Sentences with phrase «on a standard diet»

Adolescents today consume about 72.8 g / day of fructose when on a standard diet while a natural diet of fruits and vegetables would generate only 12 g / day of fructose.
The high - fat diet without the flavanones increased the levels of cell - damage markers called thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) by 80 percent in the blood and 57 percent in the liver compared to mice on a standard diet.
In people with celiac disease, eating foods that contain gluten (which occurs at almost every meal on a standard diet) causes what's called an autoimmune reaction, in which your body's disease - fighting white blood cells mistakenly attack some of your own tissue.
Have you done clinical research with your patients with Hashimoto's on how they fare on a gluten free diet vs on a standard diet
(That subjects on the standard diet improved at all might be due to the low - calorie nature of the diet.
Average carbohydrate intake in grams was 250 grams on the standard diet, 71 grams on the low - carbohydrate diet, and 533 grams on the high - carbohydrate diet.
There are many ways to save $ on Paleo too just as there are on a standard diet.
Rats on both high protein diets had better nitrogen balance than those on the standard diet.
After you stop missing the variety of foods you ate on a standard diet, all that's left to deal with is a little discomfort in the belly region.
«Approximately 40 % of the protein controlled meal replacement diet participants lost greater than 5 % of their initial weight compared with 12 % of those on a standard diet.
«On a standard diet, most people consume approximately 50 - 55 percent carbohydrates, 20 - 25 percent protein and 20 - 25 percent fat,» says Hertzler.
Researchers found that rats given a high protein diet supplemented with arginine and proline had better nitrogen balance than those on a standard diet plus showed more new blood vessel growth — which is an essential part of wound healing.
On a standard diet, people often discuss the dangers of too much sodium, but it would seem that people on a ketogenic diet must be just as concerned with sodium deficiency.
As expected, the mice on the high - fat, high - sugar diet gained fat while those on the standard diet did not.
Dogs on a high fat, low carbohydrate diet responded better to chemotherapy and stayed in remission longer than those on a standard diet (2).
A 2011 longitudinal nutritional study revealed that cats fed a diet supplemented with anti-oxidants, fatty acids, and a prebiotic (specifically vitamin E, beta - carotene, n - 3 and n - 6 fatty acids, and chicory root as a prebiotic source) lived an average of 11 months longer and had improved health compared to those on a standard diet.
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