Sentences with phrase «of one's lungs»

«We observed a 49 percent increased risk of lung cancer among subjects with the highest daily glycemic index,» author of new study says.
For the last 2 nights she wakes up screaming at the top of her lungs for over 10 minutes.
One option would be to screen those at high risk of lung cancer because they are current or past smokers of a certain age.
They knew people who died of lung cancer from smoking.
Then move attention to the feeling of air flowing into and out of the lungs for three breaths — usually «felt» in the chest.
Furthermore, some experts believe that such disorders as respiratory distress, certain forms of lung disease, anemia, and eye problems could potentially be avoided.
There is a type of lung cancer in sheep that is due to infection with a virus.
After smoking, it's the second leading cause of lung cancer.
The lining of our lungs releases bacteria - killing compounds.
It improves the efficiency of the functioning of lung tissues and helps in treating throat infections as well.
Compared with the control cells, about twice as many of the lung cells were infected with the virus.
Older adults over age 65 are at high risk for developing pneumonia, an inflammation of the lungs typically caused by infection.
For the first time, a major study has shown that a drug targeting the body's disease - fighting immune system may improve survival for the most common form of lung cancer.
70 days later they reach the arteries of the lungs where they continue to develop and grow.
The idea is then to take the lung function information calculated by this new imaging and use advanced radiation delivery techniques to spare the parts of the lung used for breathing.
This type accounts for as much as 80 percent of all lung cancer cases.
I would be feeding one and never fail, the other one would start screaming at the top of their lungs for their bottle.
Do you have questions about a possible medical malpractice case involving a delay in diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer?
As its name implies, heartworm lives in the heart and blood vessels of the lungs of these animals.
The trial also recorded fewer cases of lung cancer in those on the treatment, consistent with basic research findings hinting that the same inflammatory pathway may initiate or spur tumor growth.
«The risk of development of lung cancer was higher for anyone with increased years of exposure to asbestos fiber combined with a smoking habit,» said one of the lead researchers.
A new study followed over 6,000 people for 20 years and found that using cleaning products frequently — either professionally or at home — can be linked to an increased rate of lung decline.
Its aim is not just to relax, but also to encourage the full use of your lung capacity.
I am interested in a better understanding of the evolution between the different types of lung tumors.
This shortage of donor lungs results in the death of 20 percent of lung transplant candidates awaiting transplant.
When it comes to opening up and stretching our bodies, we don't often think of the lungs as part of that process.
This makes it a far better alternative for the safety and health of your lungs.
This work could also improve the early diagnosis of lung cancer and lead to the identification of new therapeutic targets.
In one other study, pomegranate juice extract given to mice slowed down the growth of lung tumors.
He had a really good pair of lungs on him.
To confirm this latter link, the researchers investigated the compound in a mouse model of lung cancer.
These fibers cause a build up of scar tissue into the lungs that results in the loss of lung function leading to disability and sometimes death.
This diet was fed during the last trimester of pregnancy which is when the most critical stage of lung development happens.
Imagine if a doctor had the opinion that smoking cigarettes was not in any way linked to the incidence of lung cancer.
These are effective but can have quite serious side effects including damage to the surface of the lungs and nervous system.
The lung sounds of pets with pneumonia may sound loud and harsh or may be soft, as air is not circulating through areas of lung tissue affected by pneumonia.
We need to consciously breathe in the bottom of the lungs.
And so therapy depends on slowing the rate of deterioration and the number of lung - related episodes that a patient experiences.
The first time you hear your baby cry is a thrilling experience; it's a sign she's entered the world healthy with a great set of lungs!
Without treatment the risks of lung damage and death remain.
Your veterinarian will perform a physical and may check blood, mucus, and may take x-rays to check for signs of lung infection.
Images of lungs were taken using a digital microscope camera.
Symptoms of lung disease usually appear later in life, and age of onset is strongly affected by smoking.
Recent research published last month made fiber a superhero again, showing that a diet high in fiber reduces the chance of lung disease by 40 - 50 %.
Thus, a good way to prevent the spread of lung worm is to ensure that all dog waste is promptly cleaned up.
Similarly, demonstrating normal findings on x-rays of the lungs when they were previously abnormal may indicate reduced risk of serious complications, and may ease concerns of a transfer partner.

Phrases with «of one's lungs»

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