Sentences with phrase «of sacred texts»

But if grace builds on nature, we should not be surprised that the enjoyment of this cult show may prepare us for the reading of sacred texts.
Each of these religions has different sets of sacred texts, even if there's some overlapping.
Lesson 3: Children should learn about the content and use of the sacred text within the religion and how religious scriptures affect the lives of believers.
The purpose of a sacred text is not to show us the way to the true self within.
Consensus of this sort might even evoke a conversation about methods of interpretation of sacred texts.
Demonic Satanic Mind Control using Pedophilia, Torture, Drugs and Hypnotism to create Demonic MKUltra Sub-Personalities THE CONSCIOUSLY CREATED SATANIC 2) The Bishop and the Bible For years in my writing career, I have examined such parts of the sacred text as the person of Jesus, the Ten Commandments, the
Study of sacred texts, excepting certain theodicical and funereal writings, is forbidden, limiting the greatest intellectual expression of a Jew's love of God.
Yoga's history has many places of obscurity and uncertainty due to its oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings.
I have also read as many of the sacred texts of other religions as I can find, something a True Believer would not, as a rule, do, since they have found the One True Religion, just as the followers of all other religions have.
Though it only became known by that name in much more recent history, the oldest of its sacred texts date in their written form to the second millennia BCE and reference astronomical alignments as far back as 10,000 BCE.
On the one hand, reliable understanding of sacred texts requires some sense of the context in which their statements were originally uttered: «Because of their ignorance about hyssop many people, unaware of its power to cleanse the lungs or even (so it is said) to split rocks with its roots, in spite of its low and humble habit, are quite unable to discover why it is said, «You will purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean» (Ps.
Long before this at another Council at Pataliputra, the exact date of which is unknown, because it was feared that the knowledge of the sacred text was being lost, an effort was made to collect them.
My guess is he would have regarded it as blasphemous, but then again the term is largely without content in the modern intellectual West, and would be altogether nonsensical for anyone who speculates that «J did not think in terms of sacred texts
«Do not let yourself be guided by the authority of the sacred texts, nor by simple logic, nor by appearance or opinion, nor even by the teachings...
2) The Bishop and the Bible For years in my writing career, I have examined such parts of the sacred text as the person of Jesus, the Ten Commandments, the
In my thinking, whatever «God,» «Goddess», «Creator», «Spirit», «Great Spirit», «Source,» or whatever one chooses to call it actually is, it appears more to be energy and movement than some personified Supreme Being puppet master or writer of sacred texts.
Sometimes the words of the sacred text are thought to be the very words of God himself, ipsissima verba, the human element in the situation being merely instrumental.
It is through an acceptance of the humanness of our sacred text, rather than a denial of it, that we discover God's inspiration.
She or he is also, in the first place, an audience to those authors, narrators, characters, and Holy Spirit who «speak» to him or her through the medium of a sacred text.
We need translations of sacred texts that are ecumenical, interfaith and truly inclusive.
Those of the twice - born castes were to begin early the study of the Vedas, which meant to live in the home of a teacher and serve him while learning the wisdom of the sacred texts.
In celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, Crossway Publishing commissioned and published The Four Holy Gospels, featuring Makoto's illuminations of the sacred texts.
The Bible was literally the Word of God, but the Spirit was the author and present interpreter of the sacred text.
In a sort of reverse Orientalism, Traditionalists find that ideal in a decontextualized harmony of the sacred texts of non-Western societies, and particularly in Islam.
Shri Kali Ashram teaches that the world's spiritual heritage has been preserved for thousands of years in many volumes of sacred texts, which provide a rich and complete resource for those who are initiated in the science of reading them.
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, the books) is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures that Jews and Christians consider The Tetragrammaton and the Christian Scriptures.
Instead, they saw their roles as caretakers of a sacred text, transferring Rowling's young hero and his ageless benefactors and adversaries to the screen with a kind of buoyant reverence that often stirred the spirit and never dropped the Quidditch ball.
With the cast led by the British trio of Cumberbatch, Ejiofor and Swinton — not forgetting Benedict Wong, who plays The Ancient One's guardian of the sacred texts — it's pleasing to see a Marvel movie that feels so homegrown.
Izard notes that the learning team «included the Turning the Pages volumes within a set of structured learning tools» to complement a recent exhibition of sacred texts from the library's collection.
Deals with Truth, lies and conspiracy stories and prepares for the idea of sacred texts as a source of truth.
In addition to the sacred texts themselves, popular religious texts also include commentaries of sacred texts.
In the Usana Bali Lontar, one of the sacred texts housed at the temple, there is an ancient legend that describes the formation of Dewi Danu's throne.
Nina Yankowitz's Criss ~ Crossing the Divine is an interactive installation that uses technology to allow people to explore the relative perspectives of sacred texts.
The 5 niyamas are cleanliness, contentment, spiritual purification, study of sacred texts, and devotion to one's higher power.
The Hindus had a rich heritage of the 4 Vedas — the oldest of the sacred texts.
Since the arguments for which is true, Christianity or Islam, are all based on «sac red» texts alone, and both sets of sacred texts are left unquestioned, leave the texts out and provide evidence that one particular faith is more correct.
They're guided by senior rabbinical scholars, but the scholars themselves become, as they walk around the study hall, part of the learning dialogue and expand their own understanding of the sacred text.
«Do not let yourself be guided by the authority of the sacred texts, nor by simple logic, nor by appearance or opinion, nor even by the teachings of your master; when you know in yourself that something is bad, then give it up, and accept the good and follow it.»
«There is an increasing focus on the good use of sacred texts in GCSE Religious Studies with a higher expectation that students will understand the references they are drawing on when they write in their exams,» he explained.
Prayer and the reading of sacred texts, for example, are prescribed ways of drawing closer to God.
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