Sentences with phrase «one's own pollution»

When you use clean energy, you don't have to pay for the millions of kids with asthma as a result of air pollution from coal.
Is it unreasonable for regulators to allow different levels of pollution in different places, and if so when?
The findings could have important implications for planning and public health policy, and suggest that tree planting could play a role in reducing the effects of air pollution from cars.
An act related to reducing carbon pollution by investing in rural economic development and a clean energy economy.
With the developed system a significant reduction of air pollution in urban areas is expected, given the high frequency of cold starts and the low distances travelled.
As for the whole AGW agenda: It does not reduce pollution in air, water or land.
Provide environmental counseling and litigation support in matters such as improper land use, hazardous substance handling and disposal and water pollution control issues.
Sustainable Energy looks at a selection of images that highlight the impact of plastic pollution on our planet.
Learn about the impacts of a price on carbon pollution on households, businesses, and the climate.
A growing body of research suggests that capital markets react to environmental news and thus create incentives for pollution control in both developed and emerging market economies.
Additional mechanisms could further cut carbon pollution by tens of millions of tons more.
Using onboard sensors, the robo - turtle may one day be able to test bodies of water for pollution and toxic waste or perform surveillance operations.
They keep their bodies as free from pollution as possible, and as a result, their innate healing powers are always working for them!
This finding adds to previous studies that have linked acceptable air pollution levels with other complications including cognitive decline and fetal growth development.
However, it does little to address the increasing plastic pollution problem as it is essentially chemically identical to oil - based plastic and resistant to breaking down.
This is an important contribution to the mitigation of environmental pollution caused by coal mine methane.
Light pollution from street lights, electronic devices, digital alarm clocks all need to be eliminated when practicing good sleep hygiene.
Once built, your project will cut greenhouse gas pollution on your behalf for years to come.
In many cases, companies are unaware of toxic waste leaks or other environmental pollution problems.
The first priority is to make cars, trains and planes quieter, as this reduces noise pollution at source.
As I have pointed out before, the next phase of fuels will actually cause more pollution as ethanol percentages increase.
If industrial pollution with carbon dioxide keeps at its present - day 5 - 7 billion metric tons a year, it will not change global temperatures up to the year 2100.
First, one factor has surely been increased pollution control costs, which have led to greater demand for cost - effective instruments.
Students examine some methods of reducing emissions from pollution sources.
This is a tool where we have 40 years of history of being extraordinarily successful in getting air pollution reductions.
The policies include the establishment of carbon pollution standards for power plants and increased funding for clean energy technology over the coming decades.
With no light pollution at all, the night sky there is extremely clear and well worth enjoying at least once during your visit.
Because we're putting 35 billion tons of global warming pollution into the atmosphere every year.
The goal of the new rules and regulations is to reduce the 7,500 deaths per year linked to particle pollution from power plants.
This fine - tuning, it is widely believed, will allow business to use fewer resources and release less pollution while moving confidently, if a bit more slowly, into the future.
He sued to stop a major rule to limit mercury pollution from coal plants.
, the single largest contributor to global warming, and makes us sick by polluting our air and water with toxic pollution like mercury.
The same is true when new air pollution limits take effect.
And it's not just pollen and ozone pollution made worse by warming temperatures, either.
From the early years of technical assistance to more recent work to assess local pollution problems and help communities protect their natural resources, direct involvement has been an integral part of our work.
But as nations all over the world attempt to reduce aerosol pollution in the air, researchers of both studies suggest the world will see more rapid warming.
These carbon price levels and other environmental policies (such as air pollution regulations) may in fact be higher in some regions.
To hold global warming in check requires reducing current emission levels by as much as 70 percent by 2050, compared with 2010 levels, and nearly eliminating such pollution by 2100.
However, he says, there is a limit to how much pollution plants can handle.
The impacts relate to how nitrogen pollution affects coastal ecosystems.
Such a fee, they said, would be linked to a mechanism for pricing carbon dioxide pollution permits in the electric power sector as part of a global warming bill.
The discussion focused on ongoing efforts to tackle plastic pollution through taxes and bans on plastic bags.
The plastic pollution created by so many cheap, empty bottles is immense.
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