Sentences with phrase «one's arrogance»

It is just pure arrogance of humans they we, as animals, are so special that we can't possibly die without something happening to our spirit.
I don't wish to be mean - spirited, but isn't there a certain kind of arrogance in such a stance?
Is bed side manner important to you or could you put up with arrogance if the doctor was at the top of their game?
I think some pairs, such as arrogance and self - confidence, are an easy way out.
I began thinking of large corporations as bloated whales, driven by arrogance and greed, as they systematically rolled over working moms and pops.
Sorry for being not politically correct, but it bothers me that there is such a degree of arrogance on your part.
What do you suggest I call that if not arrogance?
It's his way of warning her about arrogance and the importance of respecting that the older you get, the less you know anything with any certainty.
It is also detrimental for you to show arrogance towards a Russian and Ukrainian lady.
It's funny, the religious carry such arrogance with them.
It is nothing but your own arrogance which attempts to find fault with anyone.
What arrogance to think that «my» belief is the only way and everyone else should die or be like me!
If by lean, you mean 2.5 hours of pure arrogance and ego driven Christian propaganda, then sure.
This communicates sheer arrogance and is asking for a power struggle.
«As an official, you try to project confidence without arrogance,» he says.
You know you aren't being accused of arrogance because of what you do or don't believe.
This last sentence would be a sign of arrogance if it were not for me facing accusation, which is what is happening here.
RIM didn't bother to pay attention to the trends and what began as ignorance turned into arrogance.
You have so much arrogance and ignorance in your heart.
Indeed, psychologists say that arrogance comes naturally in Western society.
I don't mind losing, that happens, I don't like arrogance and lack of effort.
Your blind arrogance in believing that the only real answer is one which agrees with YOUR view is really cute.
There's no need for arrogance here, none of the desperate hunt for eternity that many of us crave when we are young.
The idea that somehow you think you know something that literally thousands of climate scientists do not is the absolute height of scientific arrogance.
It's the same arrogance (I know what god wants and I don't care how many disagree with me or for what purpose) that flies planes into buildings..
And other things — but often this produces a certain arrogance in the tester.
True there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence, I think he's stepped over that line.
There is a supreme arrogance in our assertions that taking texts written thousands of years ago can be taken completely literally outside of the context and climate in which they were written.
We can't say go out and say arrogance.
I think the larger leap, and the greater arrogance, are required by those who say they absolutely do not exist.
The bottom line however, is that ego and arrogance mean nothing to the market.
The forum served several purposes to those who used it and I'm genuinely shocked at the utter arrogance and «like it or lump it» attitude on display here.
May be it isn't this way but it's sounding more and more arrogance and a general show of being bigger than the club.
A little arrogance gives the impression of a guy who is self - assured.
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