Sentences with phrase «one's current understanding»

The information in this brochure is based on current understanding of the law and is not guaranteed.
That is consistent with current understanding of physiological principles.
It's possible, he says, that there might be some unforeseen process at work that could change current understanding of early star formation.
While the information may not reflect current understanding, it is provided in an historical context.
Current understanding suggests that the ocean circulation can become unstable and change rapidly when critical thresholds are crossed.
If current understanding of the phenomena is wrong, where is the error likely to be located?
They changed the models to match the most current understanding of how particles react and persist.
The primary goal is to help facilitate creative thought around how to support recovery for caregivers and parents using current understandings and best practices as appropriate.
Based upon current understanding of the effects of CR use on the body, it is possible that its use will have numerous negative impacts on hair growth.
Analysis could enrich current understanding and identify potential drug targets.
These recommendations are considered the gold standard, and they change frequently to reflect our best current understanding of the science of vaccination.
What I find striking is that so much of that article could be published today and still be considered to reflect current understanding.
Current understanding suggests that radiative forcings over the course of an 11 - year solar cycle are in phase with related influences on climate.
Come to think of it, since you brought it up, it seems a fair question to ask: How integral to current understanding of climate is catastrophe theory?
«Because there is considerable uncertainty in current understanding of how the climate system varies naturally and reacts to emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, current estimates of the magnitude of future warming should be regarded as tentative and subject to future adjustments (either upward or downward).»
The commission gave current understanding of spill impacts and restoration efforts a C. Boesch commends the research carried out since the Deepwater Horizon spill.
This deficit challenges current understanding of physics and of the process by which the sun shines
This view is supported by current understandings of learning and brain plasticity.
Recruitment materials described the study as testing a «newly - developed virtual interaction story» in which the participant would «create [their] own adventure story with a virtual partner» and would help «improve current understanding of human interaction.»
Lenton et al. (2008) and Nobre and Borma (2009) have summarized current understanding of «tipping points» in Amazonian forests.
Edited by Anne Fox and Mike MacAvoy and prepared by the International Center for Alcohol Policies and DrinkWise Australia, this book seeks to advance current understanding of the individual and collective meanings, purposes, and functions of drunkenness.
[62] Objects known as «B (e)» or «B [e]» stars possess distinctive neutral or low ionisation emission lines that are considered to have «forbidden mechanisms», undergoing processes not normally allowed under current understandings of quantum mechanics.
A telescope with HDST's degree of sensitivity, resolution, and stability will transform current understanding of how galaxies, stars, and planets form and evolve.
Included in this pack are the following: · A pre-test for assessing current understanding.
«Atacama Desert may have harbored lakes, wetlands: Discovery could revise current understanding of a South American settlement.»
By showing the link between the cerebellum, limbic (emotional) centers, and autonomic nervous system, the present study expands current understanding of traumatic memories and how and intervention like NET can significantly alleviate the suffering associated with them.
The session will cover current understanding of how cells regulate and monitor the production and turnover of coding and noncoding RNAs.
The McDonnell Distinguished Lecture this year will describe current understanding of the formation of the solar system, particularly its mix of rocky planets, gas giants and icy planets.
In a review published in the journal Development, Ian Chambers and Simon Tomlinson look at the experiments that have informed current understanding of the biological function of Oct 4, Sox2 and Nanog.
The contents include topics, such as, the basic science of wound healing, the role of biomarkers, current understanding around stem cells and their role in wound repair and regeneration, the role of nutrition, infection, and biofilms that can impact outcomes.
They defined the purpose of feedback «as to reduce the discrepancies between current understandings / performance and a desired goal.»
Scientists in the field are working hard to uncover such things — every scientist relishes the thought of uncovering new data that overturns current understanding.
The largest international science conference before the Paris COP21, with close to 2,000 participants from almost 100 countries, CFCC15 explores current understanding of all dimensions of the climate change challenge plus the full range of mitigation and adaptation options that can lead to sustainable, equitable solutions across all nations and regions.
12 - 14 April 1999), represents the formally agreed statement of the IPCC concerning current understanding of aviation and the global atmosphere.
For now, the perfect - glass model is a theoretical proof of concept, though an intriguing one that defies current understandings of glass.
It is conceivable that there are quantum - gravitational effects that would permit a repulsive gravitylike force, but most such speculations require a strange and highly speculative material whose existence would violate current understandings about the properties of matter.
Maarbjerg, S. J., Sylow, L., and Richter, E. A. Current understanding of increased insulin sensitivity after exercise — emerging candidates.
Once we have big, transferable ideas, we make students» current understanding visible, and connect it to the new learning.
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