Sentences with phrase «one's excess calories»

Not only that, but it can also prevent the body from storing excess calories as body fat, making it a very effective fat burning supplement indeed.
Simple snack option: Snack is often considered important in your healthy diet regime, especially to avoid consuming excess calories in meals.
Using more calories by becoming more active helps keep us below our individual limit, the point where our body starts storing excess calories as fat.
Eating excess calories from any source will always make you gain weight.
Furthermore, it is also important to note the high caloric intake in alcohol, which can very quickly cause an athlete to consume excess calories not in line with their nutrition goals.
They can help make food more satisfying without excess calories.
Eating excess calories in the form of plant foods is not going to be a problem if you are burning them off with exercise.
This is a term used to describe the impaired ability to build muscle caused by a long - term excess calorie consumption.
In theory, any food or supplement that provides you with excess calories can lead to weight gain.
When consumed in moderation, the high fiber content of nuts and seeds can curb your appetite helping you to avoid excess calorie intake.
For a long time, everyone saw body fat simply as a storage space for excess calories.
Saying that weight gain is caused by excess calories is just as ridiculous as saying that the entrance hall is so crowded because more people are entering than leaving.
But there are ways to give healthy treats that every dog can enjoy without adding excess calories or that are offered as part of a regular meal.
Other startling findings in this particular study showed that excess calories caused high blood pressure particularly in men, and the risk of cardiac death doubled for women.
Maybe my child is already overweight (one in three American kids are, so this isn't a stretch) and I'm legitimately concerned about excess calories in his diet.
Remember that fat doesn't directly make you «fat», excess calories make you «fat».
So, a mother who's breastfeeding, particularly mothers exclusively breastfeeding — all the nutrition a baby is getting is from the mother — the mother is burning 500 excess calories per day.
In fact, you'll most likely resort to unhealthy food options that provide excess calories and minimal nutrients.
Saying that they do so because excess calories are consumed is not a meaningful answer.
This lack of protein makes you hungry and increases your chances of filling up on excess calories from fat and carbs.
While excess calories are storied as fat, it's still important to eat adequate amounts.
Insulin is a storage hormone evolved to put aside excess calories in the form of fat.
While the purpose of the former is to accumulate excess calories, the latter is used to produce heat.
I suspect that excess junk food choices and overall excess calories are the major causes of the problem.
In people who are relatively insulin resistant in muscle, and therefore have higher insulin levels, chronic excess calories are more likely to be turned into fat and stored in the liver.
People become obsessed with the thought of burning off excess calories rather than looking at natural, whole foods such as fruit, veg, nuts, oats and more.
If you're trying to lose weight, excess calories translate into excess pounds.
Not only is it easy to consume too many excess calories when drinking alcohol; alcohol also puts the body in a state not conducive for fat burning and muscle building.
Insulin is charged with the burning of the blood glucose within the cells which also helps to minimize excess calories.
This process increases your metabolism and burns excess calories rapidly throughout your entire body.
The alternative is to eat excess calories force feeding for certain nutrients.
If you consume those same excess calories at 7 am, you'd still gain fat just the same.
The net result is a more sluggish metabolism that stores, rather than burns, incoming excess calories.
Whole foods like rice, chicken, or butter are still very easy to prepare and can still be a source of excess calories.
Here's what it does — Insulin stores excess calories as fat.
She points out that protein is essential in helping to maintain lean muscle mass, which is instrumental in helping to burn excess calories and fat.
Nearly 100 % of the time, fat isn't being lost due to excess calorie consumption.
But a single food is rarely responsible for making you gain weight, since it's excess calorie intake — rather than the specific food you eat — that leads to body fat.
Dog treats are a major culprit for excess calories.
It is no secret, excess calories from any type of food can and often will be stored as a fat in our bodies.
Any time a cat is overweight she is not only consuming excess calories / food, but excess minerals as well.
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