Sentences with phrase «one's muscle function»

Loss of feeling and loss of muscle function in your arm will have a major impact on the rest of your life.
These new understandings may lead to a novel therapeutic approach that improves muscle function in older individuals and in those with chronic diseases.
They're important for brain function, they're important for muscle function.
It is critical for normal vision, normal digestion, normal heart muscle function, to maintain normal pregnancy and fetal development, and to maintain a healthy immune system.
Therapy focuses on maintaining muscle function, preventing skeletal problems, and monitoring heart and lung function.
Weight training helps to improve skeletal muscle function so patients can remain active longer.
With additional standing you'll not only remain more mechanically stable with better muscle function, as the months pass you'll burn significantly more calories to reduce extra body fat.
The certified organic olive oil that is in the D3 helps maintain strong bones and teeth, provides exceptional immune support and supports healthy muscle function as well.
B vitamins are essential for normal muscle function, a healthy nervous system and the production of serotonin, the mood - lifting chemical.
It's an essential nutrient the human body can not make itself and plays a role in nerve and muscle function as well as regulating the body's water content.
I now propose to tackle the new problem of the molecular basis of skeletal muscle fatigue, particularly as it relates to loss of muscle function with aging.
I believe this new model for how muscles function during exercise and how they adapt to exercise explains why a combination program is superior to single rep range training.
I suggest that this new model more accurately explains how muscles function during and adapt to exercise.
The importance of optimal muscle function for bone health is often not addressed by health - care professionals.
In severe cases, excess potassium in your system can damage your red blood cells, negatively affect muscle function and disrupt your heart rhythm.
The treatment improves muscle function by 10 to 20 per cent.
Trauma, infection, or reduced nutrient supply can easily cause brain or spinal cord damage resulting in poor muscle function.
Below are two easy - to - implement activities that can significantly help improve abdominal muscle function.
You may have nutrient deficiencies or [gluten or other] food sensitivities that can worsen your pelvic floor muscle function.
They conduct diagnostic tests, measure and record vision, and test eye muscle function.
This same posture has a positive impact on bone health, breathing, and muscle function throughout our bodies.
The core muscles function to prevent excess movement in all planes of motion being acted on the body by gravity.
Testing muscle function involves sensory input and motor output.
In my recent articles on strength training, I emphasized the importance of developing good muscle function through natural, daily activities.
It is caused by a missing or defective gene that maintains the health of spinal nerves called motor neurons, which control voluntary muscle function.
The high volume workout increased the pressure on the breathing muscles and contrary, low volume weight training had no effect on the lung muscle function.
Its main function is to maintain proper protein synthesis and cellular and organ function, particularly muscle function.
Regardless, the ultimate cause of the imbalance needs to be addressed, and that's usually muscle function.
Scientists found that muscle function appears to improve when people take vitamin D supplements.
Either form can lead to heart failure which is a backup of fluid into the lungs due to decreased heart muscle function.
Low levels of these hormones results in reduced cardiac function and reduced skeletal muscle function.
Vitamin E is also important for healthy muscle function.
Previously the company reported data from this study on event - free survival, measures of muscle function and assessments of developmental milestones.
Treatment would be directed to restoring normal muscle function and perhaps doing very simple rehabilitation to regain any lost strength.
It's rich in vitamins and nutrients, including magnesium which helps preserve nerve and muscle function as well as joint cartilage.
An obvious priority for all athletes is optimal muscle function.
However, you should investigate other likely causes of weight loss, such as heart disease, poor digestion, anxiety, poor muscle function, thyroid problems, diabetes, and liver disease.
Vitamin D plays a key role in muscle function and recovery from training.
Between changing positions and improved muscle function, more room is created in their pelvis, thus increasing their pelvic diameter.
The data reported today show continued increases in median event - free survival and muscle function scores as well as achievement of developmental milestones.
The muscle factor model is a new physiological theory that I have created describing how muscles function during and adapt to exercise.
What all this tells us is that we are missing some important information as to how muscles function during and adapt to training.
And even women who do exercise regularly are less likely than men to do regular strength training — an important component for muscle function and bone health as you get older.
They perform tests that check a patient's eye muscle function.
If you're one of these people, then you may be missing out on the one thing that could bring you more energy, better muscle function, and a higher metabolism.
DOWNLOAD PRODUCT SHEET HERE Mega Mag helps to maintain proper muscle function.
Still the study is «an important first step to show that manipulating AMPK - nNOS signaling at least has the potential to help muscle function in muscular dystrophy,» says Michele whose lab at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Research Center focuses on inherited forms of skeletal and cardiac diseases.
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