Sentences with phrase «one's dictum»

Rimer LJ seems to have attributed it primarily to a misinterpretation of obiter dicta of Cumming - Bruce and Dillon LJJ in Nicholas v Nicholas [1984] FLR 285.
In obiter dicta remarks in Trammel v. United States (1980), Chief Justice Warren Burger placed confessions in the same category of privileged communications that apply to those between attorneys and their clients:
But for many, the answer was akin to the famous dictum from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart when writing about pornography, «I know it when I see it.»
PS — this makes the old dictum on the cost of equity valid again — the cost of equity capital for a firm should be 2 - 3 % above their longest bond yield.
Instead, it's further proof of veteran screenwriter William Goldman's famous dictum about Hollywood: «Nobody knows anything.»
But these sentiments are regarded as obiter dicta by priests who know that they could be summarily suspended, and left with nothing but their shredded reputations, on the basis of barely «credible» accusations.
In the essays that he published over more than three decades, he turned even his equivocations into dictums as he explored subjects that included not only art, architecture, and the art world, but also urban development and national affairs.
You lead by organization, not dictum or command.
Unlike headnotes, which are tied to legal arguments, this system accounts for dicta, dissents, and anywhere else legal precedent may originate.
There are judicial dicta in cases like Jackson to the effect that it might be constitutionally possible for the courts to do so by, for instance, refusing to apply legislation that was contrary to a rule - of - law value.
There's an old Hollywood dictum which states, don't shoot the puppy.
«Adopt Ronald Regan's famous dictum when working with your broker: «trust but verify,» Rebitzer advises.
So it may be, but the peace drawn from such dicta is faint.
That old dictum seems relevant at a moment when the markets are a paradox: Each new high only makes many veteran investors more nervous that...
As for Matlow J's oft - quoted dicta on the subject — he was making the same error of turning anecdote into statistic.
«A basic economic dictum says «if expenditure can not be controlled, then internal demands must be curtailed».
A scientific dictum states glacier change should happen slowly in the Arctic because temperatures are low, the ice is very cold, and it melts more slowly than ice elsewhere.
The great business dictums hold true ever the more ardently in most of BigLaw.
Justice Stevens, the author of Gall, reveals yet again that he can give the defense bar lots of great dicta.
On the other hand, if Buffett's following his own dictum, he could likely be buying up shares left and right now, while the market recoils in reacting to the Brexit vote.
It is possible, however, that his emphatic claim of traversing the Aristotelian dictum has hindered rather than helped certain readers, leading them to understand what he did not mean or to assume he meant more than in fact he intended to convey.
The premier female match player of golf's modern era, Carner had excelled by following a simple dictum that she stressed to her 10 - member team: Treat each hole as an individual tournament.
That's what the Lawyers USA blog DC Dicta calls it, noting that the five - seat National Labor Relations Board will soon be down to only two members, Democrat Wilma B. Liebman and Republican Peter C. Schaumber.
I'm all for optimism and for technology, but it's crucial to remember an important dictum from finance that applies here: «Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.»
At paragraph 53 in Wellington, the court merely made closing obiter dicta comments to illustrate that concerned family members of victims of crime often have rights to certain remedies.
Baroness Hale's well known dicta in Miller v Miller / McFarlane v McFarlane [2006] UKHL 24, [2006] 3 All ER 1 sets out what family practitioners have come to see as familiar strands to the court's discretion in making a financial award upon divorce, namely financial needs (generously interpreted), sharing, and compensation.
This wasn't necessary for the holding in this case, which was about whether the person was a citizen, so this could be considered dicta.
They strove to challenge and transgress the traditional dictums of art making, to transport art into new spaces, to create an experience for the viewer, and to dissolve boundaries between nature, art and technology, all with an optimistic enthusiasm and unrestricted aesthetic.
At one time, that meant you could walk around and issue dictums to the troops.
Her administration tried desperately to control the country's currency — despite a thriving «blue market» in pesos that made a mockery of government dictums.
These clergymen stress loving thy neighbor as the major Christian ethical dictum.
This they do by stitching together Newman's burial stipulations with the famed dictum of his patron saint Philip Neri: amare nesciri (love to be unknown).
Harold Wilson's often tritely - invoked dictum that a week is a long time in politics certainly does seem to sum - up George Osborne's terribilis autem sabbati (if my Latin for «terrible week» is indeed accurate).
When the first of «three sophisticated experiments» designed to test the effectiveness of marriage programs aimed at low - income couples was evaluated and reported on by Mathematica, the Rossi dictum again prevailed: «[Building strong families] did not make couples more likely to stay together or get married... it did not improve couple's relationships.»
And yet most Christians today do not read 1 Corinthians 11 as a universal dictum regarding God's design for hairstyles and head coverings.
The Hippocratic dictum against prescribing a deadly medicine has subsequently been set aside by initiative in the state of Washington, by legislative act in Vermont, and by court edict in Montana and New Mexico.
Objection Obligated Obligation Obligee Obligor Obiter Dictum OCSE (Office of Child Support Enforcement) Obstruction of Justice Offset OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) Onus Probandi Open Adoption Opinion Oral Argument Order Order to Show Cause Ordinary Expenses Out of Wedlock Overrule
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