Sentences with phrase «on a soft surface»

Do not put your baby to sleep on a soft surface such as a sofa cushion or a water bed.
One of the most important things that you can do for your pet is to exercise them regularly by taking them for short but frequent daily walks on soft surfaces like grass.
Do not allow your baby to sleep on a soft surface such as a water bed, sofa, pillow - top mattress, or any other flexible surface.
These individuals would do much better running and walking on a softer surface like grass, dirt or sand.
For example, a cat that finds it pleasing to eliminate on soft surfaces like clothing or carpets would be unlikely to use tile floors.
If your cat is «making biscuits» by moving their paws on a soft surface, they are letting you know they are really happy!
The scale does not work well on soft surfaces, and you can only use the scale without a smartphone in certain circumstances.
If your cat is going on a soft surface, try changing to a soft, sandy litter, and try laying a soft length of fabric under the litter box.
However, running is risky exercise for dogs unless it is done after the dog's bones and joints are fully mature, and only on a soft surface like dirt.
The wheels are slightly oversized to make sure they run even on softer surfaces and your children will feel comfortable enough sitting in the back of this beach wagon while you pull it along.
The stem cells behaved as if they were on a soft surface when in contact with the smallest patches because they can't firmly grip them.
In contrast, stem cells grown on softer surfaces do go on to differentiate.
We recommend trying your new shoes on a soft surface (like carpet) to ensure they are the correct size, before wearing outdoors.
It sounds like you've tried everything - the key is something that you mentioned: making him rest on soft surfaces.
It can live on hard surfaces for up to 48 hours; less on soft surfaces.
Hot dogs like to lie flat on hard, cool surfaces or upside down on soft surfaces, so give your dog access to those.
Never let your baby sleep on a soft surface or in the same room with people who are smoking.
Walking on softer surfaces to start isn't a bad idea either.
As with the Hummer, the Mega Cruiser featured an optional tire pressure control system that allowed the driver to reduce rear tire pressure during driving for better performance on soft surfaces such as mud and snow.
The Verge noted that the HomePods aren't meant to be put on a soft surface either, as the tweeters fire down, so putting it on a towel will impact the reflectivity of the sound.
If a wobble is too big, it might elicit a reflexive action like a sudden reach of the arms to stop a fall or an ab crunch to slow a backwards tumble (and, quite often, it will result in a tumble so make sure your little one is sitting on a soft surface).
Placing Kongs on soft surfaces, such as a mat, prevents them from wobbling away, which can freak some dogs out too.
As a corollary, do not place a baby on a soft surface outside his or her crib, such as a waterbed, sofa, or pillow.
Parents using infant carseats as carriers are also prone to developing dangerous habits, such as setting the seat on a table or other high surface, on soft surfaces where they can tip, or in grocery carts (risk of injury from falls, and parents leaving cart and baby unattended).
It features a ton of options such as a toddler playhouse on a soft surface, ideal for wee ones still mastering the fine art of walking.
Compare that with 50 deaths yearly in cribs and 15 cases of suffocation resulting from car / infant seat overturn on soft surfaces, not counting positional asphyxiation in unattended children left in car seats.
It is caused by the constant moisture affecting sensitive skin when it is rubbed on soft surfaces (such as pillows or shoulders) due to the friction and irritation.
This changing pad makes life easier for new parents by providing them the facility of not only changing their baby's diaper easily on a soft surface, but also allows them to monitor their little bundle of joy's growth.
When on the bed, he will hold his feet for a longer period of time on a softer surface (again, if I help him activate his abs first by giving his bottom a little nudge up).
Flu germs can survive 24 hours on hard surfaces, and about 15 minutes on soft surfaces.
This stroller seems to work best on paved surfaces and therefore might have difficulty manoeuvring on softer surfaces such as grass or sand.
It is recommended to be on a soft surface while performing this is deep groin stretch, as it puts considerable pressure on the knees.
The next time you go running, wear a different pair of running shoes (to slightly alter your running form) on a flat 3 miler on a softer surface like a dirt path.
The gravel paths, color - coded Christmas lights, dinners and game nights on soft surfaces are little bits of consideration that generally offset Krasinski's clumsier spells as director (his foreshadowing is pretty on - the - nose, for example).
Larger tires, with or without larger wheels, increase ground clearance, ride over short obstacles and holes more smoothly, provide more cushioning and decrease ground loading which is important on soft surfaces.
A leftover trait from their kittenhood, where they kneaded at their mom's teats to ensure a flow of milk, this may have been carried over to their adulthood, when they are comfortable on a soft surface (or lying on you).
78) Puppies should only play on softer surfaces like grass or in the home until it is at least two years - old.
But today, with many suburban and urban dogs increasingly confined indoors when their owners are at work, and running mostly on soft surfaces such as lawns when they are outdoors, this welcome friction is often absent in their daily lives.
You may find puddles of urine or feces on soft surfaces like carpets, beds, or clothing, or on hard surfaces like tile floors or bathtubs.
To keep us on our toes (like my cat does) different rest areas may be chosen but are usually on a soft surface in a quiet part of the house.
In the meantime, Max likes to take his naps on soft surfaces such as the human bed, rugs, and sofas.
If on soft surfaces, such as dirt, the move becomes Mario Dunk instead, which pounds Mario into the ground.
One of these paintings titled Bison depicts the hearty creature resting on its stomach on a soft surface, resting its head on its arm.
The speaker doesn't face front like those on the HTC One, so setting the S4 on a soft surface muffles the audio.
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