Sentences with phrase «on a normal diet»

Turns out the smell - deprived mice on the normal diet weighed slightly less than those with a sense of smell.
After the 8 weeks, the low carb rats were put back on a normal diet.
This time, they found that the mice grew insulin - resistant, even when on normal diets.
To facilitate the potentially cleansing benefits of a coconut oil detox, drink more water than you typically would consume on a normal diet.
Wheat is terrible food for acne on a normal diet and it's a terrible food on a vegan diet.
If your dog is happy and healthy on their normal diet, there may be no need to switch.
First, they found that the mice on a high - fat diet had many more intestinal stem cells than mice on a normal diet.
Keep your pets on their normal diet because any change can cause severe indigestion and diarrhea,
Experiments with mice show that after just four weeks on a high - fat or a high - sugar diet, the performance of mice on various tests of mental and physical function began to drop, compared to animals on a normal diet.
Over an eight - week period, a control group of mice fed a high - fat diet predictably became obese, but the mice whose Hedgehog pathway had been activated didn't gain any more weight than another control group fed on a normal diet.
Lastly, they plan to vary the timing of exposure to the various diets in the mouse model of autism, by, for example, giving pregnant mice a high - glycemic index diet and then keeping their pups on a normal diet.
That research showed that mice on a normal diet who were exposed to low doses of antibiotics throughout life, similar to what occurs in commercial livestock, packed on 10 to 15 percent more fat than untreated mice and had a markedly altered metabolism in their liver.
In other experiments, Guiomar and Francisca gave mice a low - calorie diet for six months and compared their circadian clock with that of counterparts on a normal diet.
An additional benefit of raw milk cheese is that the fermentation process also produces vitamin K2, which is a very important nutrient for optimal health that is difficult to obtain on a normal diet, unless you eat traditionally - fermented foods.
When these stem cells were removed from the mice and grown in a culture dish without their niche cells, they gave rise to «mini-intestines» much more readily than intestinal stem cells from mice on a normal diet.
In this research, after just four weeks on a high - fat or a high - sugar diet, the performance of mice on various tests of mental and physical function began to drop, compared to animals on a normal diet.
When your dog has recovered, transition him back to his normal food by gradually adding a little of his normal diet to each meal and taking away some of the recovery diet, until he's completely feeding on his normal diet.
If the problem continues (assuming the hedgehog is back on his normal diet), or if your hedgehog is suffering from severe diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately.
On a normal diet, the human body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which are used for energy or stored as glycogen in liver and muscle tissue.
The study of Moro and her colleagues compared two groups of resistance trained athletes, the one group used the time - restricted feeding while the other group was on a normal diet.
So they are experiencing a lot higher intake of chemicals that are found in the ocean than probably we are on our normal diet.
In a University of Wisconsin study published in 2014, older rhesus monkeys that ate spartan diets for years were less likely to die, while scientists at the National Institute on Aging (NIA) reported in 2012 that calorie - restricted rhesus monkeys lived about as long as those on a normal diet.
Earlier research conducted by Knoell also showed that zinc - deficient mice developed overwhelming inflammation in response to sepsis and were three times more likely to die than mice on a normal diet.
During this period, the mice on the high - fat diet gained 30 to 50 percent more body mass than mice fed a normal diet, and they developed more intestinal tumors than mice on a normal diet.
«Importantly, regulation by p75NTR enhanced insulin's effectiveness in normal lean mice on a normal diet,» said Bernat Baeza - Raja, PhD, postdoctoral fellow and lead author of the study.
They found that mice who were fed a high - zinc diet experienced changes in their gut microbiome that made them more vulnerable to C. diff infection at lower doses of antibiotics, compared to mice on a normal diet.
The study of Moro and her colleagues compared two groups of resistance trained athletes, the one group used the time - restricted feeding while the other group was on a normal diet.
The rats who ate non palatable chow and were on normal «diets» were perfectly fine; the rats who had eaten sweets but were on a normal diet ate about 20 % more; the rats who had been in restricted cycling patterns and refed on sweets ate 80 % more than control mice on normal diets.
In another study, rats who fasted every other day were nearly 66 percent more likely to survive a heart attack than those on a normal diet
With regular low - carb dieting, the brains preference still is mostly dependent on glucose though it may burn higher ketones than on a normal diet.
On a regular low - carb diet, the brains preference still is mostly dependent on glucose though it may burn higher ketones than on a normal diet.
Kennel food can be provided at an additional cost but we recommend your pets own food to keep them on a normal diet.
In an independent study, dogs on a normal diet plus one Greenie a day developed only an eighth as much tartar as dogs on a normal diet alone.
Keep your pets on their normal diet.
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