Sentences with phrase «one's new analysis»

Their figures provide a comprehensive new analysis of global progress towards reducing child mortality.
The poorest pupils have made more progress than their better - off peers at just three per cent of secondary schools, new analysis shows.
It probably traveled at speeds of around 8 kilometers (5 miles) per hour, new analyses suggest.
New analysis published today reveals how far Children in need fall behind their peers from the early years, making less progress throughout school.
This year's report provides new analyses on a wide range of issues, including homelessness in public schools and student persistence in postsecondary education.
The data sets can reveal basic biology, provide a reference for studying disease, and allow computational biologists to test new analysis tools.
We also want to make it easy for computational researchers to develop and share new analysis approaches.
However, new analysis shows that in many cases, these funds aren't being properly managed.
That changed over the past few years as read lengths grew and new analysis tools became available.
These are the findings of new analysis by Uncut based on the views of dozens of Labour candidates, party officials and activists following the past three weeks of intensive canvassing.
New analysis from Climate Dynamics this week finds that to keep warming well below 2C and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 C in the most cost - effective way, rich countries must phase out coal - fired electricity by 2030, China by 2040 and the rest of the world by mid-century.
In October, however, Jefferson said it was too late to include in new analysis.
Ranking teacher - prep programs on value - added is usually futile New analysis finds program rankings based on graduates» value - added scores are largely random
For Immediate Release: Paris Agreement Pledges Must Be Strengthened in Next Few Years to Limit Warming to 2 °C Nations need to significantly strengthen the Paris pledges for emissions reductions between now and 2030 in order to limit projected warming below 2 °C (3.6 °F), according to new analysis released from Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan.
New analysis using figures from Education Datalab's Who's Left report into missing pupils, shows that 10 per cent of pupils disappeared in year 11 in some London secondaries.
This symposium presents four empirical studies that respond to this call for new analyses to identify and understand the differing needs of subgroups of current and former ELs.
Fast track state - of - the - art containment and treatment of U.S. Navy / Northrop Grumman contamination plume - Cites new analysis indicating it will be possible to fully contain and treat four - mile - long, two - mile - wide plume in Oyster Bay, Long Island.
SAN ANTONIO — The world's earliest alphabet, inscribed on stone slabs at several Egyptian sites, was an early form of Hebrew, a controversial new analysis concludes.
We are using automated imaging to record the behaviour of freely moving nematode worms and developing new analysis methods to extract relevant features.
«Zooming In» presents new analysis by Forest Trends» Supply Change Initiative and Ceres about how companies that are committed to addressing commodity - driven deforestation are tracing supplies to their origin — be it factory, farm, field, or forest — so they can determine the impact their supply chains have on forests.
New analysis conducted by the Good Teacher Training Guide 2015 has found that more men are training to be primary schools teachers, although fewer are entering secondary schools.
Worse (for this idea), new analyses demonstrated that the hypothesized CR - induced CFC loss wasn't detectable at all.
The launch comes as new analysis by PHE shows that a supportive learning environment in schools, including good quality PSHE provision, is associated with improved health and wellbeing.
New analysis looks at the human - caused influence on the number of coastal flood days across the U.S.
We are particularly excited about new analysis that further identifies trends within each group, including:
New analysis argues it's more environmentally friendly to convert corn and other crops to electricity first
A February 2012 article — New analysis makes case for higher ranking for U.S. schools — claimed that the problem is not as bad as we thought, because differences in math performance between the U.S. and other countries are actually small.
«Coastal wetlands excel at storing carbon: New analysis supports mangrove forests, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows as effective climate buffers.»
New issues will develop new analysis, but in our continuing effort to flag new litigation issues, here are two quick ones:
«New analysis casts doubt on predicted decrease in Oklahoma earthquakes.»
«We offer new analyses in this working paper of the impact of changes in the US labor force participation rate (LFPR).
Eilperin's September 25, 2009 article titled «New Analysis Brings Dire Forecast Of 6.3 - Degree Temperature Increase,» is a journalistic embarrassment.
Just one in 20 people worldwide (4 · 3 %) had no health problems in 2013, with a third of the world's population (2 · 3 billion individuals) experiencing more than five ailments, according to a major new analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2013, published in The Lancet.
This edition features new analysis from the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center on state policies related to the teaching profession as well as standards, assessments, and accountability.
The fact that these are often refractory to detection by exome or whole - genome sequencing makes it important to consider other technologies, such as exon arrays, as well as new analysis techniques.
NOAA says for the years 1998 to 2012, the «new analysis exhibits more than twice as much warming as the old analysis at the global scale,» at 0.086 degrees Celsius per decade compared to 0.039 degrees per decade.
Despite several new analyses with improved cross-calibration of the 13 instruments on different satellites used since 1979 and compensation for changes in observing time and satellite altitude, some uncertainties remain in trends.
Labour has released new analysis which suggests that if the Conservatives continue to be in power, by 2022, health and education services could be facing huge problems, with 650,000 pupils crammed into primary classes of over 30.
He unveiled new analysis Treasury showing quitting the EU single market could cost the UK # 200billion of lost trade and # 200billion of lost investment within 15 years.
«Neurological underpinnings of schizophrenia just as complex as the disorder itself: New analysis links cognitive, emotional, and intellectual symptoms to neurological «disruption» in multiple brain regions.»
But a comprehensive new analysis warns that pine plantations can rapidly deplete the soil of its nutrients — and carbon — thereby reducing the benefits.
September 14, 2016 New analysis explores the geographical origins of the flu A computer model developed by UChicago's Sarah Cobey and her team shows that small increases in transmission rates may lead to the spread of new seasonal strains from east, south and southeast Asia.
A surprising new analysis of online dating suggests probably not.1
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