Sentences with phrase «one's chances of heart disease»

The role of fibre in weight management should also not be understated, with plenty of flow - on health benefits, including a reduced chance of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
The high amounts of saturated fat and sodium aren't good for your child either and can increase his lifetime chances of heart disease and high blood pressure.
These man made fats have no nutritional benefit and even a small reduction reduces your future chances of heart disease.
But it is established, Prüfer noted, that the «LDL cholesterol variant from Neanderthals is associated with a lower level, that is, in the direction of reduced chance of heart disease
Too much refined sugar in your diet is not just a risk factor for obesity and diabetes, it also increases your chances of heart disease.
Relieving stress and anxiety can also help reduce your chances of heart disease, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, cognitive decline, and premature aging.
This is the outdated theory that saturated fat and cholesterol intake increases cholesterol levels in the blood, which increase your chance of heart disease.
Studies also show numerous benefits to the mother, including decreased risk of cancers (breast, ovarian, cervical, endometrial), lower incidence of postpartum depression, and reduced chance of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Some online sources claim that oil pulling can help with everything from acne to sore throat and even reduce the chance of heart disease, but I haven't been able to find any actual evidence to back up these claims, other than the fact that good oral hygiene is important for overall health.
A waistline larger than 35 inches can raise your risk of metabolic syndrome — a combo of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar — that can up your chances of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Risk: Diabetes (it increases the chances of heart disease five to seven times in women).
The jury is still out on this one, but some studies show that diets high in vitamin C seem to reduce the chance of heart disease and stroke.
It is recommended by the American Heart Association to consume mackerel for the intent to reduce your chances of heart disease risks.
Almonds are high in monounsaturated fat content which can reduce the chances of heart disease.
This syndrome is known as a «silent killer» because left untreated, it makes one insulin - resistant and increases the chances of heart disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Low salt intake increases your chance of heart disease according to recent studies.
The health benefits are numerous — blood lipid panels, reduced chance of heart disease, possible weight loss / muscle building benefits, and my favorite — joint lubrication.
After all, having extra weight on you can increase your chance of heart disease and other conditions that can make your life shorter.
And while low to moderate alcohol consumption can improve your cholesterol profile, higher intakes can also raise your chance of heart disease and death.
Clinical research has shown regular sauna sessions can help lower blood pressure, the chance of heart disease, and obesity.
(source) Without the additional inflammation in the arteries, chances of heart disease are much lower.
A low fiber intake can also raise your risk of heart disease and metabolic syndrome, a cluster of factors that increases your chances of heart disease and diabetes.
Cauliflower contains omega - 3 which helps lower the chances of heart disease.
Fiber also acts as a cleanup crew for excess LDL cholesterol, thereby cleaning your arteries and further reducing your chances of heart disease.
Does a Body Good The numerous studies that have looked at the benefits of red palm oil have found that it reduces cholesterol levels in the body, and actually helps clean out deposits in the arteries and «thins» the blood — reducing the chance of heart disease and stroke, and reducing blood pressure.
Omega 3 fatty acids can help lower your chance of heart disease plus mitigate joint and arthritis pain.
You might miss that bit of flavor, but skipping the seasoning every once in awhile on your dishes is great for humans, too, as the American Heart Association reports that low sodium dishes can reduce blood pressure and lower your chances of heart disease.
We know that a healthy diet of fruits & vegetables and unsaturated fats lessons our chances of heart disease, cancer and early death.
When your spouse is less stressed, so is his heart, reducing his chances of heart disease and other risk factors related to cardiovascular issues.
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