Sentences with phrase «of a changing society»

This week, Scientific American announced ten emerging technologies with innovations that are on the verge of changing society.
Fresh: As much a study of a changing society as it is a story of evil spirits.
I feel that there is a case to be made for those who leave a church because that church is moving forward and changing to meet the demands of a changing society and some people just don't like it!
There are, in the midst of fragmentation, signs of a changing society in the context of religious plurality, where people of different religious traditions are instrumental in building new communities and where interreligious dialogue promotes a new understanding of the other.
There is a confidence and peace that emanates from the children in a Waldorf school that Jennifer believes is the core of a changed society.
August is World Breastfeeding Month, an indication of the changes society has seen in the decades since the bad old days of the Nestle boycott.
Thatcher can be classed together with David Lloyd George and Clement Attlee as political leaders who sought power with the express intention of changing society, and did so to the best of their ability.
As GK Chesterton once said, the danger of progressive politics is that, instead of changing society to fit the ideal, we alter the ideal: it is easier.
According to the website, «Feeld is constantly looking for passionate humans capable of changing society through words, code, ideas, design.»
A shocking percentage of white Americans believe that they are discriminated against racially and that their dwindling demographic majority is an actual threat rather than a natural outcome of a changing society.
Told in rich, lyrical prose and set against the background of a changing society, Tiger Hills is a sweeping saga about one woman's determination to live life on her own terms — and a riveting novel about the choices we make in the name of family, nation, and love.
Few artists capture the everyday realities of a changing society like Cao Fei.
Since 1967, Clinicare has been a leader in behavioral and mental health care whose mission is to successfully meet the needs of a changing society.
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