Sentences with phrase «of meaningful content»

The lack of meaningful content and acquisitions are making these two lag behind the competition.
This means incentivizing the use of meaningful content in the classroom and eschewing misguided, patronizing notions of fairness that would undermine the promise of the Common Core and harm the educational opportunities of our most disadvantaged students.
In 2015, the Los Angeles school board decided to roll back graduation requirements by allowing students to pass classes required for college entrance with a grade of a «D» instead of a «C.» And in Los Angeles and elsewhere, students who are not on track to graduate from high school can now take «credit recovery» classes — many of which are devoid of any meaningful content.
Once again Destiny sells the illusion of meaningful content for a Queen's ransom.
And while squid hats and cats that players can wear on their head are highly amusing, the dearth of meaningful content, like modes or maps, for Metal Gear Online means there's little reason to keep playing.
As emphasized by the Committee, «the fact that realization over time, or in other words progressively, is foreseen under the Covenant should not be misinterpreted as depriving the obligation of all meaningful content
I also Tweet about the occasional personal tidbit, but I try to follow the 80/20 ratio of meaningful content to fun minutiae.
Does this barrage of meaningful content offered up make the thirst to play this rise from «pressing» to «incessant»?
Like many of the other VR experiences in this launch, Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live is an impressive technical showcase that opens the imagination for future VR games, but is currently bereft of meaningful content or replay value.
All you people who complained about the respawning checkpoints in Far Cry 2, a game in which you were not Rambo and therefore did not get to single - handedly defeat the entire military of a Third World country, will finally get the chance to stop bad guys from spawning so that you can depopulate your open - world shooter of meaningful content.
There's a lot to like here, but personally speaking, what we like the most is that it's a proper DLC pack that delivers a large amount of meaningful content at an appropriate price.
This game contains packs of meaningful content additions, similar to games released before DLC was popularized.
It is unfortunate that Blizzard chose to offer these loot boxes through micro-transactions, particularly when the cost / content ratio seems wildly off — $ 1.99 for two loot boxes with random cosmetic upgrades is pretty lame — but there is at least the promise of meaningful content being added on a strictly free basis moving forward to distract us from that.
Unless the obligation to enforce legislation is to be emptied of any meaningful content, a point must come at which the statutory text is so clear as to preclude a given «interpretation», even if competing constructions would accommodate rule - of - law or separation - of - powers considerations less fully.
Sea of Thieves launched last month on March 20th for Xbox One and PC with mixed reception partly due to the lack of any meaningful content in the game, however, despite that Sea Of Thieves has managed to become the fastest - selling Rare game in the history of the studio.
While there are some talented artists working in this vein ---- Richard Aldrich and Joe Bradley, to name two ---- much of the stuff is so hopelessly bland and devoid of meaningful content that it has garnered the moniker «zombie formalism.»
House Of Wolves goes one step further by using flowery wordplay to create the illusion of meaningful content.
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