Sentences with phrase «one's national leadership»

We offer demonstrated national leadership in handling the core issues of postsecondary educational institutions and bring to these engagements deep knowledge of the legal and regulatory environment in which they operate.
We will provide national leadership and join with the provinces and territories to take action on c...
With national leadership on our minds, let's work on helping our students become engaged citizens.
We firmly believe that by hiring and developing people of every background and culture it will further strengthen our company and its people in striving for national leadership.
It was a private, local poll done for general election planning, absolutely nothing to do with national leadership.
She said the primaries of the political parties have already begun in earnest and the impending district assembly elections present an opportunity to elect more women and prepare them for other national leadership positions.
Individual voting in closed primary by party members, registered supporters and affiliated supporters on same basis as national leadership election.
The track record of states acting without national leadership in relation to Indigenous health is not good.
A transformation on the scale required demands bold national leadership.
They want national leadership but not at the expense of local control.
Despite slow progress within the Federal government and the lack of strong, supportive and unified national leadership, leaders are emerging among state and local governments, and in the private sector.
In past years, it has provided national leadership to help states implement high - quality outcome systems for early early intervention and early childhood special education programs.
My experience in national leadership of professional group work organizations includes six years on the Executive Board of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, with three years as Newsletter Editor followed by three years as Secretary.
For a few years I was on a mid-level national leadership team, where I discovered that there were other leaders I'd like to be associated with, and others doing work I thought I'd like to do, too.
Kara is the author or coauthor of several books, including Growing Young and Sticky Faith, and a regular speaker at national leadership and youth ministry conferences across the country.
As national leadership development strategist for NYCLA, Gutierrez works to build leadership capacity with current and aspiring principal supervisors in 12 states across the U...
But the local government role in combating climate change and building a green economy can not be fulfilled without strong national leadership from the President and Congress.
In my thirty years of working on Maine economic issues, no idea has had as much potential for leapfrogging the other states and putting Maine in a position of national leadership as this one — giving our students portable, Internet - ready computers as a basic tool for learning.»
Amnesty International welcomed the Federal Government's commitment to show national leadership on the issue of youth justice across Australia, and urges Prime Minister Turnbull to oversee nationwide reform of the youth justice system.
The Advisory Panel recommends that governments and the corporate sector demonstrate national leadership by building a culture that challenges gender inequality and social norms that support violence against women and their children.
Was it a commitment to heroic, even spiritual, national leadership over against forces like those of traditional German conservatism — a commitment that may have seemed increasingly mistaken as Hitler reconciled his revolution to the power of the Reichswehr (German military) and other established forces in Germany?
Meanwhile, the PDP national leadership yesterday said that the alleged persecutions of the APC led administration were making the party to become stronger.
What is emerging is that this particular election may present the NPP with the most undiversified national leadership, as almost all the elected positions may be filled from the Akan sub group.
We both did national leadership training: Nadine following Susan in the HHS Primary Care Policy Fellowship, and Susan following Nadine in the Executive Leadership program for women in Academic Medicine (ELAM).
Strong national leadership like this can place Australia in a better position in this Asian Century.
Visit the Leadership Opportunities page to learn about different national leadership positions, as well as the nominations and elections process and committee descriptions.
Aside from new national leadership in Washington, DC, and the...
It will give families a new right to demand a second opinion on the death of a relative, as well as improving national leadership and the professional conduct of coroners.
John Odigie - OyegunThe national leadership of the All Progressives Congress, APC, has dismissed as «childish and laughable» yesterday's claim by the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, that the governing party is persecuting its officials in order to prepare ground for President Muhammadu Buhari's second term bid in 2019.
The firm also established a page on its website titled «Meet Our Diverse Leaders,» which lists more than 100 diverse lawyers at the firm who hold national leadership roles within practice groups and subgroups, offices and firmwide committees.
Over President's Day Weekend, third - grade 21st Century Charter @ Gary teacher Brittany Rustad attended a LEE national leadership conference in Houston, TX on the power of restorative justice policies in schools.
Yet this country has a rich history where national leadership from both Republicans and Democrats made a difference that spurred educational growth.
Attending from Coldwell Banker Canada national leadership were Andy Puthon, president and Scott Mills, director of affiliate services.
G Parameshwara said the BJP national leadership has reduced its CM candidate BS Yeddyurappa to a side - player and made the narrative only about PM Modi.
We accepted our board's requirement that we would work in Argentina as willing servants under national leadership and as supporters of the national church's own mission goals.
Alongside national leadership by governments, as described above, the breastfeeding support charities, relevant royal colleges and other similar professional bodies, campaigning organisations and interested individuals can both amplify calls for change and help to bring it about by collaborating.
Given that the city region is a traditional Labour stronghold, Street's victory with a 50.6 per cent share of the vote (after the second round) was testament to the strength of his campaign, and to the strong emphasis the Conservative national leadership placed on supporting his bid.
The National Caretaker Committee (NCC) of the Peoples Democratic, PDP said it has announced the suspension a former Governorship aspirant in the Anambra State, Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah over what it described as his vitriolic media attack on the party national leadership.
What is clear, though, is that we need less chatter from assorted Labour voices as to the way ahead and more national leadership from Miliband.
«Thorough surveillance is key, because it mobilises national leadership,» says D. A. Henderson at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who led the fight against smallpox.
A full 62 percent of independents, for instance, see global warming as a problem that justifies national leadership, according to a survey commissioned by the nonprofit Civil Society Institute.
«The University's ongoing national leadership in NIH funding illustrates the incredible caliber of our research community,» said Lindsey Criswell, MD, MPH, DSc, UCSF's vice chancellor for research.
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