Sentences with phrase «of target cells»

In advance, this vitamin couples to the surface of the target cells via specific antibodies.
This typically works in less than 10 per cent of target cells.
In the blood stream, it is converted to T3 with the help of target cells or liver enzymes.
The protein covers the viral surface and allows it to attach to a receptor on the surface of its target cell.
As a maximum number of target cells is to contact the array, a fishbone - shaped structure at the top of the channel stirs up the passing liquid.
Upon release in close proximity to a cell slated for killing, perforin forms pores in the cell membrane of the target cell through which the granzymes and associated molecules can enter, inducing apoptosis.
Uri David Akavia's team at McGill University in Canada has managed to repair mutations in 90 per cent of target cells using CRISPR — the best success rate yet.
In addition, the screening approach the researchers developed to identify the virus could be used to make additional vectors capable of targeting cells in other organs.
Harvested gesicles can be applied to a broad range of target cell types.
Chronic stress and its attendant insulin output is especially problematic in a condition known as insulin resistance, in which blood - sugar levels remain elevated despite increased insulin output due to an unresponsiveness of target cells for this hormone.
In order to make these changes more accessible for experimental analysis, dissociated cell culture and low - light - level video microscopy were used to examine Aplysia sensory neurons in the presence or absence of their target cells.
The new study, published in Nature Communications, also presents significant advancements in cellular reprogramming technology, which will allow scientists to efficiently scale up pancreatic cell production and manufacture trillions of the target cells in a step-wise, controlled manner.
In the presence of protamine sulfate, gesicles fuse to the membrane of the target cell via cell - surface glycoproteins and release the Cas9 - sgRNA RNP complex into the cell.
Lee then made ultra-thin slices of brain and captured millions of detailed images of those targeted cells and synapses, which were then reconstructed in three dimensions.
The team used a combination of experiments to zero in on the molecular activity of melittin at the «minimal inhibitory concentration» (MIC), the lowest concentration that's been shown to slow the growth of target cell populations.
It may depend on the size of the genetic payload you want to deliver and whether you want the gene to integrate into the genome of the target cell.
Although viruses are more efficient at introducing new genes into cells, liposomes appear to work well enough, ferrying the genes into about five percent of the targeted cells.
Akadeum's groundbreaking microbubble technology — which allows for fast, easy removal of target cells from biological...
We reasoned that these positive charges may be interacting with negatively charged groups on HSPG of target cells
By contrast, NK cell profiles of individuals receiving an HIV vaccine indicated NK cell engagement through direct cell recognition of target cells.
Whole - body Induced Cell Turnover (WICT) consists of the qualitative and quantitative coordination of targeted cell ablation with exogenous cell administration so as to effect the replacement of a patient's entire set of endogenous cells with exogenous cells (of the same quantity and cell type as the ablated endogenous cells they are replacing) derived from human pluripotent stem cells and directionally differentiated in vitro prior to their administration.
Where mouse monoclonal antibodies were used to probe for RPE specific markers in iPS - RPE cells in vivo (e.g. anti-RLBP1 and anti-PMEL17), the human identity of target cells was confirmed by subsequent re-probing of sections with human specific markers (HSM) as described previously [9].
Calcitriol mediates its biological effects by binding to the vitamin D receptor (VDR), which is principally located in the nuclei of target cells.
By efficiently differentiating inner ear cells from human iPS cells, it was possible to produce a large number of target cells and a large number of protein expressions unique to inner ear cells other than CONNEXIN.
The mushroom - shaped protein specializes in infecting cells, first by binding a trio of sites on its head to three separate sugar molecules on the surface of targeted cells.
Uri David Akavia's team at McGill University in Canada has managed to repair mutations in 90 per cent of target cells using the technique — the best success rate yet.
Additionally, they are engineered with glycoproteins on their surface that mediate binding and fusion with the membrane of a wide range of target cells.
The serotonin simply crossed the synapse and temporarily modified proteins in the membrane of the target cell, leading to production of messenger chemicals such as CAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate).
«If we want to treat the greatest number of diseases, we need to figure out how to get these molecules inside the cells of patients — not just increasing the number of target cells but also hitting tissues other than the liver,» says Anderson, who co-founded a company called CRISPR Therapeutics to pursue those goals.
Once they are engineered with antibodies that bind to specific receptors on the surface of targeted cells, these nanoparticles also can, in principle, become highly specific to the disease they are designed to treat.
For now, however, researchers remain skeptical, as estrogen may also increase the number of HIV receptors on the surface of target cells.
At the surface of its target cell, the protein undergoes major changes that lead to the formation of a pore in the host cell plasma membrane.
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