Sentences with phrase «of encephalitis»

For example certain toxic elements such as lead, certain metabolic malfunctions such as liver disease, certain aberrant migration of a parasitic disease such as roundworm, and certain tumors are all possible causes of encephalitis in addition to the infectious causes such as Lyme disease.
In the mid-1980s he had a rare form of encephalitis caused by a virus, a herpes encephalitis.
Rockefeller's Jean - Laurent Casanova has identified mutations in a single gene that may explain what goes wrong in cases of encephalitis of the brain stem, the part of the brain that controls many basic functions including heart rate and breathing.
Smeyne suspects that all flu viruses, including the current H1N1 swine flu pandemic, could cause symptoms of encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain.
HEALTH officials in Asia and beyond are becoming increasingly alarmed about a deadly outbreak of encephalitis in Malaysia.
Everglades virus, a type of encephalitis virus, is found in South Florida, said Burkett - Cadena, and Culex panocossa is known to transmit encephalitis viruses.
Join the Society — your membership demonstrates your support and enables you to influence the future development of The Encephalitis Society; so that it is able to make confident representations on behalf of all who are affected by Encephalitis.
In 1990, Kanduke, a 25 - year - old male orca died suddenly at SeaWorld Orlando, the victim of encephalitis virus carried by a mosquito.
The H1N1 flu pandemic in 1918 was followed by an outbreak of encephalitis and later by an unusually high number of cases of Parkinson's disease.
Donate either your time or money — or both and be part of helping to spread the word, and help build awareness of Encephalitis around the world.
We want February 22nd to be the first time that people hear of Encephalitis instead of when a loved one is fighting for their life.»
Flaherty's policy resume includes the Registered Disability Savings Plan, an issue close to his heart after raising a son mentally disabled by an infant bout of encephalitis.
An additional 10 cases of encephalitis associated with yellow fever vaccine administered to infants aged < 4 months were reported worldwide during the 1950s.
Studies conducted during the early 1950s identified 4 cases of encephalitis out of 1,000 children aged < 6 months vaccinated with yellow fever vaccine.
«The consequences of this encephalitis seem to be particularly harmful in newborns,» said Gérardin.
Asleep By Molly Caldwell Crosby (Penguin Group) Crosby's harrowing account traces seven case histories during the early - 1900s epidemic of encephalitis lethargica, a sleeping sickness.
One study limitation is that the diagnostic criteria for autoimmune and infectious causes of encephalitis differed, which could affect the comparison.
«After a detailed necropsy and histology that took several intense days to perform, the results clearly suggested that the underlying cause of Knut's seizures was a result of encephalitis, most likely of viral origin» says Dr Szentiks.
Clinical Spectrum of Encephalitis Associated With Antibodies Against the alpha - Amino -3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazolepropionic Acid Receptor: Case Series and Review of the Literature.
Treatment was discontinued following reports of encephalitis.
There are two broad categories of encephalitis in dogs: infectious causes and non-infectious causes.
Other potential problems in the breed include patella luxation (dislocating kneecap), hip dysplasia (degeneration or malformation of the hip joint), Legg - Perthes (breakdown of the femoral head, the «ball» of the ball - and - socket hip joint), and a form of encephalitis apparently unique to the breed.
Although most people think of infection as the most common cause of encephalitis there are actually many other possibilities to consider.
Composed of multiple meticulously - constructed structures of wire, sewn fabric patches, wire cleaner, and plastic suspended in the space, the installation draws inspiration from the rhizomatic structure of the brain and its circuitry after the artist's father suffered an episode of encephalitis that caused damage to the speech and language area of the brain.
One illustration that can be used as an example is the situation with the spread of encephalitis - carrying ticks in Moscow Region.
As head of clinical negligence at Moore Blatch, Tim Spring, has a particular interest in the diagnosis and treatment of encephalitis and has been involved with The Encephalitis Society for over 15 years.
«World Encephalitis Day aims to not only raise awareness of Encephalitis amongst the public, but to also engage and educate the medical profession on best practice, providing the best possible chance of recovery to patients.»
For anyone unaware of Encephalitis, it is inflammation of the brain and can be triggered by the cold sore virus or even the common cold.
Tim Spring, Partner and Head of Clinical Negligence at Moore Blatch has been supporting the Society's work for many years and he is currently the Chair of the Board of the Trustees of the Encephalitis Society.
Similar to Knut's case, many human medical cases went undiagnosed for decades because a causative pathogen could not be linked to the symptoms of encephalitis.
Powassan, found mainly in the northeastern United States and the Great Lakes region, causes a severe form of encephalitis.
Malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, West Nile virus, and various types of encephalitis are all carried by mosquitoes, and some of the diseases they carry are literally strong enough to kill a horse.
Matt Cassell, who is leading the World Encephalitis Day campaign said: «For many people, the first time they hear of Encephalitis is in a hospital waiting room, or at the bed side of a loved one.
Traditionally, it has been thought that infections account for most cases of encephalitis, but this study shows autoimmune encephalitis is an equally common cause.
Non-infectious causes of encephalitis are much more common in dogs and will be the focus of this article.
«These numbers are both much higher than the rates of encephalitis in the United States in these age categories, even when you add together all the causes of encephalitis,» Gérardin said.
In late 1998 and early 1999, hundreds of pig industry workers in Malaysia and 11 employees of a Singaporean slaughterhouse came down with a severe form of encephalitis that killed about 40 % of its victims.
It has what researchers call a «high disease vector potential,» since it bites humans often and is a carrier of diseases including West Nile, dengue, yellow fever, and two types of encephalitis.
«New treatment for a rare form of encephalitis: Researchers report success in treating anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.»
To identify cases of encephalitis, the study used data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, a medical records database of all medical providers in Olmsted County, Minnesota.
Treatment for any form of encephalitis is «immediate, aggressive» medical intervention including antibiotics that can cross the blood - brain barrier, according to the National Institutes of Health.
No further cases of encephalitis were noted.
A unique form of encephalitis is prevalent in the pug breed and is called «Pug Dog Encephalitis.»
I would like to add for the sake of Oliver, my friend who suffered from paralysed rear legs and death shortly after a vaccine shot, that «paresis» is listed in Merck's Manual as a symptom of encephalitis.
This inflammation can be caused by infection of the brain (bacterial, viral, fungal and parasites are examples of infectious causes of encephalitis) or can be immune - mediated; which means the body's immune system is malfunctioning and creating abnormal inflammation for reasons we do not fully understand.
Younger to middle age dogs appear more predisposed to all forms of encephalitis than older dogs.
Epilepsy is also listed by Merck as a symptom of encephalitis, and we know that encephalitis can be vaccine - induced.
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