Sentences with phrase «of seizure disorders»

Therefore, you should not use fennel if you have epilepsy or any other type of seizure disorder.
Just like in humans, there are 3 phases of a seizure disorder in dogs.
A diagnosis of seizure disorder does not mean nothing can be done for your pet.
A diagnosis of seizure disorder does not mean that nothing can be done for a dog.
You should ask your puppy's breeder for full and complete disclosure of any seizure disorders within your puppy's pedigree.
Put a medical alert tag on your pet's collar so that if they become lost whoever finds them will be aware of their seizure disorder and need for medication.
The next step is to find choke points for other types of seizure disorders and see if they have the same powerful effect.
Occasionally there will be a hereditary or medical issue like a form of seizure disorder called Rage Syndrome (and must be diagnosed as Rage and not a dog who is poorly trained and socialized) or other chemical imbalance that may cause a dog to be an inherited risk.
This medication is contraindicated for dogs with a history of seizures disorders.
Typical clinical signs include unprovoked aggression towards other animals and / or people, sudden onset of a seizure disorder in adulthood, disorientation, moodiness, erratic temperament, periods of hyperactivity, hypo - attentiveness, depression, fearfulness and phobias, anxiety, submissiveness, passivity, compulsiveness, and irritability.
Similarly, abnormal brain activity and processing is well known in the field of seizure disorders; temporal lobe epilepsy has been traced to a phenomenon called limbic kindling, in which repeated, intermittent, low - intensity stimulation across the limbic structures of the brain may eventually lead to a seizure.
If the zinc ions or the transcription factor MTF1 were specifically inhibited in the brain, it is possible that the development of a seizure disorder could be prevented.
He says the owners must have an intense understanding of seizure disorder and be willing to take on a huge commitment both financially and emotionally, but he's confident that Tanner and Blair are in good hands for finding the right fit.
Diazepam (Valium ®) is not effective for long - term management of seizure disorders in dogs.
Seizures in dogs are generally not life threatening, but do require veterinary attention to determine the underlying cause of the seizure disorder and develop an appropriate treatment plan for lessening the frequency of the episodes.
There are certain breeds of dogs that are more predisposed to the occurrence of seizure disorders.
A high incidence of seizure disorders is also found in Boxers, Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, Labrador Retrievers, Miniature Schnauzers, Poodles, Saint Bernards, Siberian Huskies, and Wire ‑ Haired Terriers.
Depakote (valproic acid) is an FDA - approved drug prescribed for the treatment of seizure disorders, manic episodes that result from bipolar disorder, and migraine headaches.
Children and teenagers with Dravet syndrome, a devastating form of the seizure disorder, received an oral solution of cannabidiol, a component of marijuana, while a control group got a placebo.
So a 36 year old male with no medications and no history of health issues should be approved at a better health classification than the male, age 36, who applies for guaranteed term life insurance, but has a history of a seizure disorder, just as one example.
Valproic acid is widely used to treat various types of seizure disorders, but to this point, the cellular mechanism affected by its anticonvulsant properties were not well understood.
The team of Prof. Becker, together with scientists from the departments of Experimental Epileptology and Neuroradiology of the University of Bonn Hospital as well as from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Israel), have now decoded a signaling pathway which is involved in the onset of a seizure disorder.
«Any type of seizure disorder
Behaviors that might mimic feline hyperesthesia syndrome are estrus (cats in heat) and certain types of seizure disorders.
Dr. Roger Clemmons, a renowned professor of neurology and neurosurgery estimates that nearly 1 % of our dog population has some form of seizure disorder.
With most life insurance agents and most life insurance company underwriters, the mere mention of a history of seizure disorders or epilepsy is enough to bring the conversation and the application to a screaming halt.
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