Sentences with phrase «old fairy tale»

Where this is news and then people agree that 2000 year old fairy tale morals are truth.
Scientists do not claim to have all the answers yet... unlike theologians who hang onto 5000 year old fairy tales rather than opening their eyes or their minds.
Stop trying to learn how to live from centuries old fairy tales.
I guess we should just believe dumb old fairy tales then.
There was a time when I believed that true love was just an age old fairy tale, but it found me.
Who didn't love to hear a good old fairy tale to tuck them in at night?
Because he hasn't accepted a 2,000 year old fairy tale?
On the one hand, the premise and story are a clever adoption of old fairy tale tropes (the pauper princess, heroic warrior savior, evil quasi-relatives, completing three trials, etc.) dressed up as modern big - budget sci - fi.
IMAGINE SOL LEWITT OR DONALD JUDD in love with old fairy tales, haunted not only by the formal archetypes of geometry but also by the iconography of piety, commerce, and everyday life in their most generic aspects.
Your a complete moron if you believe in any 2000 year old fairy tales written by ass backward sheep herders.
Open your mind and open a book, other than some several thousand year - old fairy tale about talking snakes, floods requiring more water than exists in the entire solar system to create, mythological heaven dwellers who stole men's wives, ful of numerology and suppossed «fulfilled prophesy».
I know that's a bugaboo of yours, however you should probably look at it from a logical standpoint vs. from a standpoint of a really old fairy tale book about a guy who just poofed everything into existance because he said so.
So... 1: Religion of Peace it ain't (See todays news on muslims blowing up a Moscow Air terminal, or the daily muslim suicide bombings this time of year in Iraq) 2: If this group of brainwashed muslim individuals would kill me in their country, and grudgingly tolerate me in the U.S. why should I tolerate a monument to 1400 year old fairy tales whose ultimate message is violence, intolerance and conquest?
conforming to 2000 year old fairy tales instead of thinking for yourself.
The Old Testament was just plagiarism and old fairy tales combined.
Many old fairy tales touch on this dichotomy and the importance of having a balance of both.
Remixing and revisiting popular works has existed for centuries: look at what Shakespeare did with his source material or today, what Disney does with old fairy tales.
The bible is a 2000 year old fairy tale that might as well be written by Dr. Seuss.
Hmmmm, believe the former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics or an old fairy tale written thousands of years ago?
I love the old fairy tales, and the classic Scarry illustrations make them fun for the tinies, too.
As Chesterton observes in Orthodoxy, «The old fairy tale makes the hero a normal human boy; it is his adventures that are startling; they startle him because he is normal.»
Face it bro, you are a nut for believing in a 2000 year old fairy tale, and a coward who has to hide behind your gun in order to make up for all your inadequacies.
Anything that moves people away from 2000 years old fairy tales is fine with me.
Apposing theism in our laws, pointing out the absurdities theism, the hypocrisy of theists and promoting facts instead of a 2000 year old fairy tale is a pretty good start
It got my attention and made me realize that this Jesus stuff wasn't some 2000 year old fairy tale.
The belief in some 2000 year old fairy tale is more important then anything else in their lives.
Not including clergy and prayer is a step in the right direction.There are those delusional, supersticious, psychotic belivers that think prayer and clergy have any control or meaning over anything.It is time to stop this 2000 year old fairy tale.
If he is to be given strength it is most likely from what, he drinks and eats and the financial clout awarded to him by his bosses, not from some old fairy tale that has never existed.
If the analysis is correct, it would mean the oldest fairy tales still in circulation today are between 2500 and 6000 years old.
Have you pondered the sexual connotations of this age - old fairy tale?
«Twilight Saga» star Kristen Stewart takes a stab at the old fairy tale, full of femme - empowerment and sword - and - sorcery chops, while Chris Hemsworth is the titular predator and Charlize Theron the evil queen out for Snow's blood (a very different interpretation than Julia Roberts gave in the recent «Mirror Mirror»).
The quality of animation used is absolutely superb, and the story itself is good enough to rival any of the old fairy tales it pokes fun at.
But even then, you're just as likely to be disappointed with the finished product, which is more familiar to other recent fantasy / adventure films than what could have been a very unique spin on an old fairy tale.
It's an ambitious attempt to bring the fairy tales of Giambattista Basile to life; stories which are among the oldest fairy tales on record, dating back to 1634.
Award - winning author and illustrator Matt Phelan brings new life to an old fairy tale with his latest endeavor, Snow White: A Graphic Novel.
Artist Statement «I invoked the old fairy tale of Red Riding Hood and gave her a distinctly different attitude toward the big baddie.
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