ocular melanoma and the impairment of his right eye — the author takes us on a journey into «the complex workings of the brain and its astounding ability to adapt and overcome disability.»
By doing so, we hope that this would improve the accuracy of cancer diagnoses and treatment recommendations we make for dogs with mast cell tumors and other cancers, improving their quality of life and lifespan.
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