Sentences with phrase «of animal suffering»

Our veterinarians took the veterinary medical oath upon becoming doctors and part of that oath is to aid in the «relief of animal suffering».
Free veterinary care is vital, but it can never tackle the root causes of animal suffering.
Many veterinarians aren't aware of the scope of animal suffering in their communities.
Once purchased at pet stores, advocates charge that many of these animals suffer lifelong health problems and even die from their diseases.
But even at one to three percent, with millions and millions of vaccines given yearly, that's still a lot of animals suffering adverse reactions.
We are devoted to the elimination of animal suffering, always respecting patients and their owners while maintaining our personal and medical integrity at all times.
Was it because you wanted to reduce the amount of animal suffering by not giving money to those companies?
It's provides flexible protection when there are new situations of animal suffering not covered by existing welfare laws.
If you are reading this, I'm guessing you love animals and are upset and disturbed by images of animals suffering.
Plant - based alternatives to animal - based foods are readily available these days, as consumers become more aware of animal suffering.
There are numerous reports of animals suffering as they die in gas chambers.
It is so hard to keep going and keep up with the demand of the animals suffering.
Animal advocacy organizations use a wide variety of tactics to address many forms of animal suffering.
As individuals and organizations who care about the creatures around us, there's an urge to act immediately when we hear of an animal suffering.
If the very sight of animal suffering makes your restless, or you feel a strong desire to do something for it, you are perfect for the job.
Part of that oath is to aid in the «relief of animal suffering».
The most important one is that it reduces one major cause of animal suffering.
The move comes in response to an exposé published in The New York Times last month, which documented numerous cases of animal suffering and death at a Department of Agriculture facility that has been trying to create larger and more fecund farm animals for several decades.
Research funders should take an applicant's publication record into account when weighing the costs of animal suffering against the potential benefits of the research.
Radiographs of the animal suffering from megacolon will reveal the distended colon impacted with fecal material.
We will succeed through the protection of animal health, the prevention of animal suffering, and the promotion of both public health and the human - animal bond
While this move was aimed to curb the flagrant sale of animals raised in terrible conditions, it appears that the new head of this department will do little to ensure the protection of millions of animals suffering in mills.
Death Before the Fall: Biblical Literalism and the Problem of Animal Suffering by Ronald E. Osborn
PETA focuses its attention on four main areas in which the largest number of animals suffer the most intensely including factory farms: the clothing trade, laboratories, and the entertainment industry.
Many of these animals suffer severe pain and debilitating bondage, yet they share with us the very qualities — the will to live and the capacity to suffer — that, as possessed by fellow humans, rightly elicit our moral regard (Regan).
It is especially puzzling why the deity of traditional free will theism, who created the universe for the sake of soul - building, would have taken over 10 billion years simply to set the stage, employing an evolutionary process involving hundreds of millions of years of animal suffering prior to the rise of human beings.
It was the week leading up to the Festival of Sacrifice, the peak time of animal suffering and cruelty in the Middle East.
If thousands of animals suffered and died during transport in Australia this year it would be a crime.
The accomplishment warrants celebration, but with judicious restraint until how it occurred and the consequences of achieving it are better understood ---- especially since the drop of 300,000 may have come more as result of changes in shelter operating policies than through programs that actually prevent cat and dog births, reduce the numbers of cats and dogs at large, protect the health and safety of humans and other animals, and reduce the net amount of animal suffering.
«Lots of animals suffer fertility problems,» Miller said.
And I've got to say, those rat data have me seriously considering a return to my old vegetarianism days — not that I dine on rats, of course, but laughing animals do make the prospect of animal suffering unusually salient and uncomfortable in my mind.
Some contest that this approach dilutes the message of animal advocates and makes it more difficult in the long run to convince people of the seriousness of animal suffering.26 We also recognize this concern, but haven't seen convincing evidence that it outweighs the potential benefits of reducetarian / vegetarian messaging, such as a lower barrier to entry for the animal advocacy movement that could increase total support and momentum.
But the animal welfare activists insist on standing firm on behalf of the animals suffering in pet factories despite the intimidation as well as the soaring summer temperatures.
«None of their animals suffered, but they don't have electric or water....
We enjoy the results of animal suffering, but, unlike Vick, we don't enjoy the actual process of slaughtering animals.
There's no doubt that the intensive «factory» raising and slaughtering of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and fish is truly a hideous industry that causes a great deal of animal suffering.
This road has been long, never easy and sometimes emotionally taxing but I know that our work is not only directly saving lives, it is also opening the eyes of countless people to the immeasurable extent of animal suffering going on in the world as well as the horrors of the industries that profit from animals and the cruelty that is inherent to those industries.
Since 1972, the purpose of this non-profit organization has been the eradication of animal suffering primarily within Delaware County, Ohio.
When this happens, licensed animal shelters, rescue groups and animal control agencies are prevented from tackling companion animal overpopulation thus perpetuating the cycle of animal suffering and death.
In assessing the effectiveness of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) which licenses certain commercial breeders, attorney Melanie Vanderau stated in Science at any Cost: «While the AWA provides for humane treatment of animals, none of its stated purposes involved alleviation of animal suffering.
Still, in order to address the ongoing plight of animal suffering in Canada, symbolism is no longer enough.
Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific experience and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public
He carries this to the extent of strongly advocating vegetarianism for all on the grounds that eating animals is one of the greater causes of animal suffering in the world today.
The Rescue Train The Rescue Train is a unique, 501 (c) 3 non-profit, no - kill organization dedicated to the elimination of animal suffering and euthanasia through hands on rescue work, dedication to spay / neuter, education, and awareness.
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