Sentences with phrase «one's own food supply»

Improve efficiencies in food supply chains was the resounding message from the summit, which brought together over 160 senior executives from the food industry.
We provide food distributions in desperate times as well as training for improved food supplies for seasons to come.
We work to ensure a safe, sustainable global food supply from healthy beef and dairy cattle, pigs, poultry and fish while helping dogs, cats and horses live healthier longer lives.
The conference facilities can cater to 40 people with food supplied by the restaurant.
If you and your dog spend a lot of time engaged in outdoor activities, increase food supply or how often you feed, particularly protein, to keep fur thick and healthy.
Finally, keep pet food supplies in covered containers — left open, they can attract rodents and other pests.
He tells us global warming will disrupt the circulation of the ocean waters, dramatically changing climates, throwing the world food supply into chaos.
Sustainable food supply chains can exist, even in a world of long food miles.
Especially during the winter when food supplies can be scarce, they frequently rely on people to provide them with food.
If the industry has a valid point, it is that new approaches will almost certainly be required to assure a safe food supply in the future.
It shows that much more research is needed to uncover what these findings could mean for human food supplies.
The findings also have important implications for efforts to make the global food supply more resilient to challenges such as climate change.
A dog is only as healthy as its digestive system, so a supplement that ensures a balanced gut flora is a must in every dog's food supply list.
Many insect species which feed on nectar and pollen have a higher reproduction rate when they benefit from a better food supply through species - rich plant communities.
The industrial food supply system is one of the biggest consumers of fossil fuels and one of the greatest producers of greenhouse gases.
For example, if you worked in a restaurant and took online orders or entered food supplies into a database, those are job responsibilities that show tech savvy.
CO2 is the global food supply so this is good news indeed.
A photo - focused theme showcases this local food supplier and their unique products and recipes.
As noted early on, securing future food supplies now goes far beyond agriculture.
They have at least tried to prevent their low - carbon fuel standards from impacting food supply.
This book goes beyond food allergies into looking at the entire food supply and what's causing our children to be sick.
Yet, tales of this experiment quickly spread, creating a fear of iodine that caused it to be removed from the American food supply for the last three decades.
Heat waves could significantly reduce crop yields and threaten global food supply if climate change is not tackled and reversed.
Humans were never subject to constant and abundant food supply in the history preceding the agricultural revolution around 80 years ago.
Today's supermarkets offer unprecedented variety and selection with the modern food supply chain as a necessary and complex support system.
The obvious chain of reaction over here would be weight loss due to lack of adequate food supply.
With dwindling yields, these richer nations buy up land in other places to secure their own food supply, she said.
So they do the only thing they can do and that is to eat as much of the dwindling food supply as they can before one of the other cats does the same thing.
This comes at a cost: the environmental and food supply problems caused by corn cultivation make it an ineffective oil and climate solution.
The world has increased in temperature by 0.7 degrees Celsius over the last century, a century which has seen higher sea levels and severe droughts disrupting food supplies.
A character, stranded in a hostile environment, is in constant peril from the elements, a lack of oxygen and a decreasing food supply.
A thin pull - out cupboard, with multiple shelves or racks, offers the perfect solution and makes food supplies easy to view and reach.
Most of the world's food supply comes from less than 17 different foods.
A people who can not feed themselves must trade on whatever terms are set by those who control food supplies.
The best online dog food supplies that 2018 can offer are now something you know more about.
However, those genes could be a liability in agricultural societies where food supply tends to be more consistent, potentially contributing to obesity and complications like type 2 diabetes.
You can thank a constant and stable food supply for that one, as well as education.
The lack of phones, internet, and television, as well as the quickly diminishing food supply convert the children's initial shock into terror.
We're exposed to an unprecedented number of toxins from pollution, our «fake» processed food supply, the environment, and personal care products and cleaning products.
The parents have been unable to adapt their habits to the challenges of increasingly frequent years of limited food supply and, as a result, will become further threatened by extinction.
Other benefits for acne — powerful antibacterial benefits, due to compounds which keep this vital food supply for the bee colony well preserved and fresh.
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