Sentences with phrase «on rodents»

Studies on epigenetic effects on diabetes risk in humans are scarce; thus, we mostly rely on studies on rodents.
As early societies developed agriculture, these cats moved in to prey on the rodents that were attracted to stores of grain.
But for reasons unknown, it works: in 50 years of research on the rodents, none has ever spontaneously developed cancer.
The results are also consistent with experiments on rodents.
Particularly sparse were data on some rodents and bats, several of which are known just from single museum specimens collected from remote regions.
And during the majority of that time, domestic cats lived exclusively on rodents and other small animals they could catch.
Therefore we only place cats in homes where they will be fed, and not expected to survive on rodents alone.
To quote Dr. Sweeney, «So we were able to conclude that IGF - 1 could prevent all of the hallmarks of age - related atrophy and loss of skeletal muscle function in mammalian aging, at least based on the rodent model, and now we're hoping to pursue this in larger animal models.»
It's fine to make educated guesses based on rodent studies of how something might work in humans.
Eating onions to increase testosterone levels may seem like a joke, but in a study that was conducted on rodents by Iranian scientists it was shown that onions can increase testosterone levels in rodents as high as 300 percent.
Baits such as peanut butter on the rodent traps will effectively attract rodents.
The pellets are extremely powerful, and they get to work immediately on your rodent problems.
The earliest mark and recapture models were tested on rodent populations, and the statisticians warned that barriers should be erected to prevent the rodents from moving.
Astronauts will use the device to study the effects on rodents of extended periods of time spent in microgravity.
The Rodent Research - 1 investigation kicks off a series of NASA and CASIS - sponsored investigations focused on rodent research aboard the space station.
By «regulating» smaller predators like foxes, raccoons, skunks, badgers, and opossums through competition and direct killing, they have a significant positive impact on rodent control and water fowl / songbird populations.
If you select Gibnut from a menu, you're about to chow down on a rodent which is a popular game meat in Belize.
The study, just published in Science, showed that the creation of what the researchers are calling microtumors can help predict drug effectiveness in cancer patients better than the current standard method of testing the drugs on rodents.
Utilizing infrared sensors on rodent traps, the Rentokil Steritech PestConnect system monitors and logs in real time mouse activity in food processing facilities 24/7.
Moreover, recent studies on rodents indicate that the internal clock also affects how the metabolism responds to the intake of carbohydrates or fats, and that certain time frames are more suitable than others for the consumption of a high - carbohydrate or a high - fat diet, seen from a health perspective.
A protein previously known to guide facial development was repurposed at least twice during evolution to create light - colored stripes on rodents, researchers report November 2 in Nature.
More than 160 papers were published on rodent enrichment in 2016 versus a handful at the turn of the millennium; at the 2016 meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 83 out of 171 rodent presentations focused on enrichment — more than twice the number at the 2009 meeting.
The study focuses on the rodent faunas that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula between 12 and 5 million years ago.
During the studied time interval the climatic changes provoked diversity and distribution changes on rodent communities.
Laidre had heard stories that coconut crabs killed rats, and he later witnessed them munching on the rodents on the islands.
Experiments on rodents suggested that repeated high doses of alcohol destroy neurons in the hippocampus.
Much like humans, grizzlies are clever scavengers, feasting on rodents, trout, roots, nuts, berries, insects, and dead animals.
Yu then worked with another researcher from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences to test a crude extract of qinghao on a rodent model of malaria, finding that the extract killed parasites with 60 % to 80 % potency.
So I returned to school to get my doctorate and studied the effects of different wavelengths and intensities of light on rodents.
The team of researchers conducted the experiments — which had previously been performed on rodent cells — also on human cells which they cultured in the laboratory.
A video camera trained on the rodent's face assessed the animal's pain level, based on a 0 - to 2 - point «grimace scale» developed by the team.
By applying low doses of monobenzone several times in succession on the rodents» skin the researchers explored this path in detail on mice.
The vaccine, which has proven effective in trials on rodents and monkeys, works by mimicking the unique structure of the heroin molecule and its key metabolite, 6 - acetylmorphine.
Free consultation on rodent genetics is also provided by this core facility.
◊ general surgery of the laboratory animal with application to neurobiology (neuroanatomy, neuro - histology and neurosurgery): neurology module, April 3 - 7 and June 12 - 13 in Toulouse (ENVT, Anexplo) ◊ neurosurgery on rodent model: dates not defined, Marseille (CE2F - PRIM, NSRepair) ◊ insertion of microelectrodes on primates: April 24 - 26, Marseille (CE2F - PRIM, Blackrock Microsystems)
Up to 95 percent of animal research in the United States is conducted on rodents [source: Humane Society of America].
Tests carried out by Princeton researchers on rodents showed a very significant difference between the addition of sugar or hfcs in the diet.
The hantavirus is carried by fleas often found on rodents.
[2] Now, the cats were seen at feeding stations and on the rodent grids of the cat area — as many as 26 during a one - week period toward the end of the study.
Gone are the doubts that George expressed — first, regarding the impact of cat predation on rodent and other prey populations; second, regarding the relationship between these populations and the raptors that feed on them.
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