Sentences with phrase «on cooked food»

Some of the cats on the cooked food diet were unable to reproduce by the third generation.
It's beneficial to have some raw vegetables in your diet in the winter since we're so reliant on cooked foods during the colder months.
We always add either fresh squeezed lemon or apple cider vinegar on any cooked food and especially cooked meat.
«No other animal relies on cooked food,» he said.
Drizzle toasted sesame oil on cooked foods and raw veggies.
Coconut oil can be taken by the spoonful with meals to aid digestion or melted on cooked foods.
However, if you insist on cooking your foods, I recommend using coconut oil, as it is resistant to high heat damage.
Jean de Lery, in the account of his adventures among the Indians of Brazil, about 1557, describes the wooden grating set up on four forked posts, «which in their language they call a «boucan;» on this they cooked food with a slow fire underneath, and as they did not salt their meat, this process served them as a means of keeping their game and fish.
For example, we found this from the year 1852; read an excerpt from a cookbook which includes a chapter on cooking food and feeding babies and children:
Gilad speculates that the relatively rapid alterations in human liver genetics might be the result of ongoing changes in diet, such as growing reliance on cooked food.
New research on cooked food may have raw foodists second - guessing their diet choice.
The study found that cats on cooked food developed «behavioral characteristics, arthritis, sterility, skeletal deformities and allergies»
For more information on cooked food versus raw food diets for our dogs, please check out the articles below: The Pottenger Cat Experiments Pottenger's Cats — A Study In Nutrition Cooked Vs. Raw Foods For Pets
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