Sentences with phrase «on tiptoes»

Evan was imprisoned, brutalized and placed in solitary confinement, where he was forced to stand on tiptoe for nine hours each day.
Or have your child walk on tiptoes when you listen to high, quiet music, and stomp his or her feet to louder, slower music.
Slowly raise your heels and balance on your tiptoes on the edge of the step or platform.
«It's hard to stand on tiptoe for two thousand years,» says William Willimon, and so after a while people settle down.
Or why, when she is standing on tiptoe on one leg in an arabesque — bent at the waist, with her other leg extended horizontally behind her — and her partner gives her a twist, she will do a rapid «pencil» turn if she straightens up and pulls her leg in.
Montana, under a strong rush from defensive end Al Harris, rose on his tiptoes, came off his primary receiver and hit Rice on the break.
If people seem to be walking on tiptoe when they are around you, you are probably acting defensive.
When the baby is finally asleep in my arms and I put her in the crib and, holding my breath, leave the room on tiptoes, it feels almost natural to hear, a second later, a growing moan that turns into desperate sobbing.
Businesses who try to avoid those steps and keep on tiptoeing will miss the next industrial revolution and thereby their best opportunity for a profitable future.»
asked under Dating 17 Struggles Of Dating Someone Way Taller Than You Kissing on tiptoes is hard.
The year's most harrowing movie scene begins with Solomon Northup standing on his tiptoes in mud, a noose around his neck tied over the end of a limb almost tall enough to hang him.
He'll stand erect, sometimes even on his tiptoes, with his neck and head raised above his shoulders.
He walked up a steeper gradient using just the front spikes almost on tiptoe, taking long, steady strides.
If your dog is feeling dominant, he stands tall, sometimes on his tiptoes, and tries to look large.
They call us out of sleep into wakefulness, out of darkness into enlightenment — eyes open, fists clenched and punching, poised on tiptoes like high - strung boxers bobbing and weaving before the hell.
He who stands on his tiptoes does not stand firm; he who stretches his legs does not walk (easily).
I have seen crowds standing on tiptoes trying to summon the talent to hit those treacherous high notes.
«You might find you have a really busy family and the child spends a lot of time in a baby exerciser so she's learned to bounce around on her tiptoes.
It can teach a child to walk on the tiptoes which may be detrimental because it hinders development of the Achilles tendon and proper balance in the child.
Most children make those early strides on tiptoe with their feet turned outward.
Daniel Lieberman at Harvard University and colleagues compared the gait of endurance runners in the US and Kenya and found that more than two - thirds of those who grew up running barefoot or had trained themselves to do so as adults ran on their tiptoes, landing on the balls of the feet first (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature08723).
Lift the knees off the floor and walk the feet in so you feel light on your tiptoes.
When that didn't happen, I kept waiting all the same, listening for the far - off rumble of the train, one eye on the horizon, my heart on tiptoe.
He enters on tiptoe, says good - bye to me, smiles, and one burst of laughter is all it takes for the funeral faces to fall to the bottom of the toy chest.
It wants you unsettled from page one, balancing on your tiptoes as you try to make sense of this narrative because it's just all over the place and totally disregarding real paragraphs and third - person POV and what is it doing now?
Confident dogs stand with erect posture, nearly on tiptoe to impress other dogs.
People still go on tiptoe to look into the kitchen sink, as if there might something stirring there.
Perhaps a style, now, is something that can only be approached on tiptoe.
How and Nosm have completed a large - scale mural in Berlin, Germany, titled On Tiptoes, organized by Urban Nation Berlin.
Bourgeois» one effective piece here is an enormous bronze spider that looms, seemingly on tiptoe, on the central pedestrian bridge across the Turbine Hall.
Every time there's a polar bear on his tiptoes on an ice cube in the middle of the Antarctic, you know whose fault that is?
These stretches and exercises should be done for the entire time that your child walks on tiptoes.
I'd learned to rise on tiptoes to kiss his stubbled cheek when he was a teenager.
«Thank you, Madame,» the servants murmured respectfully and slipped into the room on tiptoe.
Businesses who try to avoid those steps and keep on tiptoeing will miss the next industrial revolution and thereby their best opportunity for a profitable future,» said Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.
This year, he made Salt Shroud, a figure precariously balanced on tiptoe that bears an incipient growth of salt crystals.
17 Struggles Of Dating Someone Way Taller Than You Kissing on tiptoes is hard.
Tackling the same corner with a slight lift on turn - in to get the weight transfer working gets the Gallardo up on tiptoes in a way the standard model couldn't manage.
Courtney is only 5 feet tall so a lower height simulation was the best she could do, even on her tiptoes:).
When McQueen lingers, for minutes on end, on a hanged Northup staying alive by standing on his tiptoes, it's a tremendously powerful image.
He described how he was standing on tiptoes, reaching around a wooden frame while holding the gun, and pulled the trigger by mistake.
They started flapping and humming, standing on tiptoes, circling things, obsessing over objects, and bouncing up and down.
Standing on my tiptoes, I shifted my view through the bookshelves to the semi-circle of editors sitting at the front of the bookstore.
Perhaps, as Paul put it, they are even «standing on tiptoe
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