Sentences with phrase «one's craft stuff»

I'd completely forgotten the joys of craft stuff and its lovely to have a go again.
There's not a ton of well - crafted stuff in the show, but that's what we've got now with these made - to - order companies.
My hubby put an unused except for craft stuff and storage into this closet.
Luckily I never through any DIY or crafting stuff away.
A good chunk of my spending money goes to new culinary tools and fun craft stuff that my daughters and I can do.
Once I went to craft stuff in a closet with a desk level shelf to keep my sewing machine always set up, then it was a lot better.
I would probably use it in the mud room or in the spare bedroom for craft stuff, etc..
So sad to see summer go but do love playing outside in autumn — we've started taking craft stuff to the park as well so we can autumny crafts like leaf and bark rubbing outside which is so much fun.
I would love to have a Silhouette, but afraid I already have to much craft stuff, hubby would probably shoot me if I got more.
It's gonna be a stressful couple weeks... considering half of my stuff is at John's, half of my stuff is in storage, and I have two suitcases and a car full of wedding craft stuff while I live with my dear friend Dani until the wedding.
And don't feel like a meanie for deleting craft stuff.
Whether you're up for some dungeon looting, sword - and - sorcery combat, or for some reason really like crafting stuff, there's something for everyone here.
And moved my office / craft stuff upstairs.
i am so impressed with what you have achieved like you i have little storage but a huge house full of craft stuff kids stuff sewing and knitting stuff my daughter does glass painting and i make stuff from absolute junk i: e flowers from cut up beer and fizzy drink cans you get the idea.
The idea to upgrade and craft stuff in F4 is great as well as the settlement option but it leaves you feeling with wanting more action and less world creating.
My favorite places to shop in Austin are uncommon objects, Good Will on Brodie, and for craft stuff... the Habitat Re-Store!
So CG technology, hand - crafted stuff, hand - drawn animation, it's all been part of our tool - kit from the start.
I'm guessing there's only so much scrapbooking and crafts stuff you can sell.
Get out the box of craft stuff you never have time for, and let everyone make a picture for Grandma.
Craig keeps a couple of boxes of craft stuff that he and his son go to on a rainy day or for just when he's feeling a bit creative.
Since our big project to the house this year was putting on that fancy new roof (# 4) and I had nothing to do with it, I have been free to play around in my craft stuff and remember how much I like creating.
I have a room at home for my craft stuff, which doubles as a family junk room.
We have a couple of shelves which holds a range of art and craft stuff and different activities suitable for the younger children.
Lauren said: «I'm making some homemade glitter play dough and putting them in the eggs and some arts and craft stuff
To better do more crafts, I ended up gathering all the craft stuff I've acquired over the years and put them in bins — crayons, markers, pipe cleaners, pom - poms, googley eyes, Play - Doh, various paints, glitter glue, glue, stickers, coloring books, activity books, sticker books, you name it — in the dining room.
I am an almond milk - aholic for the craft stuff.
, kids» craft stuff, cool origami books whilst tidying the living room, all sorts.....
Plus a huge amount of time and $ $ $ on writing classes, submissions, hone your craft stuff, platform building, networking, and pow - pows with literary agents.
I suggest spending some time in the first world, tinkering around with it, as it requires a lot of tabbing along and tabbing in further in one tab, moving items, and figuring out how to craft the stuff you need.
We've already forgotten how to use our own intellect in crafting our stuff, even resumes.
It's where I keep all my crafting stuff, fabric, sewing projects, even off - season clothes.
It was pretty much a hot mess of all of my craft stuff and anything that spilled over from the kitchen.
I plan to store some craft stuff plus I like to change out vases or candle holders so I'll have a place for them now.
and now i am wonering if i shouldn't put emmy's dresser in her closet and put her craft stuff against her wall... it looks so good like that!!!! and i love the ledge with all the art - great idea, lilly!
I have 2 cabinets devoted to Craft stuff (although I don't think of myself as a very crafty person LOL).
It has become a place to store my craft stuff, gifts, memory books, clothes to take to dry cleaners / special care items, etc..
Once I clear our the craft stuff out of my 4th bedroom, it will be empty.
Since all of my gift wrap and craft stuff is spread among various locations (over three floors), I'm hoping to consolidate it all into one space this Fall after some renovation stuff is complete.
Especially for my crafting stuff... because when I have the time to craft I want to make the most of it!!
Oooo... a wing back chair, an ottoman, a side table for my cup of coffee, a lamp for good reading, a BIG table for my sewing, a beautiful rug... a place to put everything — computer & accessories, sewing stuff, crafting stuff, etc..
it would have room to work, room for a kid or three to play (because they are always in my business) and places to organize all my craft stuff.
No craft stuff this year.
My ideal Mom nest is a room that houses all my craft stuff in the lcoset and on shelves in matching plastic containers, includes a day bed that can sleep one of my kids when they come to visit and a wall of pictures that make me happy just to look at.
I'd probably buy either craft stuff or groceries.
I wish I had a craft space / office to share... unfortunately, my dining room table is where I do my crafts and the closet under the stairs is where I store my craft stuff... someday!
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