Sentences with phrase «one's genus»

Approximately 3 million years ago, the ecosystems of North and South America were forever changed as dozens of genera of animals migrated between the two continents along the newly formed Isthmus of Panama in an event known as the Great American Biotic Interchange.
More species of birds have accumulated in genera inhabiting climatically stable areas.
«A new species of genus Homo from Olduvai Gorge.»
Researchers have decoded the chemistry of the first of a wealth of unique compounds produced by a new genus of bacteria that dwells in deep - ocean sediments, and they have found it to be a potent inhibitor of human cancers in lab experiments.
The increased understanding of the intestinal microbiota composition and activity will make it likely that in the future we will see new probiotics from genera other than Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces; these may focus on new or existing health targets.
«I am delighted to have this new genus named after me.»
«Genetic studies of two parasitic butterfly species from the same genus of Large Blues suspect cryptic speciation, as great divergences were found in their mtDNA,» says Wiemers.
Oxyscelio received almost no attention from that time until 1976, when Lubomír Masner, one of the authors of this study, published revisionary notes for genera of the then - recognized family Scelionidae.
The East African cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi are ideal for investigating behavioral adaptation to environment, as within genera, fine - scale niche partitioning has resulted in sympatric sister species that live in definable microhabitats with distinct selection pressures.
The ancient finds, referred to as shell beads by Abdeljalil Bouzouggar of the National Institute of Archaeological and Historical Sciences in Rabat, Morocco, and his coworkers, come from snails of the same genus as do 75,000 - year - old perforated shells previously discovered in South Africa.
The study, he says, demonstrates that the painstaking task of recreating evolutionary family trees for genera with large numbers of species is well worth the effort.
The New World genus Capsicum is a member of the Solanaceae, a large tropical family.
The Pheidole ant genus includes more than a thousand species, all of which contain worker ants with oversized heads and jaws that allow them to break up food.
By utilizing a slightly modified coexistence approach (Mosbrugger and Utescher, 1997), we were able to generate climatic ranges for 16 plant genera identified at the site and a MAT estimate (see Appendix).
A piece of fossilized jaw discovered at Ledi - Geraru, Ethiopia, pushes back the date when the first members of the human genus evolved by 400,000 years.
The one pictured is representative of the group that has 5 different genera belonging to it.
RunBot — Rush Runner is a Action game developed by Genera Games.
The largest genus in the conifer family Pinaceae is Pinus, with over 100 species.
The revised genus belongs to the engaging cuckoo wasp family Chrysididae.
As an example, this fairy bonnet cluster is a member of the Coprinellus genus which includes many distinct species that can only be differentiated by one another when compared under a microscope.
The most common genera in products that are geared toward digestive health are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.
The Prunus genus contains around 430 flowering species.
«Those Scottish fossil beds have four or five known genera of ray - finned fish in them.
One of the strangest plants that thrives in these tracts of nutrient - poor soil is a spiny, purple - flowered genus called Philcoxia, which inexplicably grows with its leaves buried underground.
Globally, there is an outstanding ratio of one endemic Laparocerus for each 35.7 km2; a record not beaten by any other genus of plant or animal in Macaronesia.
They are working on a paper arguing that the fossil is probably a dolichosaur, an extinct genus of marine lizard.
Dr Fry's team studied the venom of 16 tiger snake populations from across Australia including five island populations in the Bass Strait, and venoms from 11 other snakes in related genera.
Relative Abundance of the 10 Most Abundant Bacterial Genera Identified for All Infants Overall and for Individual Delivery Mode and Feeding Groups
Entomologists from Switzerland led by Dr Rainer Neumeyer have described a new species of the wasp genus Polistes from Central Europe.
Now, they have been subdivided into several genuses, with Elaphe reserved for some of the Asian species, and most North American species given the resurrected name Pantherophus.
Most of these helpful bacteria belong to the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria genera.
The tree doesn't fit into a living genus of this family, however; the closest analogue, according to Hill, appears to be fossils of trees that lived 90 to 50 million years ago, in the Cretaceous and Tertiary Periods.
These more susceptible coral genera include:
This book follows the life of genera -LSB-...] mehr
Moreover, the results are consistent with molecular genetic data relating to the ongoing diversification of the family in the Great Lakes region of East Africa, which have indicated that hybridization between members of related species or even genera has played a major role in cichlid speciation.
Low levels of thiocyanate are found in Brassica genus vegetables.
The main varieties of coffee (genus Coffea) beans are Arabica or Robusta and the latter has twice the caffeine content.
Artist illustration by Mike Skrepnick of Spiclypeus shipporum, a newly described genus and species of horned dinosaur.
The world's oldest stone tools were made 3.3 million years ago — some 500,000 years before our human genus evolved.
Genetic studies of the kipunji, a threatened monkey in Tanzania, reveal that it belongs to a new primate genus — the first to be identified in 83 years.
Dinosaurs make up one - third of all vertebrate genera found in the fossil beds, and all three major dinosaur groups had already appeared — not bad for a time when the beasts were thought to be rare.
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