Sentences with phrase «one's opinon»

Baptism for example at one point in history being a bone of contention to the point of people being murdered over difference of opinons on the issue.
Fluffy the Gerbil of Doom... Oh, because he is 97 years old, he can't think for himself and express his own opinons???? There are LOTS of people that age that still have a brain.
I accept people with different opinons and sometime try to have open conversation with them.
But then again thats a matter of opinon too.
Munich is of course Bavaria's capital, and in my humble opinon our country's most beautiful city.
Some strong opinons on camo... I think you styled this perfectly to work with your style.
whether or not this is satire or an actual opinon the sad this is that many right winger bible bangers actually think this way
As a youth worker who presents chastity to girls (and boys) Crystalina does not omit any possible opinon.
Also I would be happy to hear your guys opinons on eating disorders in terms of society's pressure about a healthy life style.
I'm not usually onboard with how a fighter wears damage because scar tissue and the fact that fighters just sometimes bleed and bruise easily may skew scoring or general opinon, but Rose was simply the more effective fighter overall.
I could care less about others» ignorant opinons.
i am interested in friendship and feel the freeness in talking and exchanging eh opinons firstly.
Introduction of main school subjects followed by exercise on how to express basic opinons and justifications (levels 1 - 4)
Just curious, as you seem to have a very strong opinon taken from the works of others but no real experience to speak of yourself.
So, to summarize my rant, i mean opinon, this game is okay if you like button mashing, and if you have nothing to do for a few hours on a saturday.
it seems really upbeat and happy inberrasmy opinon.
«The Great Greenhouse Debate: Media Coverage and Expert Opinon on Global Warming.»
From the moment you walk into your first class, you will be expected to read, synthesize and analyze complicated legal opinons and then engage in rigorous discussion and debate about those decisions with your professor and classmates.
'' [T] he San Diego County Bar Association has issued Ethics Opinon 2007 - 1, which analyzes in detail a factual scenario of a California lawyer who outsources significant substantive aspects of legal analysis to lawyers in India.
The vote was 9 - 0 with Justice Breyer writing the majority opinion and Justice Alito adding a concurring opinon in which Roberts and Scalia joined.
We are the career management experts for the Guardian, Telegraph and Monster and regularly feature on TV and Radio giving our expert opinon on career related topics.
John M is a REALTOR who hates evrything REALTORS do as he always is in opposition to whatever commentary, opinon peace and news article is placed in here.
Who wants to scroll through a months worth of posts to get the current opinons.
You can find differing opinions everywhere, unless you are saying that they walk in line on every other network or they just don't allow differing opinons?
@Chad «utter speculation, other than your personal opinon, what data do you cite to support it?
In my humble opinon, being a parent has more to do with the unconditional love and care for another being.
I know you get a lot of flak for «your opinion» and considering that you may well not like the «U» and are quite bias in your conversation and opinons on here, I want you to consider that the other system has it as well «Donaald»!
Just my opinon, of course, and you are very right about «catalogued, published, and legislated».
While I totally respect your opinon - and your right to voice your opinion at that - and I do actually agree with you about the sadness of people's negativity, I think it is time that somebody told you that it is of NO surprise to ANYBODY that a «Southern Christian» can be a jerk.
By the way I never said anything to suggest I thought the victims on AI - DS were «immoral, sinful people» you're projecting your opinon of christians on my words.
You are certainly allowed your OPINONS, but at least have the INTEGRITY to be HONEST about what science says CAN NOT be done.
But it does bring into question whether or not you can trust the opinon of someone about religion, when that someone doesn't have common knowledge about religions.
I try to express my opinons politely and respectfully.
Also sometimes it is an attempt to educated on the faithfuls point of view not unlike referencing versus secular facts and opinons to support the secular point of view.
Non-Catholics can express their opinons all they want about what color the skin of the next Pope should be, but its all for naught.
She offered her experiences and her opinons as to how she succeeds in sobriety.
My opinon doesn't matter.
I know only good knows for sure but you have an opinon what is it?
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