Sentences with phrase «one's special contribution»

Also included are projects that children can help with, allowing them to make their own special contribution to the family home.
Better still, you will have made a very special contribution to our perpetual efforts to eliminate the need for animal euthanasia wherever possible.
For the wealth - generator, it is notoriously difficult to successfully argue special contribution.
He brings to the book his own special contribution of the MIDAS (Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales) which can be a useful tool for children to gain insight into how they best learn.
A few companies, such as BCE and Canadian National, have voluntarily made special contributions worth hundreds of millions of dollars to their employees» plans.
It is not only a book of interviews with artists, filmmakers, writers, and even the former mayor of Bogotá, but a multilayered collaborative project with special contributions by artists.
The book features an introduction from Marcus Flacks with special contributions from some of the pre-eminent scholars on Chinese art working today: Prof. Zhu Liangzhi (Peking University), Dr Stephen Little (LACMA) and Prof. Richard John Lynn (University of Toronto), as well as beautifully hand - written calligraphy by Liu Dan, one of the most distinguished contemporary Chinese ink artists.
Available to buy via Frame, New Wave Clay is divided into four thematic sections and features special contributions from Edmund de Waal, Hella Jongerius, Grayson Perry, Martin Brudnizki and Sarah Griffin discussing craft, industry, ornament, decorating and collecting.
George L. Schmutz Award for special contribution to the real estate appraisal industry, 1984, presented by the Appraisal Institute
«What special contribution does religion have to make to a world which now has access to so much information and understanding from science, philosophy and all the other disciplines?»
Para Site is delighted to feature special contributions by two participating artists in our current exhibition A beast, a god, and a line, during a brunch held at our home in Quarry Bay.
Furthermore, the Court of Appeal confirmed that the «wife's submission that special contribution requires a combination of financial and other contributions and can not be founded on financial contribution alone has no principled basis unless this can be shown to be discriminatory.
«Special contribution remains a legitimate possibility but only in exceptional circumstances... such a contribution can, in principle, take a number of forms; that it can be non-financial as well as financial; and that it can thus be made by a party whose role has been exclusively that of a home - maker... in some cases... its amount will be so extraordinary as to make it easy for the party who generated it to claim an exceptional and individual quality which deserves special treatment.
What guidance on special contribution, if any, has been given by the Court of Appeal in Work v Gray, asks Bethan Thomas
The Court of Appeal also did not consider it to be helpful to add to the guidance contained in the House of Lords» judgments in Miller and Charman which they said «provide authoritative and clear guidance as to the circumstances and manner in which special contribution is to be applied».
l Annual special contribution award of YoukuTudou Inc. 2014 l Star volunteer of the Beijing Olympic Games
We have special contribution voluntary post on Haiti and other places but not demanded of us.
In addition, Thallapally and his colleagues requested special contributions from others who could not attend the symposium.
In order to celebrate neuroscience outreach, The Dana Foundation and European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB), in collaboration with FENS, has decided to reward special contributions to public outreach through outstanding projects made by individuals and organisations.
However, he reached the decision that the husband had not made «an unmatched special contribution of the kind and to the extent that the authorities require» and had not «displayed the exceptional and individual quality that the authorities require».
The husband's argument regarding special contribution was allowed to proceed to the Court of Appeal and was heard by Sir Terence Etherton MR, King LJ and Moylan LJ in February 2017.
The court must then assess whether any such special contribution is «unmatched» by considering whether the other party has made an equal contribution which is so significant that it would also be inequitable to disregard it.
A panel of distinguished persons from CTO's membership and respected regional and international institutions selected an additional 17 individuals who have made special contributions to the cause of regional tourism.
The barristers had suggested figures of around # 30m — # 50m as a threshold, below which it would be difficult for special contribution to exist.
Viewed in the light of these terms, developed chiefly in Germany and Latin America, with special contributions by Blacks and women in the United States, twentieth - century white male theology in the United States is not found entirely wanting.
With special contributions by Imperfect Articles, INCUBATE, Mess Hall, Seven Three Split, and ThreeWalls.
(v) Special contribution does exist after all and this guidance is likely now to be relied upon rather than Cowan and Lambert.
Meaning, Old Particular bottlings are from only one cask, without colouring and without chill filtration — allowing the cask and the naturally present oils, fats and enzymes in the spirit to make their own special contribution to its nose, mouthfeel, palate and finish.
Thanks to a very special contribution, Utah FACES was able to establish The Diji Fund, which was later renamed the Injured Animal Fund.
«special contribution remains a legitimate possibility but only in exceptional circumstances» (para 42); and later
The Court of Appeal also referred back to Lambert v Lambert [2002] EWCA Civ 1685, [2003] 4 All ER 342 in which, although the court made an unequal division based on special contribution, Bodey J stated that in order to justify a departure from equality «the characteristics or circumstances clearly have to be of a wholly exceptional nature, such that it would be obviously be inconsistent with the objective of achieving fairness for them to be ignored».
Gift of The Junior Associates of The Museum of Modern Art, with special contributions from Anonymous, Scott J. Lorinsky, Yasufumi Nakamura, and The Wider Foundation
To celebrate Parkett's 20th Anniversary, this year's three issues (No. 70, 71, 72) will feature special contributions by both artists and writers on the current state of materiality in contemporary art.
In France, 16 huge - net - worth types, including L'Oreal SA heiress Liliane Bettencourt and Total SA chief executive Christophe de Margerie, signed a petition calling for a «special contribution» by the super-rich to help the country through its current budget crisis, which threatens France's AAA credit rating.
As for the New Testament's special contribution, that too has proved to be of incalculable importance in the history of ideas.
What hurts most is your lack of guidance and your absence of conviction in leading us to discover our special contribution to the future.
We continue our Women of Valor series this morning with a special contribution from Joy Bennett, who sent this story to us this morning from Sri Lanka, where she and a fantastic team of bloggers are reporting for World Vision.
Willow Creek's special contribution is to use theater as a springboard to the sermon.
Because the religious community has been a central part of this history (and because so many leading activists are still among us), it has a special contribution to make here.
Like all highly organized systems, ecclesiocracies are more concerned about whether their leaders are operating within a programmed, «professional» context than about whether their leaders» God - given gifts are allowed to flourish and make their special contributions to the body of Christ.
Every person needs to be conscious of his place within the social complex and aware of the relation between his special contribution and the services performed by others.
Sara Kestenbaum's special contribution to civility back in 1966 was to create for us a sense of belonging where none had existed before.
Professionals in medicine should be accorded high respect and should be granted status and rewards commensurate with their special contribution to human welfare.
The special contribution of Leuven to ongoing Whiteheadian scholarship seems to me to be the drawing of a clearer distinction between the «philosophical absolute» and the «religious absolute.»
Indeed, the thesis according to which religious representations are, like all determinate expressions, a manifestation of the creativity of the mind and thus referred ultimately to reason, fails to recognize the special contribution of phenomenology, which is the irreducibility of these representations to purely rational functions.
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