Sentences with phrase «oil palm expansion»

Let's get formal commitment from the Malaysian government that this project is canceled, and to stop all Malaysian government and private industry funding of oil palm expansion overseas.
The report, «Failing governance — Avoiding responsibilities», claims that European biofuel policies have driven reckless oil palm expansion in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan, resulting in illegal issuance of development permits and land conflicts, thereby undermining governance structures.
Despite reports about the devastating impacts of oil palm expansion on forests and indigenous peoples, the Peruvian government continues to promote oil palm development, supposedly as a viable economic alternative in the fight against drug trafficking, migratory agriculture, and poverty.
Environmental groups within RSPO tried to mandate that future oil palm expansion can only occur on land with net carbon storage lower than oil palm (less than 40 tons of carbon per hectare averaged over the 25 - 30 year lifespan of an plantation).
No civil society or indigenous groups have been invited to participate in the commission, essentially excluding the voice of the people most affected by oil palm expansion in the Peruvian Amazon.
The research, conducted by an international team of scientists from a range of institutions, is presented in a series of seven academic papers that estimate change in land use and greenhouse gas emissions from oil palm expansion in the three countries, review the social and environmental impacts of palm oil production, forecast potential growth in the sector across the region, and detail methods for measuring emissions and carbon stocks of plantations establishing on peatlands.
Organisations: please, sign on an Open Letter against oil palm expansion and greenwashing.
An important new study in the open - access journal Tropical Conservation Science highlights that oil palm expansion presents a major emerging threat to the Amazon.
Despite reports about the devastating impacts of oil palm expansion on forests and indigenous peoples, the Peruvian government continues to promote oil palm development, supposedly as a viable economic alternative...
This study confirms these diverse land use dynamics linked to oil palm expansion,» said Pablo Pacheco, principal scientist at CIFOR and co-author of the study.
«Oil palm expansion has accelerated over time, and expands in different local contexts.
«Additional analysis is required to look beyond industrial oil palm plantations and capture the dynamics of oil palm expansion in smallholder lands, and how other actors, including local investors, are shaping land use dynamics linked to oil palm expansion».
The first large - scale assessment of oil palm expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean offers valuable insights on the key drivers of oil palm expansion at a fairly early stage, according to Navin Ramankutty and Jordan Graesser
In Indonesia, for example, 28.1 million hectares were deforested between 1990 and 2005, and oil palm expansion in those areas was estimated to be between 1.7 million and 3 million hectares, or between 6 % and 10 % of the forest loss, during the same period.
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