Sentences with phrase «one's personal capacity»

(b) For the purposes of this section, «consumer» means a natural person acting in his or her own personal capacity.
And if it's not, when you do you run out of personal capacity to be as involved as you are?
A companion webinar and book focused on personal capacity building for teachers are also available.
They typically know you in a more personal capacity.
These individuals are hired by training facilities, and in personal capacities as well, depending... Read More»
However in a statement to the NYT, Palantir has now modified this line — saying: «We learned today that an employee, in 2013 - 2014, engaged in an entirely personal capacity with people associated with Cambridge Analytica.
We learned today that an employee, in 2013 - 2014, engaged in an entirely personal capacity with people associated with Cambridge Analytica.
Palantir officials said the employee did so in a strictly personal capacity.
Shafia's message calls us to the work of «birthing change» — increasing personal capacity, as health care professionals, doulas, and birth workers, that will ensure inclusion for better birth outcomes, and a world where all babies see their first birthday, and where mothers live to raise them.
Avenatti disputes the notion that Cohen was working in a purely personal capacity when he arranged the hush money for Stormy Daniels.
If you don't have a mechanism to renew your enthusiasm or at least sustain it and keep it going, then over time your organisational capacity will diminish — and the same is true for principals and teachers personal capacity to keep pace with educational change.
Just because Florida state does not recognize marriage between same sex marriages (form), that does not mean that the couple lack personal capacity to marry.
If the Florida state does not recognize same sex marriages, that has to do with form, not personal capacity.
Rayhan Haque Policy adviser, CESI (writing in personal capacity) Labour must find its media charm again As pointed out by «Labour's empty space» (TP, June), the Labour Party must not just tackle one factor contributing to their 2010 failure, but focus on an overhaul.
Here we seek to develop a wider area of shared concerns, to draw upon a greater diversity of personal capacities, and to promote a freer interaction between social groups.
This contribution, written in a strictly personal capacity, is taken from a conference which the author recently gave at the European Law Academy of Trier.
«We learned today that an employee, in 2013 - 2014, engaged in an entirely personal capacity with people associated with Cambridge Analytica,» the company said.
However in a statement to the NYT, Palantir has now modified this line — saying: «We learned today that an employee, in 2013 - 2014, engaged in an entirely personal capacity with people associated with Cambridge Analytica.
Shuttle bus drivers perform almost the same duties as any bus driver but in a more personal capacity.
«Peter Thiel is attending and speaking at the RNC in his personal capacity.
When asked for comment by The Verge, Brin said he was attending «in a personal capacity» and would not be giving comment.
That lawyer said she was working in a personal capacity and not on the company's behalf.
In a personal capacity, he makes direct investments in social enterprises.
The Council, whose members participate in their personal capacities, releases public reports that outline the issues and summarize the reasoning behind participants» recommendations.
Members of the Council participate in their personal capacities, and the views collectively expressed do not represent those of any institution or client.
Tim Bunting, who is a partner at Balderton, also joins today's round in a personal capacity.
Several major players in Silicon Valley who are newer to cryptocurrencies are investing: Benchmark, Sequoia Capital, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and the investor Yuri Milner, in his personal capacity, according to people briefed on their plans.
Company officials say that attorney, Jill Martin, acted in her personal capacity and that the Trump Organization is not representing any party in the Daniels» dispute.
Martin, through the Trump Organization, said she was working in a personal capacity and denied the business was involved — but it's the first time an employee connected to the Trump Organization has been tied to the case.
As proposed, any violation of the Texas Act would constitute a Class C misdemeanor and any penalty would be imposed on the senior executive officer of the entity that failed to make the disclosure in his or her personal capacity.
Their natural inclination toward motherhood and the experience of being a mother are, of course, causes of the development of this personal capacity.
Danny Webster looks after advocacy programmes and media relations for the Evangelical Alliance — but writes here in a personal capacity
Mr Gooch, Research and Education Officer at the charity Life, is writing in a personal capacity.
This expanded argument applies the prohibition on the use of force — «violence» — to people in their capacities as civil authorities, as well as in their personal capacities.
Mr Gooch, research and education officer at the charity Life, is writing in a personal capacity.
From our hotline to our Facebook group, and even in our own personal capacities, we chance upon mothers all the time and knowing the symptoms and risk factors for PND was crucial for us to help mothers better.
This letter is submitted in my personal capacity, as a parent of two children in Houston public schools and as the writer of The Lunch Tray, a blog focusing on food policy issues relating to children.
Speaking on Accra based Neat FM on Thursday morning, Prof Asante said members of the council heard about the appointment of Mr Azumah in the media and congratulated him but as far as they were concerned, the appointment was in his personal capacity.
«Peace Council was not consulted on Azumah's appointment» The Chairman of the National Peace Council, Most Rev Prof Emmanuel Kwaku Asante has explained that Mr Francis Azumah was appointed to the 18 - member Elections Steering Committee in his personal capacity and not as a representative from the council.
«In my personal capacity, I have continued to do everything within my power to support the judiciary.
I can tell you without fear or favour, any other person issuing a statement is doing that maybe on a personal capacity, but constitutionally, I am the acting spokesperson for the party.
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