Sentences with phrase «of religious conviction»

The high court's decision will impact wedding vendors across the country who do not want to service same - sex celebrations because of their religious convictions on marriage.
His long life is the product of centuries of medical science pushing back the darkness of religious conviction.
I find it a bit disturbing that we would allow someone to potentially run our country with such a high level of religious conviction.
Let's not forget that every war on earth has been the result of religious convictions and intolerance.
The parents refuse to allow the procedure because of their religious convictions.
Stories of families moving house to place themselves in the catchment area are commonplace, not to mention parents attending church, not out of religious conviction, but a desire to guarantee a place at the local school.
We Christians feel ourselves in solidarity with all those who, precisely on the basis of their religious convictions as Muslims, work to oppose violence and for the synergy between faith and reason, between religion and freedom.»
We only regret that Ms. Schnell did not really intend to discriminate, that she did not as a matter of religious conviction insist upon a Christian handyman (alright, handyperson).
Hillary Clinton has been very clear that people of religious conviction ought not to have those convictions.
From the responses, it seems that some of the participants in the survey may have had equal difficulty categorizing themselves by strength of religious conviction.
So in terms of religious convictions, he sounds more like Richard Dawkins than Jerry Falwell
As a legal scholar considering the future of society, Ottaviani's fear was that religious freedom would result in religious indifference and then a collapse of religious conviction, which would in turn lead to state hostility toward religious believers and religious institutions.
The people who built liberal Protestant institutions such as national mission agencies, local churches, colleges, universities, social reform agencies and public libraries in the rural heartland were people secure in their social position who assumed a leadership role in society and whose sense of social responsibility was born of religious conviction.
I realized that the religious tolerance that we celebrate in the U.S. could be perceived by someone from a religiously homogeneous country as a lack of religious conviction or, worse, a shameful hypocrisy.
Playing opposite his actual wife, Jennifer Connely, Bettany evokes the Darwin behind his work as a father, husband, and man of faith but not of religious conviction.
Sociology and psychology take up the subject of religious conviction and put a question mark around faith.
This is perfectly appropriate when divorce rates or demographic changes are being plotted, but it is peculiarly inappropriate when matters of intimacy are under discussion, such as the praxis of the bedroom or matters of complexity such as human motivation and the makeup of religious conviction.
Further, the new policy forces every chartered Scouting unit, irrespective of religious convictions, to facilitate open homosexuality among boys in their program.
Indeed, they played such a significant role that it would be impossible to discuss American letters in the mid-twentieth century responsibly without both examining a considerable number of observant Catholic authors and recognizing the impact of their religious conviction on their artistry.
This is the concept that gives social factors an influential role in the shaping of religious convictions.
But surely he can't believe the intellectual and moral convictions of Luther and Calvin to have been typical instances of religious conviction in their time?
They did so because they recognized the unique fervor of religious convictions and the remarkable tenacity of religious institutions.»
Among other topics, Volf discusses faith in the public square, and asks what kind of religious conviction will be able to give meaning to human lives and help people seek the common good.
For the notion that «error has no rights» is very much alive» and precisely in those quarters where religious indifference has indeed led to intolerance of religious conviction.
Franky Schaeffer decries neutrality as a «myth» which results in a freedom from religion and the exclusion of all those who operate on the basis of religious convictions from involvement in public life (Time for Anger, pp. 19 - 20).
Though Picasso occasionally portrayed the crucifixion, such works were always remarkably devoid of religious conviction.
He identifies and clearly articulates three subcategories: cultural Christians (those who identify themselves as Christian because they view it as synonymous with being American), congregational Christians (those who identify themselves as Christian because they or a family member have some loose connection to a church), and convictional Christians (those who identify as Christian because of the fervency of their religious conviction).
He added that he believed that a form of religious conviction helped her to persevere with her charity work.
Our nation, no doubt, has some place in God's overall plan, but let's not assume that the we Americans will be the heroes of the story — or that Perry or any other man can claim to be able lead us to prosperity through the force of his religious convictions.
Imagine a «woman» like Kagan being hostile towards those with some sort of religious convictions.
Yes, in the sense that many of us support our clubs more in hope than in expectation, but also in the way that many of our oldest and proudest football clubs were created by Christians as a direct outworking of their religious convictions.
As errors of religious conviction go, these poor dupes only hurt themselves.
High rates of denominational switching and interdenominational marriage, reduced levels of denominational identity and cross-denominational tensions, and pervasive contacts across denominational lines all point toward a declining monopoly of specific religious traditions over the securement of religious convictions.
In my opinion if you are in the business of providing medical care then you must do just that regardless of your religious convictions.
You get the Obama administration's contraceptive / abortifacient mandate on steroids and a full - scale legal assault by Clinton Administration 3.0 on the capacity of religious institutions to be themselves as they understand themselves to be: communities of religious conviction with a right to their own moral integrity, not mere instruments for delivering whatever the government deems to be a public service or a public good.
His father was Lutheran by tradition and his mother Catholic, but his upbringing was void of religious conviction.
The ineluctable connections between Christian violence, its global magnification through the West's colonial reach, and the hard quandaries of religious conviction thereby slowly unleashed were in fact sustaining forces within the evolution of modernity.
Meanwhile, people like Jerry Falwell trouble us because they refuse to find some religiously neutral or nonconfrontational way to state the social implications of their religious convictions.
She recognized the sincerity of the Governor's job offer, in spite of her religious convictions and her opposition to same - sex marriage.
The word «nature» in the romantic tradition connotes the sense of a direct connection with the holy, lending the tenets of progressivism all the weight of religious conviction.
What of the claim that, if the right to send children to privately maintained schools is partly an exercise of religious conviction, to render effective this right, it should be accompanied by equality of treatment by the state in supplying free textbooks, free lunch, and free transportation to children who go to private schools?
Dichmont v. Newfoundland and Labrador (Minister of Government Services and Lands) et al. 2015 NLTD (G.) 14 Administrative Law — Civil Rights Summary: Dichmont, for reasons of her religious convictions, resigned as a marriage commissioner when the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador insisted that same sex marriages had to be performed.
The tacit assumption in the field was that most families enrolled their children in Catholic schools out of religious conviction, often at the expense of their academic success.
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