Sentences with phrase «of blame»

But perhaps these advisors share part of the blame for creating these unintended consequences.
I would think your resume should take much of the blame for this.
We auto writers share part of the blame for the demise of pop - up jump seats in these vehicles.
But journalists need to take a lion's share of the blame for why the public is confused.
You could easily put a lot of the blame on gamers as a whole.
Yes the bully is responsible, but I would put most of the blame at the teachers feet.
Under the bill, it would be impossible to point fingers of blame in many different directions when policy is implemented badly, he said.
The report lays plenty of blame for the middle class's woes on the top 1 percent.
And history has shown that legislative bodies, not executives, bear most of the blame in the event of a government shutdown.
It shifts us out of a place of blame.
The key is to enter into the meetings agreeing that there will be no laying of blame, and neither partner is completely at fault.
There has been a lot of blame going around.
In most cases, a trucking company, truck driver, or their insurer will be represented by an attorney who will seek to minimize the amount of blame assigned to them.
Instead of blaming others for what's wrong in your life, focus on what you can do to make things better.
The upside is that you can still recover some compensation even if you share a substantial portion of the blame with the defendant.
I accept part of the blame here, since I write a lot about the relative merits of specific funds.
There were so many moves breaking down but the player he lays the blame on was the least deserving of any blame.
On whom does the majority of the blame lie for this?
But lower level managers have their share of blame as well.
Like christians with their god, he gets none of the blame when things go wrong.
Or, if both of them are, which motorist is worthy of more of the blame?
When relationships aren't going well, we can get stuck in a vicious cycle of blame and withdrawal.
Some of that has to do with the poor writing not giving him any opportunity to do so, but a lot of the blame falls on his shoulders.
Lots of moms - to - be feel the need to place some kind of blame on a particular person as their pain increases.
Why does this «divine agency» get all the credit for 1 survivor, but none of the blame for all of those who did not survive?
However, you will likely be assigned a percentage of the blame for the accident.
... You want to get out of the blame game.
An opportunity arises when a couple addresses old patterns of blame, anger and resentment.
Part of the blame rests with how experts write and talk about economic problems.
He did not disappoint of course although there was not much he could in the way of blaming the officials or saying that we were lucky in some way.
The wind farmers must take the bulk of the blame for the bright lights.
So why are they suddenly confident in this attribution of blame?
I probably got 10 percent of the blame, and that says something about society.
It can be easy to fall into the habit of blaming other people.
There is a disconnect between gamer's assumptions and real costs, but I think you post points out there is also a bit of blame on the development side for not working efficiently.
That openness is far from guaranteed and separating the investigation of blame from that of safety is intended to encourage those being investigated to be open.
Enough of blame game, it won't take us anywhere.
As often happens in struggling schools, a culture of blame developed.
«I was out of work for nearly two years before I found another job at a much lower salary,» she said by email, though she stopped short of blaming Silver.
The fear of blame undermines the possibility of learning.
The challenge for the therapist is to move the couple away from this sort of blaming thinking.
The politics of blame has found an acceptable face: it wears a big smile and looks like someone you could have a pint with down the pub.
Though I chose to blame myself, I am finding a lot of support for the idea of blaming technology when discussing the idea of screen time.

Phrases with «of blame»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z