Sentences with phrase «of human differences»

The answer rather is to learn to respect and be tolerant towards one another regardless of human differences such a culture, heritage, opinion, and belief.
Any judgment on human nature runs into the problem of human differences.
Recent papers on process thought and feminism have used the term «androgynous to depict the range of maleness / femaleness expressed in both humans and God.1 In a similar sense, «gynandrous» has been proposed.2 To be sure, the aim is to capture, by means of an appropriate term, the rich texture of human differences, that one is neither strictly «female» or «male» but a creative combination of the qualities historically assigned to both.
The healing factor that saved the early Christians was the realization that drawing nearer to Christ reduced the importance of human differences and brought the worshipers closer to one another.
If there's anything tying together the detours and roadblocks that comprise Big Holiday, it's the film's big, bold, screaming celebration of human difference.
11:30 am — The Power of Human Difference In the research for the FT Innovative Lawyers reports, diverse teams, both in the inherent and cognitive sense, are most likely to innovate.
It has at the same time scanned the earth, making note of human differences.
This is in stark contrast to the public realm, which is characterised by the diversity of human difference, and where plural appeals prevail.
GOPNIK: Yeah, so one of the big scientific ideas of the book is about the value of variability, the inherent value of human difference.
We decry the extremes of the Taliban but extremes of all religions and cultures indulge these views and intolerance of human differences.
Our staff encompasses a broad range of human differences and abilities including but not limited to: age, ethnicity, gender, geographic origin, race, faith, religion, and progressive values; and are committed to utilizing them to best serve our clients.
Cultural competence is established through the therapist's capacity to be self - aware in regards to their own identities and cultural norms, the therapist's abilities to be sensitive to the nuances of the realities of human difference, and the therapist's capacity to hold and value a philosophy of difference, allowing for creative responses to the client.
Recent papers on process thought and feminism have used the term «androgynous to depict the range of maleness / femaleness expressed in both humans and God.1 In a similar sense, «gynandrous» has been proposed.2 To be sure, the aim is to capture, by means of an appropriate term, the rich texture of human differences, that one is...
Bynum claims not only that the church was not dualistic about body and soul, but that it stressed the importance of human difference and particularity.
I'm going to tell you a little about myself by way of introduction and how I happened to get into the work that I do — of working primarily with congregations and occasionally with other religious organizations around issues of human differences.
Of Boy Meets Boy, the reviewer at Booklist wrote: «In its blithe acceptance and celebration of human differences, this is arguably the most important gay novel since Annie on My Mind and seems to represent a near revolution in the publishing of gay - themed books for adolescents» - which pretty much blew David away when he read it.
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