Sentences with phrase «one's present knowledge»

When drafting a social media consultant resume, you need to present knowledge of social media tools.
Writing nursing essays you have a good chance to present all your knowledge on the assigned topic.
Use audio and the character visual to introduce content segments, ask questions, present knowledge check exercises and summarize the module.
Heavy workload and time pressure result in development of a poor thesis which does not present your knowledge and depth of research!
Our synthesis of present knowledge suggests that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point within this century under anthropogenic climate change.
It is necessary to carefully present your knowledge, skills, and experiences that match the requirement of your employer.
The resume must present knowledge of clerical procedures of a library and experience of clerical functions.
The special medical panel appointed by the late President Kennedy to study mental retardation reported that «with present knowledge, at least half and hopefully more than half, of all mental retardation cases can be prevented.»
We now summarise present knowledge about the past dipole and dipole tilt evolution.
Here, we aim to summarise present knowledge about the Holocene magnetic field evolution and remaining uncertainties, mainly concentrating on the dipole contribution and only briefly mentioning progress in describing regional differences in field intensity.
Their new conception presented knowledge as purely objective and impersonal and deplored any intrusion of subjectivity as bias.
When: May 15 — 17, 2018 Where: GARAGE Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow What: Professional development programme for Russian publishers: Best experts from the German publishing industry presenting their knowledge and experience.
We will also ask you to present knowledge development curriculum from the PADI Assistant Instructor course.
It addresses key issues concerning climate change in the broader context of global change and focusses on moving from present knowledge to future solutions.
The audio visual coordinator resume present knowledge of hardware and software used in recording, lighting equipments, projection systems, amplification, etc..
Confidently present your knowledge to the panelists to convince them that you are the candidate they are looking for.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia • PA 2006 — Present Knowledge Management Analyst, 2010 — Present Continuous Improvement Specialist, 2008 — 2009 Contact Center Supervisor, 2006 — 2008 Promoted to Knowledge Management Analyst from Continuous Improvement Specialist successfully training more than fifty Contact Center Agents and temporary workers.
This leads to the attempt to use God as an explanation for gaps in present knowledge.
His goal, like theirs, was to establish an idea of man, to solve the most important problem in contemporary thought, to discuss what man is in the light of present knowledge of the universe, its magnitude, composition, structure, duration, and changing states.
Now you have their attention and can present the knowledge they need to win.
According to our present knowledge of physics, as already pointed out, the Second Law of Thermodynamics presents us in the material realm with the picture of a running - down universe which will ultimately be impossible for human life.
Not only has there been a complete collapse of the world view of heaven, earth and hell, in which the answers concerning human destiny were expressed, but the very nature of man, as two separable parts of body and soul, which Christian orthodoxy has long taken for granted, can no longer be reconciled with our present knowledge of man.
Stortz allows «present knowledge to revise [Augustine's] past judgments.»
It is curious that the early days of clinical pastoral education, which has done more than any other movement to foster the present knowledge and skill in pastoral care, actually relied only in part upon interviewing methods and yet made the interview image dominant as the ideal.
Our present knowledge of the psychosomatic nature of much human illness, to give but one example, is clear proof that such is indeed the case.
Both certainly involve past discoveries feeding into our present knowledge of the nature of things, as these things and our knowledge of them dynamically develop.
Nineteen hundred years of unfulfilled expectations, together with our present knowledge of nature and history, have utterly discredited any notion of a near end of the world such as Christians in the past have often entertained; and even in the church the eschatological passages in Scripture are now rather generally allowed to be as mythological as those portraying creation.
The texts of the Qur» an are still and will always be valid, but we should understand them in the light of present knowledge.
The reason for this is simple: as far as our present knowledge and methodological resources go, the gospel of John is not a source of knowledge of the teaching of Jesus.
It was from the first perhaps inevitable that Jesus» lordship, rather than his messiahship, should dominate the church's Christology, because his lordship was a matter of present knowledge, while his messiahship was a matter largely of expectation and hope.
My (or your) genes are almost like laws peculiar to my (or your) body, the cosmic unity alone is, for our present knowledge, comparably definite and distinctive, indeed vastly more so.
Another real problem for cosmology is that our present knowledge of matter - energy only accounts for about 4 % of what we find from observation in the universe; about 21 % is very weakly interacting «dark matter» and the remaining 75 % «dark energy», «dark» here meaning undetectable.
Based on present knowledge, however, the researchers regard the first explanation as more probable.
Hence, while it is not absolutely possible to rule out the occurrence of nuclear reactions inside a pulsating bubble on the basis of the present knowledge, the actual occurrence of such reactions is, to say the least, doubtful.»
Other liquids can not be ruled out but «nothing in our present knowledge entitles us to make such an assumption».
«These findings extend our present knowledge of functional brain connectivity, specifically linking brain regions previously established to function in self - referential cognition to regions indicated in the cognitive process of self - disclosure.»
The major impediment to progress, he wrote, is that «our present knowledge regarding the coding of information... is so elemental.»
An extrapolation of the present knowledge of tokamaks indicates that commercial fusion reactors will be rather large and expensive.
There is a marked geographical bias to much of our present knowledge.
It's more powerful to speak only what comes from our own acquired wisdom and to present knowledge that we embody.
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