Sentences with phrase «one's booksellers»

Our interactive map lets you click on any state to show the independent booksellers in that state.
And frankly, so do the thousands of independent booksellers who have always treated books as much more than a commodity.
When I look at the universe of booksellers from a high level, I see see retailers in two camps — the ancillary players and the pure players.
Visit libraries, used and new bookstores, or online booksellers with your child to help reveal his interests and promote new ones.
The platform will also create white pages for booksellers who don't have their own retail website set up.
Also, I like to check with readers whose opinions I value, as well as booksellers and librarians.
And their direct associations with booksellers and media services make them ideal for mobile entertainment.
Putting in the title at booksellers also produced album / band results followed by the five other authors who had done the same thing before that writer did.
Books are hand sold by booksellers all over the world, which means that they give recommendations to people browsing their stores and can influence purchasing decisions.
However, despite the celebration of the news from booksellers and publishers, there are several problems with the measure.
That makes two major booksellers on different sides of the water with hope of decent sales of ebooks.
The company's remaining 399 stores will close (though some prime locations may be taken over by other booksellers), and 11,000 employees will be let go.
That includes indie booksellers who bring a far richer element of local culture to their community than virtually anyone else.
When a publisher offers direct special sales at deep below - cost discount, it damages the publisher's historic partnership with local booksellers.
Every investment book listed here is available for purchase at all online and brick - and - mortar retail booksellers.
ACT is available at all major booksellers in e-book and soft cover.
Independent booksellers don't exist to do local authors favors.
And note that «in - store» promotions aren't limited to bricks - and - mortar booksellers.
For many booksellers it's a profession of passion, but passion in business can't persist forever without profitability.
So there was no need to approach booksellers about my book.
After all, in the past month, several of the country's leading booksellers also got into the game.
Print books may not be dead, but it's not for want of the biggest booksellers trying to kill them.
This is the first e-reader in the world that plays nice with all of the German booksellers.
Any comparative advantage for Australian booksellers will now go.
Giving the gift of words is back in style as online booksellers offer the ability to gift an ebook.
Their monthly magazines help booksellers, librarians and other industry professionals make informed buying decisions about new books.
This is the first time a major publisher has developed proper infrastructure to bypass traditional booksellers.
And of course booksellers know immediately what they're dealing with.
If you have a publisher, trust that they understand the industry and that they know what booksellers are expecting.
How does raising the price of ebooks encourage competition among booksellers?
As for where booksellers place your print book in the physical bookstore — even traditional publishing houses struggle with this.
No one can disagree that more booksellers in the world are better than fewer.
Everyone has to make a living in this business, and this is what the independent booksellers need your book to be in order for both you and them to succeed in selling it.
This system has hurt small presses and indie and self - publishers because booksellers often insist on this strip - and - return policy and they often can't afford it.
This way, the physical bookstores should at least get the chance to survive the digital boom that has doomed many booksellers around the world.
They want to determine the prices of e-books and not allow booksellers to give wholesale discounts.
If booksellers agree to carry your book on their shelves, they want to know how you'll be marketing it to get it off their shelves.
A reminder: delaying shipment of currently available books, or keeping customers from being able to order forthcoming ones is simply not what good booksellers do.
I have seen many major booksellers go bankrupt, some taking chances, some taking none at all.
Similarly, booksellers noted differences in the types of devices that consumers are looking for.
On the contrary, booksellers state the emergence of ebooks has only acted as a catalyst towards an even greater acceptance of books in the traditional format.
The selling point: indie booksellers selling indie books.
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