Sentences with phrase «of harassment»

The teachers hear students telling their own stories and learn strategies for appropriately addressing name - calling and other forms of harassment.
For example, personal injury claims or claims based on allegations of harassment are not bases for a borrower defense application.
It also allows contract workers who are not employees to file complaints of harassment in the workplace and prohibits confidential settlements unless victims specifically requested privacy.
If the female employee made timely complaints of harassment, the employer could have addressed the issue in the workplace and prevented it getting to the point where constructive dismissal was the result.
If you have been a victim of harassment in the workplace, you are not alone.
However, sexual harassment is typically the most - publicized type of harassment in the media.
Ultimately, successful companies commit to providing a positive working environment free of harassment and discrimination for all employees and celebrate all aspects of diversity.
However there has been a few reported cases of harassment to solo women travelers walking home late at night.
It is an apparent response to complaints that users seldom knew whether anyone got their reports of harassment, and were never informed about what action had been taken.
One woman said he throws great block parties, but she's been hearing about claims of harassment for years.
The definition of harassment in occupational health and safety law usually mirrors the definition found under human rights legislation.
The defendant had pursued a long campaign of harassment against an individual.
These are the types of events where much of the harassment of or discrimination against female lawyers occurs, several speakers said.
Those crude acts of harassment often come alongside more - sophisticated legal and political attacks.
When I shared my experiences with another woman investor, she described her own story of harassment.
The other measures give little additional leverage to victims and fail to protect people subject to other kinds of harassment, critics say.
However, in neither instance was conduct rising to the level of harassment found by the human resources officer assigned by the employer to investigate the matter.
Answer: Try to fight that urge, as it may land you right back in prison again on charges of harassment.
Believe other women who report instances of harassment or discrimination.
«If there is an alleged culture of harassment there, this is a first step,» he says.
It's no wonder she considers even a «year of harassment» a far better experience than life as usual.
Even when not the target of harassment, respondents who watched it unfold in their departments or workplaces were more likely to consider leaving their positions, he said.
There is therefore some justification in the context of the public order offence of harassment for special condemnation of abuse directed at someone's race.
A course of conduct must be grave before the offence or tort of harassment is proved.
The letter provides examples of harassment and illustrates how a school should respond in each case.
I dug into the matter a bit and found no evidence of any sort of harassment or abuse.
Where an employee is planning to have, or has had, cosmetic surgery, there may be an increased risk of harassment.
Before her post, others who spoke up publicly and privately about their experiences of harassment were at best ignored.
SEL strives to educate children about the effects of harassment and bullying based on social standing, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
However, women are still too often the subject of harassment and degradation in the workplace.
This is the first of a six - part series that will address guidelines and suggestions for conducting investigations of harassment complaints.
The government's bill doesn't outline sanctions for employees found guilty of harassment.
If he was married his spouse is now alone and missing an income source and probably getting an unbelievable amount of harassment and heat.
The sensitive nature of harassment issues, and particularly sexual harassment issues, can be a barrier to candid disclosure of such incidents.
After becoming aware of the harassment or other inappropriate treatment of an employee, the employer has a statutory obligation to intervene in the situation.
And evidence of harassment and discrimination found on social media continues to come up.
Only make objections during a trial or hearing for legitimate and good faith reasons, and not solely for the purpose of harassment or delay.
But some parents of children with chronic health conditions (and resulting erratic attendance patterns) have complained of harassment.
Yet, in the face of harassment and hatred, she keeps going.
Despite the prevalence of harassment claims, most will ultimately fail at trial, or before.
Women today are still on the receiving end of harassment and abuse in every part of their lives.
Doing so will allow you to make HR and operational decisions without the threat of harassment - related complaints or litigation.
However, if someone continues to rant to the point of harassment, report it to the website.
We take all allegations of harassment seriously, particularly if those allegations involve a staff person or teacher employed by our district.
Both of these solutions seem to imply that the majority of the harassment comes from venture capitalists, rather than any other group of industry power brokers.
For example, let's say you're creating a scenario on the topic of harassment in the workplace.

Phrases with «of harassment»

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