Sentences with phrase «one's support characters»

Depending on the mode or level picked, players will be able to take command of supporting characters on the battlefield in addition to the main pick.
If you're a popular supporting character in a likable animated film right now, life is good.
The game features 25 characters (* sigh *) along with support character who drop in to help out.
However, those plans don't seem to include these important supporting characters from the «Spider - Man» comics.
Along with support characters to give your fighters a boost this game has a ton to keep you interested in!
No further details were given about the story, or what other supporting characters may be involved.
But many school leaders and parents say they would support character education regardless of mandates.
He's a great supporting character actor that adds just enough in any given role to be memorable but not steal the complete movie.
Speaking of which, the smaller supporting characters add a very hefty amount of comedy to the proceedings.
Every one of the six major supporting characters is given some personality, flair, and a unique perspective.
She has cast a great ensemble of supporting character actors that you will recognize, but probably aren't on a first name basis with.
The government has announced # 6 million worth of funding to support character development in schools.
Even though both are only supporting characters and appear in a few scenes, neither one seems to connect to the material at all on any level.
You also add support characters here, and can trigger them through mapped shoulder buttons.
There are only a few supporting characters throughout the story, but each one provides a different perspective on this mysterious world.
But the new script also undermines her mood - setting efforts with cheap shock tactics — supporting characters seem to have been added just so they could undergo violent, bloody deaths.
His performance as the narrator of the film, as well as the main supporting character, could not be better.
Sadly, the only things this film really has in common with the original are similar creature effects and the return of the least memorable supporting character, now in the lead role.
A little long, a little inconsistent, and a little full of unnecessary supporting characters.
But here's a beautiful thing that's too little remarked on this season: they're all actually supporting characters.
However, now support characters can be switched in with your main character, meaning each one can become the main fighter.
Like the first two films, the newest one features a few solid supporting characters that viewers get to know before some of them are killed.
Call upon striker support characters to assist you in the heat of battle.
This is an instant gratification nation and I want the game inspired by one of the best supporting characters never seen on my screen now.
The one dimensional over the top supporting characters go good on a live stage where you have to have them keep the audiences looking.
Or well - rounded supporting characters, careful plotting, energetic pacing, or any of the other elements a great comedy would need to bolster its central performance.
A love interest between the main hero and his female supporting character?
The rest — from the bland dialogue, to the wacky supporting characters, to the overly - sentimental tone — could have been produced anywhere.
In addition there are support characters which help you with special attacks.
Our program supports character and citizenship initiatives through core curriculum standards such as language arts, health, social studies, math and science.
Some stories can carry a third character mention, though supporting characters usually shouldn't take up much space in a pitch unless your story has a strong romance or relationship plot.
The healing column in the score screen, which was useless for anyone who didn't use a healing support character, is now called the role column.
Supporting characters move in and out of proceedings without it ever becoming clear what their significance is, while the eventual resolutions are straightforward.
In exchange, we focused on designing lots of quests, and added a lot of supporting characters related to these.
However, sluggish pacing, frustrating puzzles and weak supporting characters hold it back from being a truly great experience.
The film has a tight script, likable supporting characters, and plenty of jaw dropping moments.
Keeping track of some of the shady supporting characters is a little confusing, too.
Critics could come around and support this character study at release.
Find evidence in the text to support character descriptions.
One major or supporting character per every 300 - 500 words is a good metric, and most flash fiction stories only have one setting.
For example, it will note if you don't have enough support characters or have too many.
It also has some pretty cool supporting characters, and almost all of them add to the sheer fun of the spectacle.
It almost means that it's a pretty creepy game, with some very unique and twisted supporting characters.
There are also too many supporting characters who get too little screen time on their own making it hard to care about any of the protagonists.
So many of the minor, supporting characters in this novel were dazzling.
There's also little development with the other supporting characters.
Unfortunately the end result is a cast of supporting characters that fall flat without the proper development, and a lead that never quite opens up to the audience.
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