Sentences with phrase «one's central idea»

The group would gather around and focus on central idea.
It focuses on reading and listening to primary and secondary sources to gather specific details and determine central ideas, and to reinforce reading fluency and paragraph writing.
Fortunately Hybrid itself looks to be a confident game built around a couple of strong central ideas.
Instead of flooding students with information, I'd like to have them deeply examine a few central ideas from different perspectives.
This enables them to avoid repetition while reinforcing central ideas across grades and subjects.
The course builds in depth and complexity from beginning to end, starting with instruction on central ideas and word choice.
The program's activities help students learn to determine central ideas or themes of a text, analyze their development, and learn to summarize key supporting details and ideas.
Students will be able to identify central ideas of the Pumped Dry project and analyze their development over the course of five articles / videos in order to provide an objective summary of the project.
Determining Central Ideas in Text: Writers don't always say things directly or literally; sometimes they convey their ideas indirectly (e.g., metaphor, satire, irony).
Over the past decade Sprecher has created an impressive array of large - scale and small - scale paintings, all of which challenge central ideas about painting and representation: How can an artist describe objects in a new way?
Students are instructed in techniques for evaluating authors» use of language, determining meanings, making inferences, grasping central ideas, interpreting characters, and drawing conclusions to enable them to evaluate literary elements in these works.
Furthermore, students should be able to identify central ideas and articulate their development, summarize, analyze, draw inferences, identify an author's purpose, evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical features, and figure out the meaning of words.
Even Karl Popper's well - known central idea — that scientists should aim to falsify their theories rather than confirm them — is a departure from common sense that has proved invaluable to many scientists.
The way colloidal silver users calculate dosage methods and levels is quite varied, and built around several central ideas.
Feedback: Excellent topic sentence with a transition (one stage) and clear central idea (denial).
«Frames organize central ideas, defining a controversy to resonate with core values and assumptions,» say the authors.
this then would affect central ideas of theology about the immensity and omnipresence of God.
But the compelling central idea of Masters of Nothing has such an ignorance right at its heart — 2010 intake Conservative MPs Matthew Hancock and Nadhim Zahawi argue that the cause of the financial crisis of 2007 - 08 can be found in our almost universal unwillingness to own up to our own irrationality.
The importance of the «little platoons» is a pretty central idea in conservatism (it dates from at least 1790).
The movie is so finely crafted that it's easy to overlook its tacky central idea, which is yet another gimmick.
Instead, Hall Pass is awash in weirdly grafted - on pee - pee and doo - doo jokes, with the gross - outs feeling phoned in from another universe and often hurled at the screen having nothing to do with the picture's rich central idea
Full of drug references and robustly filthy gags, this is a stoner movie with a neat central idea — sentient food and consumer durables are unaware of what happens to them when they leave the supermarket — but an over-reliance on shock tactics and crude racial stereotypes.
Students will be able to identify and articulate central ideas from three resources from the project «Britain's Irregular Migrants» in order to to provide an objective summary of the project.
Two central ideas drive this elegantly written biography.
So when you look at the things we're doing in State of Decay, sticking with that original central idea has put us in a pretty unique position.
I reviewed the Switch for Kotaku in March, saying that despite some hardware issues and missing features, it was «a fascinating new game console built around a novel and well - executed central idea
Working in a largely forgotten technique called Reverse Painting, which began in China a thousand or so years ago, Tourje has the freedom to develop several central ideas simultaneously — similar to the way musicians lay down tracks individually, creating more complex relationships between sounds once they are organized into a cohesive unit.
Thanks to the legacy of artists like Joseph Beuys, who valued an artwork's central idea over its stylistic manifestation, today's artists feel free to engage in multi-disciplinary, cross-historical practice.
One of the most central ideas in my work is that you can find ways to actualize potential capacities and take responsibility to improve your situation.
Of course, I want my students to be able to «determine two or more central ideas of a text» (that's a standard).
The best pacing guides emphasize curriculum guidance instead of prescriptive pacing; these guides focus on central ideas and provide links to exemplary curriculum materials, lessons, and instructional strategies.
If this plot sounds routine, it mostly is, but the framing of that plot always keeps two central ideas in mind: sex and power.
While there are hints of humor, given the film's absurd, near - implausible scenario of a fugitive who plays daddy in a broken family home, Reitman is refreshingly not aiming for cheap laughs here, instead opting for the kind of sincerity required to sell the film's central idea about the visceral necessity of family love.
Students learn techniques for evaluating authors» use of language, determining meanings, making inferences, grasping central ideas, and drawing conclusions.
I've long been enamored of Gravity Rush's peculiar fall - flying method of traversal, and the sequel elaborates on that strong central idea with relish.
Learning maps are tree - like, radiant, nonlinear ways of organising information by showing graphically the connection between central ideas and supporting information.
The topic sentence lacks a clear central idea.
Buffer offers five suggestions all of which revolve around one central idea — to slow down time, feed your brain more new stimulus to chew over.
«In this unique exploration of the role of risk in our society, Peter Bernstein argues that the notion of bringing risk under control is one of the central ideas that distinguishes modern times from the distant past.
And it's going to change a million times as you progress, because that's what building a business is really all about - it's about evolving and advancing a central idea through continually changing circumstances.
The central idea behind Sweden's six - hour work day is to encourage people to put in a focused six hours of work during the day, get their tasks done, and leave at a reasonable hour in order to enjoy their evening.
«One of the central ideas of being an entrepreneur now is that you don't fear failure as much as your parents might have done 40 years ago,» says Vedantam.
It goes back to that central idea of letting other people do most of the talking.
Then, the founders changed the central idea of the service to providing accommodation for conference attendees who didn't want to stay in a hotel.
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