Sentences with phrase «of human excellence»

Socrates said, «The highest form of human excellence is to ask questions of oneself and others.»
Science Progress proceeds from the propositions that scientific inquiry is among the finest expressions of human excellence, that it is a crucial source of human flourishing, a critical engine of economic growth, and must be dedicated to the common good.
Practical experience teaches a couple that, willy «nilly, they will need to practice abstinence at times, just as they at times enjoy ecstasy» and the tension of that drama is a large part of human excellence.
In The Fragility of Goodness, author Martha Nussbaum writes, «The peculiar beauty of human excellence just is its vulnerability.»
There could be no society that would combine the excellences of republican Rome and the Christian virtues, no single form of the good life that could hold together these two quite different visions of human excellence.
As Lear puts it, «It is constitutive of human excellence that one develop a capacity for appropriately disrupting one's understanding of what excellence consists in» in order to come to a deeper understanding of that excellence.
But our culture longs for models of human excellence that extend far beyond mere technical competence and that temper the pride of intellect with wisdom and charity.
David says he agrees with:::::::: Socrates said, «The highest form of human excellence is to ask questions of oneself and others.»
Science Progress proceeds from the propositions that scientific inquiry is among the finest expressions of human excellence, that it is a crucial source of human flourishing, a critical engine of economic growth, and must be dedicated to the common good.
The highest form of human excellence is to ask God the questions, and then follow / do them, live out the answers — as you put so excellently in your 1:22 am post.
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