Sentences with phrase «one's sacred texts»

But if grace builds on nature, we should not be surprised that the enjoyment of this cult show may prepare us for the reading of sacred texts.
In fact there is nothing in sacred texts that was unknown at the time.
I understood my relationship with nature as a kind of religion and I wanted to see what wisdom I could find from sacred texts.
How we deal with sacred texts is how we deal with reality in general.
There are those who consider themselves Christian, Buddhist, etc in a religious sense who have never read sacred texts associated with their religion.
Greek religion was based on securing or maintaining the favour of the gods through ritual actions and not on sacred texts or beliefs.
Each of these religions has different sets of sacred texts, even if there's some overlapping.
And how we deal with reality in general is how we deal with sacred texts.
Deals with Truth, lies and conspiracy stories and prepares for the idea of sacred texts as a source of truth.
valerie0423 Have you ever taken the time to read any of the mythologies or other sacred texts of rival religions to prove them false?
As a community of faith gathers to read, hear and study sacred texts, as it sings hymns of praise and confesses its sins, and as it practices acts of hospitality, compassion and justice, it learns and relearns how to receive and embody God's truth.
The notion that Israel experiences a special love from God, vouchsafed by sacred texts more valid than any others, may be true from Jews» perspective but false from another.
While the first two Terminator movies - which were both written and directed by James Cameron - are almost sacred texts for sci - fi and action fans, later entries in the franchise left audiences cold.
The oldest sacred text in the world that we know of, dating back to 3100 B.C.E..
In the same breath, let us also just believe that the religious fanaticism shown by some Muslims is also an act of corruption of their own sacred text.
The power to understand Sacred Scripture trulyis bestowed upon the apostles and their successors, and this sure charism to interpret sacred texts authoritatively in Jesus» name remains a mark of the true Church for all time.
The Bible differs from other sacred texts such as the Qu» ran and the Hindu Veda in the way its cosmic story becomes the all - too - personal story of us all.
With the rise of militant and extremist groups claiming to follow clear Islamic tenets supported by Muslim sacred texts, there is a need for an alternate depiction of the early years of Islam and its major figures.
But Nicene Christianity has regarded sacred texts less as repositories of information than as living witnesses to the divine truth who is Jesus, the crucified One now risen.
There is even a reference to it in the [Maya sacred text], the
There is even a reference to it in the [Maya sacred text], the Popul Vuh, where the grandmother grinds chiles and mixes them with broth, and the broth acts as a mirror in which the rat on the rafters is reflected for the hero twins to see.»
To see so many people venerate as sacred a text so violent and misogynistic making you lose some sympathy for your fellow humankind?
Now, apparently CNN has decided to reverse that decision and doesn't care about defiling sacred texts and offending people of faith.
I was interested in moving the arguments about the reasonableness of belief a step sideways, and arguing that a religious person is not someone who has a few bizarre beliefs tacked on to what normal people believe, but someone who is informed by certain symbols, who inhabits certain sacred texts and narratives.
What was new to me — listening with the ear of the heart (as St. Benedict puts it) to sacred texts until they lead the listener to prayer — was actually very old.
and yet they can't reconcile any of the conflicts within their various sacred texts (usually just the ones that derive from belligerent Judaism).
Islam stands alone as the only religion whose sacred texts COMMAND the faithful to be intolerant - or worse — toward «non-believers».
Yes, very interesting the connection between Hebrew sacred texts, Summerian and Babylonian.
Mormons consider themselves Christian but their beliefs and practices differ from traditional Christianity in key ways, including belief in sacred texts outside the Bible and practices like posthumous proxy baptism and wearing special undergarments.
At the very least, people should know that «Jihad» is used within the context of religious warfare time and time again throughout the koran and the hadith, and that, regardless of the exact terminology, Islam's most sacred texts clearly advocate the sort of «holy war» that propels this modern - day terrorism throughout our globe.
Reverend Moon on several occasions has called himself the Messiah, and the Moonie sacred text, Divine Principle, declares flatly that the Messiah was born in Korea between the two world wars (Moon was born in 1920).
But the quandary remains: if inflection and intonation are a natural part of speaking, what are we to do with them when sacred texts are read?
Hinduism is perhaps the oldest continuing religion in the world, with sacred texts estimated to date back to 3000 B.C..
no need for churches, no need for supposedly sacred texts.
On the one hand, reliable understanding of sacred texts requires some sense of the context in which their statements were originally uttered: «Because of their ignorance about hyssop many people, unaware of its power to cleanse the lungs or even (so it is said) to split rocks with its roots, in spite of its low and humble habit, are quite unable to discover why it is said, «You will purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean» (Ps.
Other Muslims, especially in the West, disagree, and attempt to provide new interpretations for these classical sacred texts.
The answer is most likely that he cites sacred texts to support his acts, along with revered precedents.
Pearls may be the holiest stones we can think of --- the gorgeous orbs are mentioned with reverence inHindu, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim sacred texts alike.
There, stick puppets were used to depict sacred texts and although the program was meant to convey spiritual meaning, the puppet shows were often loud and boisterous.
Every author from the writers of the ancient sacred texts to James himself has relied on that empowering paradox.
A museum employee examines of a copy of the much - venerated Vajracchedika - Prajnaparamita Sutra, or «Diamond Sutra,» one of the basic sacred texts of Buddhism.
A mandatory sacred text for any Old Ones devotee.
In between, NURTUREart joined with Studio 10 in displaying Meg Hitchcock, who reconstructs sacred texts with a knife, as inner visions that William Blake would have understood.
The AGW consensus is not, however, based on an immutable sacred text, but rather is a consequence of a consilience between constantly updated, multiple lines of evidence and basic physical theory.
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