Sentences with phrase «one's investments in fossil fuels»

The white paper pushed back against the growing global movement to end investment in fossil fuels.
Reducing investment in fossils fuels and investing heavily in new technologies, mainly renewable energy, is vital to stop global warming, he said.
But we also know that large volumes of finance continue to undermine the climate change agenda, such as ongoing investments in fossil fuel assets.
On the recent Do the Math tour, Bill McKibben, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, author Naomi Klein and other speakers and a team of organizers launched a campaign calling on churches, colleges, and others to divest their stock portfolios of investments in fossil fuel corporations — as was done in the the 1970s and 1980s as part of delegitimizing the apartheid regime in South Africa.
Distant financial elites aren't the only ones with investments in the fossil fuel industry — most people with a private pension or savings account do too
Students at hundreds of colleges and U.S. universities (shown in above map) have already begun campaigns to get their institutions to divest from investments in fossil fuel companies.
Climate Solutions continues to be a central player in the coalition, bringing new and powerful voices to the table who are calling for clean energy solutions instead of continued investment in the fossil fuels of the past.
CEO Anne - Marie Corboy said HESTA's Investments and Governance Team expects that the push to limit global warming, through a reduction in the burning of carbon, is likely to impact investments in fossil fuel reserves in the long term.
Kim defended World Bank policies that permit investments in fossil fuels in developing nations in rare cases, saying it was often for power plants to supply electricity vital to help end poverty.
Our analysis, published this week, concluded that clean energy just had its best year ever globally, with US $ 367 billion invested — nearly 50 percent more than new investment in fossil fuel power.
There's a new state panel investigating how New York's pension system can pull investments in fossil fuel companies.
In calling for too much investment in fossil fuel supply, the IEA greatly increases the likelihood of one of these two outcomes occurring.
A $ 150 billion energy investment in the fossil fuel industry would create 788,567 jobs while that same investment would create 2,505,732 jobs from clean energy investments.
Catholic institutions on Tuesday announced a decision to pull their money from or block future investment in fossil fuels.
The City of New York announced that it was using its considerable financial clout to advance the fight over climate change by unveiling their plans to sell off $ 5 billion of the City's pension investments in fossil fuel companies.
They're plowing ahead, but what has changed the landscape on this is that just in the last couple of weeks [Cuomo] said he wants state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli to seriously look at divestment of state investments in fossil fuel.
Tim Ratcliffe's vision of stopping investment in fossil fuels and artificially imposing a transition to a low - carbon economy would have...
As Schellnhuber puts it: «Heavy investments in fossil fuels have led to big profits for shareholders, which in turn leads to greater investments in technologies that have proven to be profitable.»
Yet many countries are still boosting investments in fossil fuel - fired power plants, a move that will «commit» the world to massive quantities of heat - trapping greenhouse gases, a new study says.
Parish earlier had mentioned the value of students pressing their university trustees to shed investments in fossil fuel stocks:
DiCaprio attended a meeting of the Divest - Invest Coalition in New York City Tuesday, where he pledged to end his personal and his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation's investments in the fossil fuel sector.
The Commission might well question Dominion's plan to lock its customers into a bad investment in fossil fuels over the next twenty years at the expense of smarter renewable alternatives.
Champion broader legislation that ends investment in fossil fuel expansion, and funds a just transition for industry - dependent workers and communities, while supporting a clean, renewable energy economy.
If the industry is in fact incentivized to maximize near - term profits, a large conflict of interest exists, since (as you know) investments in fossil fuel resources are typically (until recently) made years, if not decades before production, and often in different political, economic, and social contexts.
Student activists stage sit - ins at their colleges to protest endowment investments in fossil fuels.
All the spin in the world can't cover up that the European Commission is attempting to push through large scale investment in fossil fuel infrastructure at taxpayers» expense.
The team collected signatures for the petition, which requests Japanese banks to disclose their holdings in fossil fuel and nuclear companies, implement investment policies that align with the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming under 1.5 — 2 degrees C, and freeze any new domestic and foreign investments in fossil fuel and nuclear related companies.
Investment in fossil fuels beyond what is aligned with the Paris goals can lead to two possible outcomes.
Given the MDBs» commitments to help address the climate - change challenge, continued investments in fossil fuel generation should only occur while ramping up investments in fuel switching (to renewables), energy efficiency, and / or CCS technologies to minimize the climate impacts of misaligned projects.
But technological possibility and economic advantage will not by itself overcoming the self - interest of polluters, the political inertia against dramatic change and the trillions of dollars of soon to be stranded investment in fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
The Anglican Church in Ireland has voted to put an end to its major investments in fossil fuel companies.
In 2010, investments in renewable energy exceeded investments in fossil fuelled power plants for the first time, a major global milestone.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) projects that by 2040, the world will have $ 3.4 trillion invested in solar — $ 1.3 trillion more than the projected investment in fossil fuels.
Civil society is not alone in making this point, just last week, 100 economists from around the world signed the Declaration on Climate Finance, calling for an immediate end to investment in fossil fuel production and infrastructure.
Separately, the Church of England announced that it is selling various investments in fossil fuel industries.
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