Sentences with phrase «one's own conception»

Having been involved from the time of conception of the idea, naturally, I was the one he called.
Content editors deal with the writing process starting from conception of the idea to preparing the final document for digital or print media.
She says authors should start thinking about publicity at conception of the idea, and while they're writing the book.
But if it has then it's likely to increase if you're pregnant, in the days after conception occurs.
In the case of genetic issues in the parents, however, it can help couples prepare for conception in the future.
However, flaxseed has been associated to problems with conception with female dogs.
If you decide to nurse your baby, then having the decision made before conception allows for time to prepare during your pregnancy.
Mom and baby are pretty much physically connected from the beginning of conception through the placenta.
Knowing that they will each have a built in best friend, that they've known since conception, is seriously such a cool idea!
Within that, some think there are varying shades of what can be considered a «free market», and have their own conception about what shade that is in particular.
So you think your an expert on conception??? Maybe you should go to medical school.
A quite different conclusion is possible if a different conception of power is adopted.
Certain vitamins increases the chances of conception by correcting hormonal imbalance (like vitamin C play a very important role in the production of vital reproductive hormone - progesterone).
What are your recommendations for moving beyond this popular conception of education to a market - based model?
You'll find yourself actually enjoying your work as you compete against yourself and your own conception of how much you're capable of doing.
The traditional conception of power is inadequate to help us in our possible evolution toward this goal.
Maternal influenza vaccination was defined as receipt of an influenza vaccination from conception date to delivery date.
It is not conception at all: it is creation.
Many thing can happen between conception and birth, including for the woman to choose to have an abortion, if this is what she determines what she wants.
This occurs even if conception did not take place.
Based on the findings, your practitioner may make recommendations regarding whether you are a candidate for natural conception or may want to pursue assisted reproduction.
This changed conception of the world had its counterpart in a changed understanding of the church and its mission.
Other studies have shown that there are higher conception rates in summer and autumn when women might be expected to have more vitamin D due to exposure to summer sunshine.
Changes occur in the female body as soon as conception occurs, but these changes cause no physical changes until about one week after pregnancy.
This idea serves as a basis for an ethical and social conception of power.
From initial conception to launching your beta, there are a thousand things that can go wrong and put a hitch in your well - laid plans.
I know it's taken a lot for you to get to this point, but the work doesn't stop when conception happens.
The third way of limiting offspring is to prevent conception from taking place.
To MPs whose jobs are on the line and whose whole conception of how politics is done, it matters very greatly.
It's tricky because, in their particular conception of independent functioning, there are limits.
Psychological and social aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting after assisted conception: A systematic review.
Such therapy exists to help clients understand the place of their sexuality in the broader conception of who they are.
More precisely stated, nothing of the previous conception of matter remains in contemporary physics; every feature of matter as formerly understood has been completely abandoned.
Much more acceptable to reason was the other conception of the world as eternal and of the gods as ultimately part of that eternal world.
An older conception of religious symbols understood them as both concrete, historical realities in their own right and signs referring to an invisible reality.
However, the modern, Western conception of food combining is not spiritual and it is controversial.
This informative book details the processes a woman passes through beginning from conception until delivery.
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