Sentences with phrase «of practical theology»

Still, I hope that this article will stimulate the process of forming the field of practical theology.
In my class, we talk about the arc of practical theology.
Her practice extended to working with her students in the actual care of the earth, which she understood as part of practical theology.
Thanks to you brother for this solid bit of practical theology.
Exactly in this way it differs from pragmatic how - to concerns of practical theology courses.
Carl is the Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, TX, Associate Pastor of Cultural Apologetics at New City Fellowship, in Chattanooga, TN, and serves as adjunct faculty at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA..
I have argued that there should be both an ecclesial and a public expression of each of the traditional regions of practical theology.
The dream is that the old divisions in ministerial studies, with their clerical emphasis and their specialized disciplines such as Christian education, will dissolve, and that a field of practical theology made up of people with broad theological knowledge and a deep, holistic understanding of each dimension — as well as a focused concern for one dimension — will emerge.
Indeed, much of the leadership of process theology is passing into the hands of feminists who may be making of it the practical theology for which Moore calls.
This understanding of practical theology arose on the American scene out of liberation theologies.
I make that unhappy admission not just because I still do not know my own mind clearly and systematically enough about four central issues of that practical theology task — contemporary social theory, ethics, ecclesiology and the history of spirituality.
He is certainly critical of the traditional view of practical theology associated with the standard division of the theological disciplines in the Protestant encyclopedias.
This work is necessary to provide for practical theology a method and procedure (built at least in part on an ethic of principles) and help it to avoid the danger of associating the ethical core of practical theology with an ethic of virtue and character.
Wendy is the author of Practical Theology for Women: How Knowing God Makes a Difference in Our Daily Lives, and she spent four years teaching theology to women at Mars Hill Church in Seattle.
As Don S. Browning notes below, several scholars are currently doing creative work in the area of practical theology.
But at a deeper level, the entire book can be understood as a call for the rebirth of practical theology; i.e., as a making of theologia into a thoroughly critical and practical enterprise, effecting a renewal of both university theological studies and the seminary education of the clergy.
In Germany, under the leadership of Rolf Zerfass and Norbet Mette, there has been an important revival of practical theology But a very powerful recent statement pointing to its revival can he found in Edward Fancy's recent book, Theologia: The Fragmentation and Unity of Theological Education
But however this goes, it is clear that even a religiously informed practical reason must have some theory, knowledge or intuition about these needs if it is to serve the purposes of a practical theology
(It is not clear, at least in Theologia, just where Fancy stands on the question of practical theology's need for an ethics of principle.)
The idea of a practical theology of care is also set forth in my recent Religious Ethics and Pastoral Care (Fortress, 1983).
But to make theology genuinely practical and able to address issues in the public world, I have thought that a far more rigorous method or procedure of practical moral reflection is required than is called for, not only by Farley, but by most of the other writers working for the renewal of practical theology.
At first glance, one might think that Farley's Theologia is a devastating critique of the possibility of practical theology.
He edited Paul Ricouer's Essays on Biblical Interpretation (Fortress, 1980), and with James Poling edited Formation and Reflection: The Promise of Practical Theology (Fortress, 1987).
Stanley was generous with appreciation and constructive criticism of my practical theology.
Though debate about requirements has always me on, it was once largely accepted that the essential elements of study include Scripture, systematic theology, church story, the history of doctrine, and various combinations of practical theology.
In this century, even much of our practical theology has also become mechanical and atomistic.
And it isolated the specific regions of practical theology — pastoral care, religious education, homiletics, liturgics, etc. — from both fundamental and systematic theology on the one hand and critical engagement with world situations on the other.
Likewise, the ethical dimensions of practical theology would have been more persuasively developed had their integral relation with the communal life of congregations first been fully established.
Philip E. Devenish is Coordinator of Ministry Studies and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637.
She related theology to the practice of ministry and became a leader in developing a new understanding of practical theology.
In a more recent unpublished document, Farley has much more directly addressed the issue of practical theology.
He is simply interested in bringing theologia as a practical enterprise into all the traditional regions of practical theology — education, care, worship, preaching, spirituality, etc..
Equally important, the two foci of each dimension of practical theology — one in the church and one in the world — help to encourage a dialectical relationship between the Christian faith community and other perspectives and efforts to shape our common life.
«If the Gospel applies to all of life — and it does — then it requires critical spectating of all of sports, and the biggest of them right now is the NFL,» says John White, an assistant professor of practical theology and the director of the sports chaplaincy / ministry program at Baylor University.
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