Sentences with phrase «one's fight against climate change»

This is the level of responsibility that rich and poor nations will take on in the global fight against climate change.
Also, the ocean contributes in generating food and oxygen for human being and fighting against climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the carbon dioxide released by human activities.
You can get involved now to make your mark in the urgent fight against climate change.
But a prominent figure in the legal fight against climate change has left the arena, and his eventual replacement could set different priorities.
Cities are improving the lives of local residents while also contributing to the global fight against climate change.
Going to court for more climate protection — and for more transparency Everywhere across the world activists are fighting against climate change by using litigation.
, Kids Create Shoes of Hope in Fight Against Climate Change
More on Obama and Tesla: Obama's Auto Task Force Questions GM Volt's Commercial Potential Tesla Model S to be Under $ 50K, 250th Electric Roadster Delivered Obama: US Ready to Lead Fight Against Climate Change Tesla Hires Chrysler Exec to Become VP of Engineering
Whether working as a bilingual city school teacher, fighting against climate change with Mothers Out Front, or helping lead St. Peter's Soup Kitchen... I Listen.
Building a road out of soft climate denial: «The effective fight against climate change requires a new understanding of the connections between macro-scale policy and our micro-scale subjective experience,» writes Michael Hoexter, PhD, in an essay published by New Economic Perspectives on 6 September 2016, «Living in the Web of Soft Climate Denial».
or the client, were not admitted to» heaven» for some reason or other having to do with how they did or did not fight against climate change.
The EU is seeking ways to expand the global fight against climate change before 2020, when nations plan to bring a new emissions treaty into effect.
But rolling back the CPP will still damage the US fight against climate change, not by loosening emissions reductions targets but by undermining a unifying principle and hampering ambitions to do better.
Report Links Nanotechnology to Fight Against Climate Change Beware The Silver Lining: A Risk Management Review Of Commercial Nanotechnology The Debate over Nanotechnology
«Mexico's leadership in making this announcement confirms that we are in a new era, in which all nations have a role to play in the collective fight against climate change,» said Nathaniel Keohane, Vice President for International Climate at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
«' Awesome» meaning: what an amazing opportunity for our town to win a huge fight against climate change
In 2015, Obama stopped the proposed thousand - mile pipeline citing that it would not be a good idea for America's position of leadership in the global fight against climate change.
Day two of the Generation Energy situated «Canada's Energy Team» in the international context, focusing in on Canada's role in the global energy market and its position as a force to drive forward the international fight against climate change.
WASHINGTON, April 25 - A day after flaunting his friendship with Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron forcefully challenged many of the U.S. president's policies on Wednesday, urging the United States to engage more with the world, step up the fight against climate change and stay in the Iran nuclear pact for now.
«An increase of 44 percent on the record - breaking equivalent period in 2017 is clear evidence the investment made in this technology has paid off for the economy and the environment, putting Scotland at the forefront of the fight against climate change,» he added.
The EU considers itself at the forefront of the fight against climate change and as a bloc it's on track to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, which limits the emissions of gases that warm the planet.
In a speech on Monday, Obama called the plan «the single most important step that America has ever taken in the fight against climate change
Now our oil imports have plummeted, our clean energy industry is booming, and America is a global leader in the fight against climate change.
The Clean Fuel Standard is critical to Canada's fight against climate change.
«The fight against climate change, and all the research, innovation and technological progress it will bring, will continue, with or without the U.S.,» Tusk said.
It could significantly exceed that if more governments turn to green bonds as a way of enlisting private investors into their fight against climate change.
Countries signed on to the UN's Paris Agreement are turning to green bonds as a way to enlist private investors in their fight against climate change.
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is also promoting the use of green bonds in the fight against climate change.
As a first principle, all segments of the population must be involved in the fight against climate change.
In the seven years that the application languished under the Obama administration, it faced rising opposition amid a successful play among environmental leaders to make it a crucible in the fight against climate change.
During his address to the Canadian Parliament on June 29, 2016, United States President Barack Obama singled out Alberta as a leader in the fight against climate change.
Colstrip is one of the top carbon - producing plants in the U.S. and has become a target of environmentalists and lawmakers in the fight against climate change.
The Harper government has made its disdain for the fight against climate change quite clear.
At the same time, he said there were other portions that «fund health insurance, early childhood education, the fight against climate change and expand manufacturing hubs to grow jobs.»
Those who work at the nexus of agriculture, poverty, and deforestation understand that the fight against climate change is in fact inseparable from the fight for a living wage or the protection of children from labor abuses.
I believed America could and would be a leader in the fight against climate change; in the fight against Nazism and terrorism; in the fight against racism and sexism and hunger and poverty.
This is an exciting development giving us a greater reach and a stronger voice in the fight against climate change, deforestation and rural poverty.
Rainforests purify air and water and absorb carbon dioxide — that makes them our greatest allies in the fight against climate change.
Forests are our most powerful allies in the fight against climate change, we need them in order to keep our planet in balance.
Nature Conservancy's Justin Adams explains why the conservation, restoration, and improved management of land could be an invaluable solution in the fight against climate change.
Protecting the world's forests would contribute significantly to the fight against climate change.
Mass Audubon has designated Wellfleet Bay as a Climate Action Center to lead our community in the fight against climate change.
Many of my «Green Mom» friends are joining in to raise awareness of the need to continue the fight against climate change.
Environment secretary Hillary Benn said the line would help to take the fight against climate change into people's homes.
«This city is standing up and saying, «We're going to take our own actions to protect our own people,»» de Blasio said, wearing a green necktie and sitting in front of large green sign that said «NYC: Leading the Fight Against Climate Change
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