Sentences with phrase «of calcitriol»

This study found that calcium deficiency stimulates the production of calcitriol regardless of vitamin D intake, while vitamin D deficiency has no effect on calcitriol levels.
Your body regulates your blood levels of calcitriol very carefully, so it isn't a proper form for testing or monitoring vitamin D deficiency.
Importantly, deleting these regions affected the response of vitamin D activation to hormones, but not to inflammation - related molecules, indicating that these regions were key to allowing researchers to separately study the two types of calcitriol production.
While the long - term goal of the team is to understand the function of calcitriol in inflammatory diseases, identifying the kidney - specific enhancer region of the genome is already yielding insights into the mechanisms involved in bone disorders.
[8] The binding of calcitriol to the VDR allows the VDR to act as a transcription factor that modulates the gene expression of transport proteins (such as TRPV6 and calbindin), which are involved in calcium absorption in the intestine.
In rats, experimental calcium deficiency in the presence of adequate vitamin D caused a more than four-fold elevation of calcitriol and a more than 60 percent drop in 25 (OH) D from just under 40 ng / mL to about 15 ng / mL (4)(click to enlarge):
The proponents of calcitriol seem very convinced that it makes patients with kidney failure feel better and live longer, though.
Because the liver and the kidneys are involved in the production of calcitriol, diseases of these organs may affect your ability to make this hormone.
Based on these pre-clinical data, we performed two phase I clinical trials of calcitriol with either carboplatin or paclitaxel and administered higher doses of calcitriol than previously reported without toxicity.
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