Sentences with phrase «one's lack of resources»

When I was on the road, everywhere I went, workshop participants complained about lack of resources for these children.
Whether it be because of lack of resources, lack of support, or a host of other personal reasons, it is harder to keep excellent teachers in high - need schools.
The relative lack of resources in many urban schools does not mean that ambitious instruction with technology can not be realized there.
We use our supposed lack of resources as an excuse to sit on the sidelines and not do anything at all.
Lack of resources at the local level for secondary schools caused many school systems to eliminate positions for reading teachers at both the middle and high school levels.
The problem is not lack of resources but the lack of will to make them available.
Many states have requested waivers from some requirements, citing lack of resources.
Students face many hurdles over the summer including lack of resources and mentors.
Rather, they call out the state, which communicates to children that it does not care by ignoring the severe lack of resources in schools.
Make sure you have enough scratching surfaces if you have multiple cats, so they don't fight or grow stressed over lack of resources.
I've endured rejection, judgment, doubt, fear, and a serious lack of resources.
For artists in general, there is a genuine lack of resources and money.
Almost as common throughout our survey results as the lack of time was the perceived lack of resources.
Look to the developing countries lack of resources equals poverty.
And there is a real lack of resources for people who don't fit the dominant narrative of Christian marriages for whatever reason, too.
There is a distinct lack of resources being devoted to digital programs across the board.
«What we saw was a combination of schools with a tremendous lack of resources and yet examples of principals who were doing extraordinary things under difficult situations,» he says.
You experience how poverty, achievement gaps, and lack of resources affect your students on a personal level.
Ultimately, though, these feel - good measures can't make up for a basic lack of resources in many schools.
Being at the intersection of high - achievement and lack of resources places these students in a unique position, and often fall through the gaps in the American education system.
But sometimes lack of resources and incomplete knowledge of the topic make students unable to accomplish report writing task for their assignments.
There are ill - prepared schools, the threat of violence, inadequate health care, lack of resources for out - of - school time.
The growing desire for academic excellence and lack of resources in our school systems are the drivers behind today's boom.
Students face many hurdles over the summer including lack of resources and mentors.
While living in rural Illinios, Monica noticed the stark lack of resources available for community cats and decided to do something about it.
He said that the problem of the power sector had nothing to do with lack of resources as the government had committed N11tn to the power sector reforms without achieving the objective of providing stable power supply in the country.
The potential for damage to aquatic life was likely underestimated since lack of resources meant researchers could monitor fewer than half of the more than 400 pesticides used agriculturally each year, the study said.
As gapingvoid works with more and more companies, we see that their problems aren't about lack of resources or ideas; most of them have plenty of talent, plenty of great products and plenty of money.
He developed several patents along those lines, but Integument's small size and lack of resources made it difficult to develop them further.
The threats to the archive are due to a constant lack of resources needed to digitize stocks of newsreels, feature and documentary films, and funding to maintain equipment and the premises.
She says the current lack of resources for nonvisual students gives the Logan Project great potential.
Basili: The main concerns I've heard from educators revolve around lack of resources — particularly lack of materials that allow for differentiated instruction.
Or maybe when we begin to talk about needing more people or the church is going to collapse (presumably through lack of resources) or when we have to rationalise resources to stave off bankruptcy (something the Church of Scotland is looking at having to do in the next 3 - 5 years) or even when the choice comes between spending money on keeping keeping the church doors open and spending the same money on feeding a family or 50.
Considering the size of the club and their relative lack of resources, Real Sociedad spent heavily in the summer to put the most expensive squad in the club's history at Moyes's disposal.
And spending needs courage, because the miserly are usually cowards who fear poverty or fear lack of resources, but the person with courage moves forward fearing nothing but Allah.
Like Leicester, the Cherries have survived in the Premier League after being promoted as champions the previous season, but their first campaign in the top flight has been a better achievement given the fact they are already safe, have a comparative lack of resources, and having had serious injuries to some of their top players including Callum Wilson and Max Gradel.
He said lack of resources is the «reality» of the situation, «before we start talking about hordes of Bulgarians and Romanians going to the health service» and «let's not say it's got a lot to do with hordes of Bulgars... that benefits nobody.»
The weakness in Anderson's presentation is the complete lack of resource limits considered.
The approach may be different in relation to countries such as Zimbabwe where a more serious disparity emanates from the intentional acts of the Mugabe regime in refusing aid and discriminating in relation to who receives treatment rather than from pure lack of resources.
Many planning authorities are looking to introduce standard form templates for legal agreements, but often it is lack of resource which is the issue, with agreements being dealt with on a «first come first served» basis.
Starting a social business presents its own set of challenges, but couple that with the security risks, poor infrastructure and lack of resources found in a disaster area and you have the perfect recipe for failure.
When designing POBF formulas, states should craft formulas that account for the greater challenges and lack of resources more often found at MSIs.
Throughout those difficult years, Wenger remained dignified, shouldering the responsibility when he could have easily shrugged off criticism and blamed his own lack of resources.
The survey results underscored a significant lack of resources available to schools to meet these standards.
I'm not sure who said it at NN (possibly Matt Stoller), but the idea stuck with me because it goes to a core problem insurgents face when they're taking on an incumbent or an establishment candidate: lack of resources when they really matter.
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